WTB UL enclosed tent. Prefer Z Packs. 2 person-3

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WTB UL enclosed tent. Prefer Z Packs. 2 person-3

Postby sanloz11 » Fri 19 Feb, 2016 1:05 am

Looking at UL tents for summer hiking in Europe with my partner.
Currently have Jannu and its just too much to take along and not needed.
Would consider a swap though due to tight funds and not needing 3 season tent until after my return.

Prefer Z packs but happy to sus out some other products.
I really want bug protection, minimal poles and sitting up space.
600g or under preferred... unless its a Z packs 3 person ;)

Thanks in advance guys!

Also need a new stove. MSR jet boiler is my first choice.
Also still looking for UL Duna ... for my partner. I have an EE one that I LOVE!

Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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