by michael_p » Fri 15 Jul, 2016 3:46 pm
I have converted the bounds for all 771 25k NSW topos into UTM. As the 25k maps don't cover the whole state I have done the 100k maps as well.
The forum software wont let me upload csv files and I tried changing the file extension but it still throws errors. I understand this is to protect the forum users from virus type attacks, fair enough. If people want the data, PM me an email address and I am happy to email the files.
Here is some sample data from the 25k csv file (100k file is same format):
Map Number,Map Name,Min Lat,Max Lat,Min Long,Max Long,UTM min easting,UTM max easting,UTM min northing,UTM max northing,UTM zone
I have done the data extracting and massaging with Linux shell scripts and used the website for the actual utm conversion. I am pretty confident that I have done this correctly but if anyone finds errors please let me know.
P.S. When I get time I will have a look at converting 6 digit UTMs to proper format. I might be able to do this with AWK...thinking....thinking...
One foot in front of the other.