by RVG » Sat 19 Nov, 2016 5:05 pm
Track notes for Hannels Spur – Robert Green
About 2007 I went down Hannels Spur. It was shortly after the 2003 fires, regrowth was occurring and it was obvious that, within the not too distant future, the track would become hard to follow. I meant to write it up for posterity but never did. Clearly those track notes might be useful to a wider audience so the notes below are made from what was recorded in 2007.
The usual caveats apply. The notes were made about 10 years ago. They may include errors and my memory might be faulty, but I have plotted them on the topo maps (Perisher Valley and Youngal) and I would be happy to use them myself. If anyone wants to use them plot them yourself before using them, because the records might have the odd position out of order. As always, use common sense. If something seems wrong it probably is. Caveat emptor.
All the GPS positions were taken using the GDA 94 datum which is the same as the topo maps. Obviously you will need to set the same datum. You probably do that already as it is the one used for the current Australian maps of this area.
We went from Thredbo down Hannels Spur to the Geehi River. Frankly, I would not come up the other way nowadays. The track notes start from beside Wilkinsons Creek
After lunch beside a lovely pool on Wilkinsons Creek we started in the early afternoon and reached Moiras Flat 4 hours later. We were not rushing and, in fact, would have been slower than a normal party because frequent stops were made to record the route. Next morning we left the Flat at 9.15 a.m. and arrived at the bottom about 1 p.m.
There was water along the way in Wilkinsons Creek, at Byatts Camp and again at Moiras Flat. There was a sign near Moiras Flat which points in the direction of the water. By memory it was a short distance, perhaps 50m, from the campsite, which was neither large nor flat nor (on our visit, anyway) particularly attractive.
In hot dry weather fill water bottles at Wilkinsons Creek and carry the extra water. The route is downhill so that would not be too onerous and better than running dry.
My recollection is that the Byatts Camp area would be a better place to camp. Someone might be able to provide that information. It seemed to have better water and there would have been quite a few possible campsites.
The following GPS positions commence near the creek in Wilkinsons Valley. By and large I have used the last 5 numbers of a GPS position. To insert them as waypoints in your GPS put the numerals “6” or “06” in front of your easterly positions and “59” in front of your northerly positions. To give you the idea, I have given the full GPS position in the first entry.
My recollection of the trip is that there are several important points where the route makes a distinct change in direction. Ten years ago there were posts or cairns at those key points. They may or may not still be there but their location was recorded and is referred to in the following text.
Easterly Northerly Comment
0612732 5966317 Wilkinsons Valley
12355 66307
12096 66244
11745 66062
11611 66046 Look or cairns and posts
11410 66074
11190 66040 post
10992 66067 post
10903 66124
10850 66209 cairn
10800 66325 important post marks a change of direction
10817 66471 important post
10843 66860 post then look for cairns
10790 67026
10716 67093 track crosses creek near Byatts Camp area
10658 67326
10641 67391
10628 67508 post
10590 67664 track crosses ridgeline, cairn
10634 67846 at this point the track makes another distinct turn and goes down the ridge to Moiras Flat.
10490 67910 the track down to Moiras Flat had some very scrubby sections. Set a GoTo and follow the GPS positions downhill.
10391 67937
10347 68056
10259 68153
10193 68228
10108 68317
10081 68366 dense
10085 68412
10085 68440 sign to water
10055 68507 Moiras Flat
Again from memory, the track becomes more obvious below Moiras Flat. Carry water.
09910 68751
09725 68768
09590 68826
09390 68872
09190 69030
09088 69428
09105 69625 the ridgeline splits and the track turns down a side ridge at this point which leads directly towards Geehi Flat.
08866 69930
08813 70426
08790 70500 track crosses a small creek. No water in it when we were there.
08532 70491
08337 70450
08114 70453
07550 70545
07445 70838 start of a steep section
07083 70887
06790 70993
06552 71272
06339 71640 Hannels Spur track sign
If you use these notes please add to them by updating the information and add extra comments of your own.