Just a little OT - Cradle end

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Just a little OT - Cradle end

Postby beanie kids » Sat 10 Oct, 2009 6:40 pm


I'm a newie - great forum thanks! The family is pondering about various post-Xmas day walks around Cradle and thought we could spice it up with the kids by camping out somewhere on the tracks for a night or 2 - but it looks quite regulated (ie: NO) - can anyone confirm this? Seeing as we are looking at a time when bookings are full for the OT - does anyone know if camping at Waterfall or Scott Kilven is permitted only if booked as part of the OT or can you camp there and return to Cradle without an OT booking? A mad plan at the moment so open to all suggestions for other 2 day-ish walks in Tas locales. Kids have walked various NZ multi-days so OK with sleet and mtns.... :D
beanie kids
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Re: Just a little OT - Cradle end

Postby rabbit » Sat 10 Oct, 2009 7:09 pm

I'm pretty sure you don't have to have an OT booking unless walking the full length of the Overland track.

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Re: Just a little OT - Cradle end

Postby eggs » Sat 10 Oct, 2009 7:50 pm

I don't have any recent experience of numbers on the OT around Christmas, but I am fairly confident accommodation would be tighter at Waterfall Valley than Scott-Kilvert hut.
The ranger at Waterfall Valley will check for an OT pass, but would accept the explanation that you are not going on.

You should probably be prepared to tent it either way, but I do like the Scott-Kilvert Hut. It is on the path less taken.
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Re: Just a little OT - Cradle end

Postby tomberli » Mon 19 Oct, 2009 4:34 am

Unless you are walking the whole track you won't need a booking (theoretically you can walk from Cradle to Pine Valley and return - as long as you don't get to Narcissus - although you might get in trouble for that)
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Re: Just a little OT - Cradle end

Postby Ent » Mon 19 Oct, 2009 8:16 am

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Re: Just a little OT - Cradle end

Postby frank_in_oz » Mon 19 Oct, 2009 8:45 am

You might also want to have a think about the Walls of Jerusalum area - very nice, not too hard for a family and some beautiful scenery.

We did it a while ago as a 3 nighter and had a great time: This is the link to the blog post we did about it. http://frankinoz.blogspot.com/2007/11/walls-of-jerusalem-sunny-lazy-days-in.html Enjoy!
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Re: Just a little OT - Cradle end

Postby beanie kids » Tue 27 Oct, 2009 6:53 pm

Thanks for the suggestions everyone - given time restrictions and likelihood that CM will be very busy, we think we will opt for Walls of Jerusalem - with 2 nights on the Wild Dog platforms. I just wish you hadn't posted that blog pic of the big Tiger Snake :roll: (there's a reason I like NZ tramping...)

I've never been to WOJ but it looks good as I really like Twisted Lakes type terrain. We are fine with uphills and sleet, the only prob would be if there were big boulder scrambles or scree. Just wondering - who with kids gets them to wear gaiters? We have boots/overpants but I can't find gaiters to fit skinny kid legs - should I try harder or get out the machine or not bother??
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