OLT Huts need to change

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OLT Huts need to change

Postby dazintaz » Tue 18 Oct, 2016 6:51 am

If the powers that be from PWS read this maybe they could get some tips from the experts that use it?

Every single hut is majorly flawed on the OLT.

Waterfall Valley not enough bench seating or sleeping space when its at capacity. And when it is, people shouldn't need to sleep on the verandah or on the floor.

Windermere should have been positioned overlooking lake too far away from a stunning vista, not enough seating.

Pelion Hut dark and gloomy, whats the need for a wrap around verandah? Waste. Heating appalling for such a monstrous space.

Kia Ora. Knock it down start again. Nothing good about this hut unless its winter and you have a small group.

Bert Nicholls. Who ever decided to put a heater in the corner? The installation of heat vents to rooms that serve no purpose. Rooms dark and gloomy. Most people sleep in the dining area.

Naricissus by now, i have given up.

Why is it so difficult to get it right? It's simply common sense. I hope going forward hikers get the opportunity to have some input into future developments.
Last edited by dazintaz on Tue 18 Oct, 2016 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Strider » Tue 18 Oct, 2016 10:48 am

Have you considered buying a tent? I love mine :)

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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Mark F » Tue 18 Oct, 2016 11:12 am

Strider wrote:Have you considered buying a tent? I love mine


The huts are mainly there to concentrate and potentially reduce impacts. Anybody with any sense doesn't use them in peak season.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby doogs » Tue 18 Oct, 2016 11:13 am

Wowsers, I guess your TripAdvisor reviews weren't too good then?

I generally stay clear of huts. Once I stayed in the Pine Valley hut and I had that to myself so can't complain.

I guess, as Strider suggests, you do have the option of bringing your own accommodation if you don't like the one on offer!!
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Peaksnik » Tue 18 Oct, 2016 1:44 pm

In winter, with poor conditions and very few other walkers, I prefer the huts (but always take a tent). But the points raised by the OP have some merit. One can point to the history of hut building on the OT to explain why they are the way they are but, nevertheless, lessons can be learned to go into the better design of huts to meet contemporary wants and needs.

A more interesting thread might compare and contrast the newer huts of the 3 capes track, and others, wth those of the OT to get a sense of what makes for a good hut experience.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby dazintaz » Tue 18 Oct, 2016 6:32 pm

And thats why "i only sleep in my tent crew" do so, for this very reason. Huts are cramped, noisy, cold etc etc
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby kitty » Tue 18 Oct, 2016 6:50 pm

dazintaz - have you been on any hikes with great huts? if yes which hikes or which huts?
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby dazintaz » Tue 18 Oct, 2016 7:48 pm

[quote="kitty"]dazintaz - have you been on any hikes with great huts? if yes which hikes or which huts?[/quote

Yes, 2 in Tas. Frenchmans and 3 capes
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby pazzar » Wed 19 Oct, 2016 8:13 am

Oh come on! The huts are fine. They aren't supposed to be hotels, they are just somewhere to sleep. More seating will just make them feel more crowded, and they have been built strategically to minimize environmental and visual impacts.

The only thing I agree with you on is Bert Nicholls. The whole hut is a horrible design, but I just skip it and camp somewhere else. And like numerous other people have said, if you don't like the huts, use your tent.
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OLT Huts need to change

Postby RonK » Wed 19 Oct, 2016 10:54 am

I am grateful that there are huts of any kind on the OLT.

And I've been at New Pelion Hut when every bunk and all the available floor space both inside and out was occupied, and there were even people camped under the verandahs.

It was on a Hobart Show weekend, so I'd bet it's packed again this weekend, if the road access to the Arn River track is open.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Scottyk » Wed 19 Oct, 2016 2:21 pm

If you don't like the huts then don't use them
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby johnk1 » Wed 19 Oct, 2016 5:47 pm

I agree.

No rules to say that you need to use them. It's nice to have a bit of shelter for cooking if the weather is ordinary though.

Ear plugs solves the noise problem.

OLT isn't the best place to walk if you don't want to run into too many people.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Snowzone » Wed 19 Oct, 2016 7:56 pm

pazzar wrote:Oh come on! The huts are fine. They aren't supposed to be hotels, they are just somewhere to sleep. More seating will just make them feel more crowded, and they have been built strategically to minimize environmental and visual impacts.

The only thing I agree with you on is Bert Nicholls. The whole hut is a horrible design, but I just skip it and camp somewhere else. And like numerous other people have said, if you don't like the huts, use your tent.

I agree with Pazzar, other than Bert Nicholls I don't see a problem.
Dazintaz, You suggest that Vera and Tahune are so much better. From my memory Tahune was very small and what made Vera any different to Waterfall Valley or Windamere? I'm sure the 3 capes Huts are lovely but you pay substantially more to use them.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby SergeantMcFly » Wed 19 Oct, 2016 9:01 pm

While there is a fair share of valid points on either side of the huts debate, being able to critique the issue is completely valid from a paying member and user of the area/service. As there are fees imposed (which state their purpose is to provide for track and hut maintenance), its fair to address potential issues of the ‘product’ and ‘experience'.

For me, I think it boils down to what would be realistic expectations. Given the high traffic area of the Overland Track and Tasmania’s marketing of it as a 'top tier' destination for bushwalkers, one could expect that the facilities would reflect some insight and well thought out designs. As others have said, Burt Nichols is a very odd result and I as well am at a loss for understanding why that design was decided on. For the other huts and from the other side of the ideology, they could be seen as having ‘character’ and ‘ambiance’ which gives a more rough around the edges style and feel. Having said that, I’ve found the huts to be fine and certainly serving their purpose on the Overland.

In terms of upscaling them, I don’t think the Three Capes styled approach would be appropriate either, but applying the same fee based concept you can see where the money is going towards and what it represents. It seems the attitudes of the tourism industry (as well as Parks) is shifting towards more of an all inclusive style of facilities to entice a larger audience though, and future projects will most likely be more ‘fancy’ to increase appeal. With this will come more feedback, ranging from very positive to very negative again depending on the audience asked. Its increasingly more likely that Parks will continue to get hit with "damned if they do, damned if they don’t” scenarios as there is not a proposal out there which will appeal to every possible individual, and efforts in either direction will be met with opposition.

With all of that, I think they’re doing a good job as is now and meeting pretty decent expectations as well as management of their parks.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Hermione » Thu 20 Oct, 2016 4:05 pm

dazintaz wrote:If the powers that be from PWS read this maybe they could get some tips from the experts that use it?

Every single hut is majorly flawed on the OLT.

Waterfall Valley not enough bench seating or sleeping space when its at capacity. And when it is, people shouldn't need to sleep on the verandah or on the floor.

Windermere should have been positioned overlooking lake too far away from a stunning vista, not enough seating.

Pelion Hut dark and gloomy, whats the need for a wrap around verandah? Waste. Heating appalling for such a monstrous space.

Kia Ora. Knock it down start again. Nothing good about this hut unless its winter and you have a small group.

Bert Nicholls. Who ever decided to put a heater in the corner? The installation of heat vents to rooms that serve no purpose. Rooms dark and gloomy. Most people sleep in the dining area.

Naricissus by now, i have given up.

Why is it so difficult to get it right? It's simply common sense. I hope going forward hikers get the opportunity to have some input into future developments.

There are many things I don't like about the OT huts, mainly the fact that they can be full of other people (ok so I'm antisocial), but I don't quite understand what you want, Pelion is too big and Kia Ora too small? I agree with about Bert Nichols though. I generally use a tent, though I admit that in bad weather there are times a hut can be welcome, but in that case I don't give too much thought to its amenity other than a roof over my head. The verandah at Pelion is quite good for cooking if you'd rather be outside and also drying damp gear. I think it's probably difficult strike a balance with huts on something like the OT, because it is catering for a large volume of walkers, many of whom might be on their first overnight walk. I have in the past wondered whether building two smaller huts next to other would be better than some of the larger ones like Pelion and Bert Nichols. There may be reasons why this isn't viable, I just feel that smaller huts are somewhat cosier (certainly warmer) and maybe preserve a bit more of the spirit of something like the OT, rather than staying in a gigantic dormitory.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby GPSGuided » Thu 20 Oct, 2016 5:08 pm

Damn those huts! No carpets and no aircon and no private ensuites, needs 5 stars services. Oh wait, that OLT ticket can't even buy one night in a 5 stars hotel. Guess I'm asking too much.
Just move it!
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Ant71 » Thu 20 Oct, 2016 7:52 pm

We recently completed the OLT. This was our first multi night walk we honestly cant see any real issues with the huts. Everything I had read and seen had led me to believe how the huts would be. We had enough clothes to keep us warm and the huts kept the elements out. We had a tent for when the huts were full as you are meant to take. My expectations were met or I believe exceeded. But the other thing is the huts being good was a bonus as I came for the scenery and the experience and they were incredible. Just my opinion .
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby tastrax » Thu 20 Oct, 2016 10:05 pm

Another thing to remember is that the Overland Track huts were built over a substantially longer period than those on Three Capes. Sure there are some things wrong and you would hope that PWS are learning after each new build however I cant see the design on Three Capes being applicable for the alpine country on the Overland so maybe the next iteration on the Overland will take into account all your concerns .... but don't bet on it as there are often many constraints!
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Strider » Thu 20 Oct, 2016 10:19 pm

tastrax wrote:Another thing to remember is that the Overland Track huts were built over a substantially longer period than those on Three Capes. Sure there are some things wrong and you would hope that PWS are learning after each new build however I cant see the design on Three Capes being applicable for the alpine country on the Overland so maybe the next iteration on the Overland will take into account all your concerns .... but don't bet on it as there are often many constraints!

I'd agree with you, but the oldest OLT huts are the best and the newest by far the worst!

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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby north-north-west » Fri 21 Oct, 2016 9:01 am


It's meant to be a bushwalk, not an 'iconic luxury wilderness experience' (did I leave out any of the favoured buzzwords?).
The Bert Newton Nichols Memorial Palatial Monstrosity sucks. Otherwise the other huts aren't too bad for their intended purpose. If you don't like them, don't use them. Or provide TasPAWS with appropriate designs for replacements, together with the millions of $$$ required for the rebuilds.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby benoloughlin » Fri 21 Oct, 2016 9:29 am

One month ago yesterday I started on the Overland Track. This was during the last week of the off-season before the $200 track fee kicked in and I couldn't believe the number of people doing the walk. The huts seemed really crowded and thankfully I had my tent which I slept in every night except the two nights I was based at Pine Valley Hut. My advice to anyone doing the walk is:
1. Do it during the booking period - the track fee limits people doing the walk, Parks and Wildlife also limits numbers to 30-35 per day. The $200 is worth it.
2. ALWAYS take a tent - you'll get better sleep, privacy, and you're not stuck sharing a hut with people you would rather not spend time with.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Aztec » Mon 31 Oct, 2016 3:57 pm

benoloughlin wrote:One month ago yesterday I started on the Overland Track. This was during the last week of the off-season before the $200 track fee kicked in and I couldn't believe the number of people doing the walk. The huts seemed really crowded and thankfully I had my tent which I slept in every night except the two nights I was based at Pine Valley Hut.

Same, I was there then as well - nice sunny day walking through Pelion Gap, but copped the last two days of huge rain on the 30th/1st Oct... the huts were busy, and yeah, that's why you take a tent.
In my case, my sleep apnoea means if I sleep in a hut, no one else gets sleep because of my snoring (imagine a jet engine on full throttle) :) So tents are the way...

Except in the case of the last day on the hike where it was too rainy to even get out and set up a tent, we all slept on the dining room floor at Windy Fridge... sorry people...

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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby farefam » Sun 13 Nov, 2016 10:52 pm

Because I like my sleep I have rarely stayed in a hut in Tassie unless the weather was absolutely atrocious. However, I don't see a real problem with any of the ones I've used (Lake Vera and Pine Valley) since they are quite adequate for their purpose as basic shelters.

That said, I did have to stay in huts when doing the Rees-Dart track in New Zealand, which is one of the Great Walks. Their design was essentially a double hut where there is a hut for cooking/recreation and a separate hut as the dormitory. The two huts being joined by a verandah (since NZ is wet). The design seems to work really well and the daily hut fee was quite reasonable.

Such a design would seem appropriate for Tassie conditions as well and would eliminate a number of the issues identified with the existing huts (though I don't think it's necessary to go as far as flush toilets!). Perhaps Parks could look at that sort of design the next time an OLT hut is due for a rebuild.

Huts should still be positioned to minimise their environmental and visual impact. Views from the hut are irrelevant to siting (that's what your legs are for).
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Walk_fat boy_walk » Thu 17 Nov, 2016 12:24 pm

dazintaz wrote:If the powers that be from PWS read this maybe they could get some tips from the experts that use it?

Every single hut is majorly flawed on the OLT.

Waterfall Valley not enough bench seating or sleeping space when its at capacity. And when it is, people shouldn't need to sleep on the verandah or on the floor.

Windermere should have been positioned overlooking lake too far away from a stunning vista, not enough seating.

Pelion Hut dark and gloomy, whats the need for a wrap around verandah? Waste. Heating appalling for such a monstrous space.

Kia Ora. Knock it down start again. Nothing good about this hut unless its winter and you have a small group.

Bert Nicholls. Who ever decided to put a heater in the corner? The installation of heat vents to rooms that serve no purpose. Rooms dark and gloomy. Most people sleep in the dining area.

Naricissus by now, i have given up.

Why is it so difficult to get it right? It's simply common sense. I hope going forward hikers get the opportunity to have some input into future developments.

Reading this made me think of this guy:

casperJ.jpg (73.74 KiB) Viewed 26684 times

Not sure why.
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Aztec » Thu 17 Nov, 2016 1:12 pm

> Waterfall Valley not enough bench seating or sleeping space when its at capacity. And when it is, people shouldn't need to sleep on the verandah or on the floor.

Not enough pads for those who don't like the huts either...

> Pelion Hut dark and gloomy, whats the need for a wrap around verandah? Waste. Heating appalling for such a monstrous space.

Agreed on the heating - it needs two heaters for that size room - plus the lighting - it needs skylights...
I actually like this hut... apart from the heating... it also needs more pads...

> Kia Ora. Knock it down start again. Nothing good about this hut unless its winter and you have a small group.

It's the same design as Pine Valley Hut isn't it? Decent amount of pads here...

> Bert Nicholls. Who ever decided to put a heater in the corner? The installation of heat vents to rooms that serve no purpose. Rooms dark and gloomy. Most people sleep in the dining area.

Yep - slept in the dining room last time - that radiator in the corner may as well not be there... for all the heat it gives the room...
Again - two heaters needed for a room that size... also needs more pads...

> Naricissus by now, i have given up.

You'd think that the last hut on the OLT (not counting Echo Point here) would have the most comforts - beds, heaters, etc - but I guess 70% of people are catching the ferry?
So they may as well just put a bus shelter in ... I miss the old coal heaters too...
They were putting pads in when I was there 2 months ago - hopefully enough of them...

My main thought is for the North - South walkers - the comfort levels of each hut should go up the further south you go :)
Getting to Narcissus after 6 days of rain and mud, and the hut is full? Meh...

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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Nuts » Thu 17 Nov, 2016 5:34 pm

We don't use them often but it's hard to complain when compared to what was available, not so long ago.

As is the norm for gov projects, suffer from the constraints of committee design and implement. The individuals can be 'best in class', committed and focused, yet somehow we can end up with the 'occasional' dogs breakfast..

For example, huts aside, everyone knows you don't camp under big trees, rule 1.. especially old eucs with dead and shedding branches, not even within wind blow of the high twigs.. yet where do they put the new (improved, well built) platforms??..
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Re: OLT Huts need to change

Postby Walk_fat boy_walk » Fri 18 Nov, 2016 3:05 pm

Nuts wrote:.... it's hard to complain when compared to what was available, not so long ago.

Yep. Notwithstanding the design flaws of the new Windy Fridge hut I find it difficult to complain about have shelter provided for us in the wilderness.
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