by Hallu » Wed 14 Sep, 2016 1:30 am
My biggest concern right now is making people pay full price for what is essentially a Two Capes Track. The first one is still not in. And I still haven't heard what will happen to the pricetag once it is : same price (in that case previous Two Capes walkers will feel robbed) or more expensive (in that there'll be outrage at the price bump) ? I don't mind the wide track with duckboard, it usually helps the vegetation recover as well so it's a worthy sacrifice, but the giant huts I don't know... It remind me of how they overengineered the Skyline trail in Highland of Cape Breton national park in Nova Scotia, Canada. It's now basically a small road for pedestrians with full duckboard at the end, and it's absolutely packed with people. It's not a pleasant experience. I doubt it'll be as packed in a region as remote as Tasmania, plus it's still a multi day hike, but I just hate the pricetag. You say the easy walking opens it to firsttime walkers, I'm saying overall it does the contrary because it's way too expensive. Having travelled quite a bit now, I've always felt that Aussies are the best track builders in the world. No too engineered, bridges and duckboard just where it's needed (something Europe sometimes lacks), no unnecessary climbs like in Canada, safe railings but not too much like in the US, maintainted lookouts etc... but it's always been for everyone to enjoy. Not here, this feels exclusive.