Camp sites between the Three Peaks

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Camp sites between the Three Peaks

Postby bushnut » Tue 31 May, 2016 8:53 pm

Hi All

We are planning on doing the Three Peaks over three days as a rough loop from the Kanangra side (i.e. not doing the 'challenge') and want to know what people think are the better sites/areas to camp.

Our current thinking is around Thunder Bend on night 1 and then at the base of the Nooroo Buttress on night 2. Obviously water is a factor but if there are better areas to camp - perhaps with better vistas - we would be keen to know.

Any info is much appreciated.

Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Camp sites between the Three Peaks

Postby clarence » Fri 03 Jun, 2016 10:03 pm

In the absence of any other replies I will put in my twenty cents worth.

I am going off my notes made over several years and several trips. Doesn't mean I have camped at them, sometimes I note down a good campsite when I am passing by for future reference.

Campsite in saddle 300m southeast of Cloudmaker heading out to Ti Willa Top (a bit out of the way, but an option- water can be found in Ti Willa Creek- how far down is the question).

Campsite at Thunder bend just N of junction with Thunder Creek (shown on Gangerang Sketch map too).

I recall the summit of Paralyser being fairly flat and camp-able (but I may be corrected).

Campsite on Whalania Creek near junction with Jenolan Creek.

Campsite on Gouougang summit, just near big cairn (may be a bivvy site - not big enough for tent - since I was last there).

Very pleasant open forest campsite in saddle about 300m NW of Gouougang summit. My map indicates water 250m N of here- may depend on how much rain there has been.

Water just W of Ferny Flat in head of tributary of Micks Gully.

Last time I did it we took hammocks and camped half way up Nooroo Buttress (for something different).

I hope this helps.

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Re: Camp sites between the Three Peaks

Postby DaveNoble » Sat 04 Jun, 2016 10:40 am

bushnut wrote:Hi All

We are planning on doing the Three Peaks over three days as a rough loop from the Kanangra side (i.e. not doing the 'challenge') and want to know what people think are the better sites/areas to camp.

Our current thinking is around Thunder Bend on night 1 and then at the base of the Nooroo Buttress on night 2. Obviously water is a factor but if there are better areas to camp - perhaps with better vistas - we would be keen to know.

Any info is much appreciated.


Note 1 - It is not the "Three Peaks" - that starts and ends at Katoomba and needs to be completed < 48 hours. You would be doing a Cloudmaker- Paralyser - Guouogang Walk.
Note 2 - The "Three Peaks Challenge" is either a walk in England or a bike ride in Victoria or something else.

It is a great walk to visit Cloudmaker- Paralyser - Guouogang over any time period and from any starting location.

Campsites -

Small campsites on High and Mighty
Some of the saddles between Rip, Rack, Road and Rumble can be OK for camping in
Thunder bend - good camping in various sites - you may have to wander around a bit to find grassy flats though. They can get overgrown. Some of the terraces a little higher can be very good.
Camping on Paralyser is OK if you carry up water. the top is open forest, but a bit rocky.
Camping in Whalania Ck - only small sites. Nettles!
Camp part way up Nooroo Butress - fine, small level or nearly level sites (obvious on map) - from about 300 m up.
Camp on Guouogang - excellent open campsites within the thickets between the top of Nooroo Butress and the summit cairn. You walk inside these thickets to avoid the scrub.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Camp sites between the Three Peaks

Postby clarence » Sat 04 Jun, 2016 8:19 pm

DaveNoble wrote:
Note 1 - It is not the "Three Peaks" - that starts and ends at Katoomba and needs to be completed < 48 hours. You would be doing a Cloudmaker- Paralyser - Guouogang Walk.

Let's not get too pedantic! Next there will be a defined location for where it can actually start and finish in Katoomba :o

I'd still say it's a Three Peaks walk, and great to see that people are out there having a go and doing a bit of sensible homework.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Camp sites between the Three Peaks

Postby DaveNoble » Sun 05 Jun, 2016 12:14 am

clarence wrote:
Let's not get too pedantic! Next there will be a defined location for where it can actually start and finish in Katoomba :o


There is, and has been since the 1960's at least.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Camp sites between the Three Peaks

Postby ribuck » Sun 05 Jun, 2016 12:40 am

If you go back far enough, the tradition was that you had to start and finish at Katoomba railway station. Indeed I've done it that way, but in 72 hours.

What really counts though, is the Coxs River to Coxs River time. Apparently you get some notoriety for doing that within 24 hours. But those who enjoy the scenery have more fun.
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Re: Camp sites between the Three Peaks

Postby bushnut » Sun 05 Jun, 2016 8:22 pm

Thanks so much for the replies. Really helpful information.

Will get a trip report up as soon as we can and cover the campsites too.

Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Camp sites between the Three Peaks

Postby bushtucker » Mon 06 Jun, 2016 10:02 am

Thanks all. We appreciate the input and responses - always so helpful. I thought I'd add some context in that BushNut and I (both named Daniel) are doing this bushwalk together. We put our treks and write-ups here for others to see:

I'm going to add Google Maps links for each of the walks we've done. We're also a bit behind schedule. We need to add 3 more walks to the website!!! But it's hard to find the time to do the write-ups.


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