Moondog's snow trip - Cecile's report

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Re: Moondog's snow trip - Cecile's report

Postby Cecile » Sat 13 Aug, 2016 12:50 pm

neilmny wrote:While we were up there I was tempted to accost any poor bugger with a beard with the enquiry äre you by any chance Moondog?"
But fortunately I restrained myself as some not in the know may have been taken aback. :D

Cracked us both up!
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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The return - or should I say misadventure?

Postby Cecile » Wed 17 Aug, 2016 8:33 pm

So after a week's "holiday" MD headed back today. The easiest way was to take the train to Wangaratta, then bus to Mount Beauty. All booked, ticket paid for. What he didn't count on was missing the train at Southern Cross. The ONLY train for the day. And the Mount Beauty bus only runs Monday-Wednesday-Friday.

8pm, Me: Are you at turnback?
MD: I'm in Wodonga.
Me: WT eff are you doing in Wodonga?
MD: I was in the loo and missed the train ( didn't know there is a loo on the train???) so I switched my ticket to Wodonga. I'm hoping to hitch a ride, but if need be I'll walk to Mount Beauty.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Misadventure update!

Postby Cecile » Thu 18 Aug, 2016 9:32 am

He only had to wait two hours before some kind soul picked him up at Wodonga. By the time they got to Dederang the pub was closed so one cold night sleeping rough at Dederang Rec Reserve. Guess who only had his day pack, which does not have emergency sleeping gear in it? This morning he got a lift to the Falls Creek gate, and someone he knows picked him up and dropped him in the village. He's at Halley's, coffee'd and warmed up so feeling much more chipper than before. "It's a beautiful day here today, I'm headed back to my camp to check the damage."
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Moondog's snow trip - Cecile's report

Postby neilmny » Thu 18 Aug, 2016 10:51 am

Gotta hand it to Moondog. As they say where there's a will there's a way........MD sure has the will. :D
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Re: Moondog's snow trip - Cecile's report

Postby Cecile » Sat 20 Aug, 2016 8:14 pm

"I have a good signal and a little battery left. I'm snowed in, there's been a huge dump and the groomers have not been out yet! There are eight young ladies in love with me (LaTrobe University is running one of their courses. All eight were apparently crowded into PV hut.) I'm fine though, and am headed back to camp because I'm borderline cold."

I wonder if one of these would be a good idea?? I rather think that the rangers would nix that idea quick-smart!
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Moondog's snow trip - Cecile's report

Postby Stew63 » Mon 22 Aug, 2016 9:59 pm

Ted's gonna need a bigger sled. :D
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Re: Moondog's snow trip - Cecile's report

Postby Cecile » Tue 23 Aug, 2016 7:24 am

Stew63 wrote:

Ted's gonna need a bigger sled. :D

Athrotaxis cupressoides
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And for today's news....

Postby Cecile » Fri 26 Aug, 2016 9:18 pm

"I'm headed home. There's still plenty of skiing but I think I've had enough. If I can get a lift back to just ski I might go for a weekend."

He's in Myrtleford and should be here around midnight, if he doesn't get too tired to drive safely. If he is, he'll bivvy somewhere and be home in the morning.

I'll let Ted finish the story!
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Moondog's snow trip - Cecile's report

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 27 Aug, 2016 1:31 pm

Not much to add
I did lose a bit of extra weight but not much, back down to 89/90 kilos
Ve are too soon old und too late schmart
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