Edmondson's hut snow shoe/snow camp trip report

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Edmondson's hut snow shoe/snow camp trip report

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 06 Sep, 2016 1:34 pm

On Sept. 3rd and 4th we went out to Edmondson's hut on snow shoes and snow camped there. It was a memorable snow shoe trek . A full trip report is coming soon. :D
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Edmondson's hut snow shoe/snow camp trip report

Postby Rlgm12 » Tue 06 Sep, 2016 4:12 pm

Looking forward to it
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Re: Edmondson's hut snow shoe/snow camp trip report

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 06 Sep, 2016 7:44 pm

Snow shoe trekking/ snow camping.
3, 4/9/16
Fall’s Creek /Windy Corner to Edmondson’s hut via heathy spur. Return via Watch bed creek.

I met my fellow two VNPA snow shoe trekkers Richard and Grant in front of the Mt. Beauty ‘stupor market’ at 9 am on Saturday 3.9.16 .
We jumped into Richard’s car and drove up to Fall’s Creek and parked at Windy Corner.
The snow line had receded a great deal since when I went for a ski lesson/day trip to Fall’s Creek on 22/8/16.We didn’t need to fit chains this time and the place seemed to be much less busy than it was on that fresh deep powder snow day late last month. In fact it had ‘the season is ending’ kind of vibe really.
Once we were ready , we put the packs on , fitted the snow shoes and made final adjustments at 10.30 am , we started walking up the BHP road. The snow was slushy and the road surface was showing through whereas on the 22/8/16 there was deep complete powder snow.
The trail past Windy corner was not groomed and the road was free of snow and ice as we crossed the dam wall and signed the intentions book. As we followed a compass direction NE up Heathy spur we found the snow to be deep and soft which made for slow going uphill.
After the dam wall there was some signs of grooming and temporary pole lines for the Hoppett XC ski race from the week before , but the road was showing through in places again. The Rain damage from the mid-week downpour had been cosmetically repaired with 14 Cms of fresh wet snow falling above 1600 M on Friday night 2/9/16.
There was nowhere to stop to rest and eat that was sheltered en route so we powered on through to Ed. Hut in about 4 hours. We were totally knackered by the time we arrived and ate lunch like we had not eaten for a week .I was hating the last kilometer. My legs and my stomach had better plans than what I was making myself do .
A cup of hot tea was priceless at the hut. Ed. Hut was partially buried in snow. Somebody had cut steps in the ice/ snow down to the bottom of the front door. The wood shed was snow bound and not well stocked.
Later that day we dug the wood shed out and I cut some dead wood from a dead snow gum tree and dragged it into the wood shed from near the creek . That was tough what with the soft deep snow.
A group of Latrobe Uni. Outdoor education Students, all under graduates and the epitome of fresh faced uncorrupted youth were also snow camping/ XC skiing in the vicinity of the hut .They had built an igloo and snow furniture. The snow was very malleable in the afternoon. Another chap was making a snow cave. These kids slept in these creations too.

The Creek down behind the hut was flowing. The snow at the Creek was at least a metre deep and where it had stopped abruptly at the creek itself , it looked quite polar indeed.
The weather on Sat. 3/9/16 was not too bad. It was overcast, the wind was very cold but visibility was not bad really. I could navigate without too much trouble, keeping the compass handy. It began to rain lightly as we neared the hut and followed the pole line into the trees.
After lunch there were sunny breaks alternating with light snow showers as we dug out our tent sites and erected snow camping tents.

I went and fetched some water and the other chaps went up the Ridge towards the Mt. Nelse summit ridge line without their packs. Richard and Grant said they saw two boys and two girls running around naked up on the Mt. Nelse ridge line.

The hut is not very warm even with the fire burning so I was glad I had a down vest and full length thermals and two fleece tops. It was still good to hang out there after dusk and cook, eat , dry out a few things and play some guitar. As always I brought some candles and firelighters.
The students didn’t use the hut at all so we had it to ourselves until it was time for sleep .
I was cozy and warm in my tent and I slept very well after a tough day on snowshoes in deep soft spring snow.
Day two started just before day break. We were up early .As the sun came up over the hill ,It looked promising , with clearing skies and sunny breaks . I went and fetched some more water wearing my micro spikes. The Surface had frozen solidly overnight. It had snowed lightly overnight too. I used my ice axe to get my snow pegs out of the surface in order to pack up my tent. The possibility of filling in the snow scar made but the tent site was remote because the surface was like a rock .
We ate breakfast in the hut and packed up. We were off at around 8.30 am. The initial plan was to go up to the South Summit of Mt. Nelse but it was in the wrong direction and rather up hill and we were battling an icy headwind in clear sunshine alternating with rolling cloud cover.
We elected to come back next year and do that white season peak bagging and trudged along the frozen crunchy pole line of the AAWT heading for the junction with the Heathy spur route. The scenery in the clear sunshine made the completely white landscape , with complete snow cover and the undulating treeless high plateau a truly extraordinary place to be.
It was still one foot in front of another with a heavy winter pack but this section of the trip made it all worthwhile and was the true highlight.
Some XC skiers from Johnston’s hut , people from the East Gippsland ski club told us that we were lucky it had snowed on Friday night because when they came in on skis during the day on Friday there were patches of grass showing through . This white season has been quite rainy and not as snowy as it could have been.
The snow began to soften by about 10 am and then we began to sink . Richard sank into a stream that was covered well with snow. The poor fellow was stuck like a fly in amber. We had to dig him out with our poles.
We headed down the pole line for Watch bed creek and the wind became less fierce and cold as we entered the tree line. The snow was much softer at the lower elevation and sinking with each step seemed to be the norm which made it harder work all round.
I was using my MSR snow shoe extensions on my MSR Revo explore snow shoes. In spring snow with a huge pack strapped to my back they are of some discernable advantage.
We took a break at the gate along the Watch bed creek track. Then suddenly the sunshine vanished and the clouds rolled in and it seemed chilly again. By the time we were slogging it along the BHP towards the Rocky Valley dam wall we could hardly see more than 5 metres ahead.
The clouds hovered above the water surface. We passed many XC skiers heading out from the resort. Few were dressed for any kind of bad weather which struck us as being odd.
One woman asked about accessing the Heathy spur trail from Watch bed creek. I told her that there are numerous temporary pole lines out there leading in various directions and it is best to follow a compass direction because everything looks the same : WHITE .
We had another rest at the Dam wall where we ticked our names off in the intentions book. The snow along the BHP road was good in some places and not there at all in other spots. I had to take my snow shoes off to cross the dam wall road.
Once we went across the Nordic bowl which was groomed but showing a few bare patches ,the BHP road just before Windy corner was just Macadamized road surface and we had to carry the snow shoes back to the car from there. Patches of grass were showing near the Observation point above the Lake.
Back at the car more snow had melted and we didn't need the chains at all. Job done and three fellows went home quite pleased with the adventure they'd had.
I slept like a log, that night!.
It was a memorable trip which I will repeat next year.

I suspect this September will be a very short season for back country snow fiends. The South faces of Mt. Bogong will hang onto some snow and so will the south faces of the Fainters and Mt. Feathertop but there is the sound of water running everywhere up there now and the end for white season 2016 is nigh. I have had super white season with 8 trips in one June to September frenzy of activity. The sunny days at Mt. Buffalo: (25.6.16), Mt. Bogong (7.8.16) and Mt. Nelse (4.9.16) have been true highlights. So too was the early July solo trip to Craig’s hut and back in one day from the Bluff spur hut .I must mention the winter ascent of Mt. Torbreck in full snow cover in July. It was a super day trip and adventure, setting out from Melbourne.
I even had my first ever Classic XC ski lesson on 22.8.16 at Fall’s Creek in deep , full powder snow .I might try that again next season.
We might see some snow at the summit of the Fainters when we head up there from Bogong village on the first weekend of October. I will report on that when I get a chance and of course some photos will appear eventually.
It seems one of my film cameras’ shutters was only partially working so I have photos with black incursions into the prints. Not to worry, the main thing is that one goes out and does these things, has the adventure and avoids living the experience through the photos.
Last edited by paidal_chalne_vala on Fri 09 Sep, 2016 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Edmondson's hut snow shoe/snow camp trip report

Postby Xplora » Wed 07 Sep, 2016 5:54 am

What is a 'stupor market'? Warm weather and rain has made this season quite unusual. There have been some really good snow events only to be washed away with big rain events which then turn cold and give a little snow back at the end. More rain/snow predicted for Friday but I fear it will be a net loss, particularly below 1400m. I can see patches of green on BHP from my window. Spring walking is great anyway. Early morning starts give you a good hard surface for some fast walking and as you have indicated by 10am it is soft. Spring skiing on the southern faces is supposed to be some of the best. Anyway the thaw has made for a good start to the rafting season but I fear it will also be short lived as the thaw is will be a bit quicker this year.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Edmondson's hut snow shoe/snow camp trip report

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 08 Sep, 2016 1:47 am

Some Photos of the Ed. hut trek via a link. Click here.

http://www.meetup.com/BWAG-Bushwalking- ... /27250294/
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Edmondson's hut snow shoe/snow camp trip report

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 18 Sep, 2016 9:53 pm

http://www.meetup.com/BWAG-Bushwalking- ... #454228371
More pic.s have ben posted to this link/website.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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