Martin's Lookout to Bunyan's Lookout

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Martin's Lookout to Bunyan's Lookout

Postby mjakm1997 » Sat 06 Aug, 2016 6:24 pm


First time poster. Was looking at doing this walk perhaps next weekend: ... on.html#tn, but one thing I'd like to know is how overgrown the track between Martin and Bunyan lookout is, since the website has given that section an Experienced Only rating. If anyone has done this walk, their insight would be appreciated.

Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Martin's Lookout to Bunyan's Lookout

Postby jonnosan » Sat 06 Aug, 2016 7:09 pm

There is a well maintained track from Martins lookout down to the creek. The creek crossing itself is a little faint, and then on the other side you end up in a rocky area which makes it hard to see the path, but there are a few cairns marking the way, then you should pick up the pad that winds up the side of the ridge on the other side. It should be pretty distinct from there up to Bunyans.
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Re: Martin's Lookout to Bunyan's Lookout

Postby johnw » Sat 06 Aug, 2016 8:55 pm

We revisited this walk recently. Agree with Jonnosan, the track is mostly well defined, just watch the nav around the creek crossing following the descent from Martins Lookout. After you cross, head left for a short distance and look for the track continuing up the first switchback ramp. Be careful not to take a very steep pad that you may notice going directly up the hill before that. There is an old signpost near the start of the correct ascent, but it can be obscured by scrub and a bit hard to see. Once you are on the correct climb it's all good and easy to follow. If you have the time and energy you could also consider walking around to Lost World Lookout where the memorial cross is. We made a nice circuit on the return by going upstream to Perch Ponds then out via the Batman track and back down the fire trail to Martins LO.
John W

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Re: Martin's Lookout to Bunyan's Lookout

Postby mjakm1997 » Sun 07 Aug, 2016 2:39 pm

Thanks guys for the feedback. Will take it into consideration.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Martin's Lookout to Bunyan's Lookout

Postby DaveNoble » Mon 08 Aug, 2016 9:31 am

It may be worth looking at Open Street Maps. They have the tracks in that area pretty well marked.
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Re: Martin's Lookout to Bunyan's Lookout

Postby sharpstones » Tue 09 Aug, 2016 8:56 pm

I did that walk a couple months ago for the first time, went on to Lost World and then back.

It is quite straight-forward - there was a bit of flagging out there too when I did it. When you get to the creek crossing there's a dead tree which should guide/block you from proceeding further downstream so you cross at the right point. The stairs cut in the rock also gave it away for me. I believe I read about Psalm 23 being chiselled into rock somewhere not far downstream from the place you cross when you are still on the North side of the creek which I did not know of until later.

I had mostly no problems following the track but I did "stuff up" about 1/2 way between the creek crossing and Bunyan L/O. Around there I came upon this rocky area and not seeing the track swing left I started to head up the hill. I noticed it was a bit rough and I had some second-thoughts on whether this was the way but before I did any back-tracking I heard some voices up ahead so I called out to them as they sounded like they were in the same boat as me. Basically instead of walking over that outcrop you go around it and the track is obvious. For the group they missed the stair formation which peels off to the right if you were coming back from Bunyan.

The other thing I noticed was that if you were hypothetically coming down from Bunyan L/O for the first time the track on its descent passes through "gaps" in the rocks which to me were unlikely looking places and if my memory is good there's probably a cairn at least at one of those points. Anyway going up is easier so it will all be clear once you arrive at Bunyan.
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Re: Martin's Lookout to Bunyan's Lookout

Postby mjakm1997 » Sat 10 Sep, 2016 7:01 pm

So, just as an update, did this walk today, and I think it's fair to say I may have overestimated the difficulty of the trail linking the two lookouts. As people correctly pointed out, the track leading to the creek was very distinct, and the creek crossing was fairly noticeable (someone was even nice enough to put a ribbon at the spot you are supposed to cross at), and on the other side of the creek, there was yet another ribbon to mark which way to turn up the hill, which made life a lot easier. From there, it's very much straightforward to the lookout.

Thanks all for the help.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Martin's Lookout to Bunyan's Lookout

Postby tom_brennan » Mon 12 Sep, 2016 11:59 am

Keep in mind that the WildWalks grading is based on Australian Standards for walking tracks. Anything involving rough tracks or no signs is going to get that sort of a rating.
Quality of track Rough unclear track (5/6)
Signs No directional signs (5/6)

I have a similar walk on my website (Glenbrook to Springwood via Bunyans LO - and it’s graded Easy-Medium for skill level (rough tracks). But my track notes are aimed at bushwalkers, so the grading system is quite different!
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