- Cairn Creek Hut
On the Thursday before Easter I headed up to Mt Bogong to check out a walk that I haven't done for around 25 years, the figure 8 loop over the mountain and down to Cairn Creek Hut. I haven't walked up here since the bushfires that went through 10 years or so ago and I was interested to see how bad it was pushing through the fire regrowth. The answer was it was fairly tough, but as I've made it back then it's obviously doable. The track down from Quartz Ridge to Cairn Creek Hut is for the most part OK, although you will still be pushing through some regrowth, particularly when the pad leaves the spur crest and plunges down the side of the spur towards Cairn Creek Hut. The Granny Spur/Horse Ridge climb was hard walking, the scrub was a lot more sustained than from what I remember 25 years ago - although that may be because I'm 25 years older! Including stops it took me almost 6 hours to climb out of the valley and meet the pole line near Tadgell Point.

- Heading down Quartz Ridge on day 1.

- Pushing up through the scrub on Granny Spur, day 2.
The rest of the walk was pretty much as I remember it, Staircase is unrelentingly steep but generally a good clear track, Quartz Ridge is stunning walking in spots on a clear pad and Eskdale was a better way for me to descend although the track is more eroded and gravely than I remember from years ago.

- High up on Horse Ridge, that's Tadgell Point infront of me.
This was a walk of two parts really, on my climb up Staircase and then down Quartz Ridge and finally to Cairn Creek on day 1 I only saw one day walker. Surprise, surprise on the climb up Granny Spur and Horse Ridge on day 2 I didn't come across anyone, but once on the pole line near Cleve Cole I had no shortage of company for the remaining day and a half of my walk, in fact on the Easter Saturday I've never seen so many people on the mountain, just as well that the conditions were as benign as I've ever experienced up there as it appeared that a lot of the day walker's kit consisted of a plastic water bottle and nothing else.

- Climbing out of the Snow Gums near Cleve Cole, day 3 was a cracker of a day.
I've written up a blog post about my walk here
http://goinferalonedayatatime.blogspot. ... -park.html if you want to check out a few more pictures.
If your really interested then my journal
http://hiking.topicwise.com/doc/goinferalonmtbogong has a lot more info and photos on it.

- I'm on my way down Eskdale Spur now, heading home for a hot shower.