Overnight at Underground Creek Remote Camp - Girraween Natio

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Overnight at Underground Creek Remote Camp - Girraween Natio

Postby AJamesBrown » Tue 12 Apr, 2016 2:47 pm

Hi all! A few weeks ago you were all kind enough to help me prepare a trip to Girraween, so I thought it was only fair to share the results!

Thanks for your help with the campsite location, there only ended up being three of us able to make it. We had a blast, it's not the first time we've been out to Girraween and definitely won't be the last! We were perhaps a little underprepared and expected with all the rain the week prior there would be water in the creeks.

GPS track of the first day here
GPS track of the second day here

Images and captions are hosted here on Imgur, I hope this isn't against the rules?
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Re: Overnight at Underground Creek Remote Camp - Girraween N

Postby ofuros » Tue 12 Apr, 2016 3:46 pm

Great area to explore & enjoyed your trip pics, AJamesBrown. :mrgreen:
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Re: Overnight at Underground Creek Remote Camp - Girraween N

Postby bigkev » Wed 20 Apr, 2016 7:45 pm

Thanks for the link to the photos, its an area that I've been wanting to check out for awhile so it was nice to get a bit of an idea of what it looks like on the ground.

Cheers Kevin
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Re: Overnight at Underground Creek Remote Camp - Girraween N

Postby Thatoutdoorsyguy » Thu 21 Apr, 2016 6:03 am

Great post!
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Re: Overnight at Underground Creek Remote Camp - Girraween N

Postby cams » Thu 21 Apr, 2016 5:38 pm

Great stuff guys. You definitely had a good first day taking in all the side trips too. Nicely done.

You took an interesting route up Turtle Rock by going up the right hand side of that giant flake. Did you see the easier route further round?
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Re: Overnight at Underground Creek Remote Camp - Girraween N

Postby AJamesBrown » Tue 26 Apr, 2016 7:10 pm

ofuros wrote:Great area to explore & enjoyed your trip pics, AJamesBrown. :mrgreen:

Thanks Ofuros, I appreciate all the help you've offered in the preparation for this trip, your activity on this forum, and your blog!

bigkev wrote:Thanks for the link to the photos, its an area that I've been wanting to check out for awhile so it was nice to get a bit of an idea of what it looks like on the ground.

Glad to hear someone could put it to use Kevin! I always scour the web looking for info on upcoming trips so feel it's only right to put some back up :)

cams wrote:You took an interesting route up Turtle Rock by going up the right hand side of that giant flake. Did you see the easier route further round?

To be honest we didn't see the easier route... We saw this route as a possibility so tried our luck with it. We'll keep the easier route in mind for next trip, thanks!
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