Alternative to Nibelung Pass chains (Budawangs)

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Alternative to Nibelung Pass chains (Budawangs)

Postby ribuck » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 10:07 pm

Everyone who has walked from Castle Saddle to Monolith Valley will have encountered the chain at the head of Nibelung Pass.

In the 2004 edition of Ron Doughton's book "Bushwalking in the Budawangs", the chain is of course mentioned. But I was interested to see that a previous edition of the book includes details of an alternative:

Once entered, Nibelung Pass provides about half a kilometre of tightly twisting track until the cliff lines on both sides converge, leaving only two choices to enter the Monolith Valley proper. One is a scramble up a short rocky section, modified only by muddy handholds and a chain, beside the northern side (right hand) of the track. The second is more civilized (i.e. easier) and consists of a series of ledges leading to the top of the southern...

This is from a snippet which I got when I did a Google Books search, but I haven't been able to coax the rest of this paragraph out of Google Books.

Is anyone familiar with this alternative route which avoids the chain? And if someone has an earlier edition of the book, could they please post the remainder of the description (it's on page 25). Thanks!

I'm surprised that Ron Doughton mentions that the second route is easier, because the first route is straightforward. When the chained route is dry, it's easy to ascend without using the chain. And when it's wet and muddy, it's easy to ascend by using the chain. Perhaps the author had some type of bad experience with the chain.
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Re: Alternative to Nibelung Pass chains (Budawangs)

Postby Grabeach » Sun 07 Aug, 2016 11:04 am

Everyone who has walked from Castle Saddle to Monolith Valley will have encountered the chain at the head of Nibelung Pass.

Ah ..... no! Didn't see any chain when through there in the mid 80s. As we just sort of wandered up with no great difficulty with overnight packs, I assume we took the alternative route. Sorry I can't remember specific directions, but it was 30 years ago. Perhaps they were installed after that. I note they weren't mentioned in the previously published Pigeon House and Beyond (1st Ed.),
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Re: Alternative to Nibelung Pass chains (Budawangs)

Postby Lizzy » Sun 07 Aug, 2016 1:28 pm

the second is less used and consists of a series of ledges leading to the top of the southern converging cliff line in the pass. The beginning of this exit nay be found a few metres opposite the first mentioned exit, but care must be taken to move to the left-hand side of the pass canyon

Ron Doughton, Bushwalking in the Budawangs. 1993
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Re: Alternative to Nibelung Pass chains (Budawangs)

Postby jackhinde » Sun 07 Aug, 2016 4:09 pm

Currently impassable due to dense vegetation. Like most of the Budawangs, a few fires are needed.
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Re: Alternative to Nibelung Pass chains (Budawangs)

Postby ribuck » Mon 08 Aug, 2016 12:41 am

Thanks everyone for your responses. Lizzy, I appreciate the quote from the book. Thanks!

Grabeach wrote:Didn't see any chain when through there in the mid 80s ... I assume we took the alternative route.

The first time I visited Nibelung Pass was in 1981, and the chains were already there, so I guess you found the alternative route. On my subsequent visits, it never occurred to me to look for an alternative.

jackhinde wrote:Currently impassable due to dense vegetation. Like most of the Budawangs, a few fires are needed.

I agree with you about that, Jack! The vegetation in the Budawangs has changed enormously in the past decades due to fewer fires. I think part of Monolith Valley burned in 1979, but the fire didn't reach Nibelung Pass.

Monolith Valley was such a playground back then. When you saw an interesting monolith, you could easily make your way across to it and explore it. And you could actually view the sunset from Sunset Cave, because the trees had not yet grown up in front of it.

I found this old photo of Monolith Valley. So different!
The Monolith Valley from The Shrouded Gods Mountain. Budawangs National Park, NSW, October, 1970. by Dennis, on Flickr
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Re: Alternative to Nibelung Pass chains (Budawangs)

Postby ribuck » Wed 24 Aug, 2016 6:57 am

Another alternative to the Nibelung Pass chains would be the pass between Mt Mooryan and Shrouded Gods Mountain. There is a mention of a group going this way in "Pigeon House And Beyond", and it is shown as negotiable on some sketch maps. Does anyone know what the route is like?
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