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Postby samh » Tue 04 Aug, 2009 5:39 pm

as there are many computer geniuses among you I have a question about including Wordpress in my webpage. I have a Wordpress blog and I am building on a webpage, I would like to show the latest posts from wordpress in a box on my webpage. How can I do that?? BTW I'm only very, very much of a beginner in building webpages.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: wordpress

Postby frank_in_oz » Wed 05 Aug, 2009 8:31 am

samh wrote:HI,
as there are many computer geniuses among you I have a question about including Wordpress in my webpage. I have a Wordpress blog and I am building on a webpage, I would like to show the latest posts from wordpress in a box on my webpage. How can I do that?? BTW I'm only very, very much of a beginner in building webpages.


Hi Sam,
Can't really help with the integration of WP blog into web page BUT suggest you have a look at using WP as your website and integrating the blog into that.

It works a treat. I have not done the development side but have a couple of guys who do it for me as contractors. The versatility of WP has blown me away and with all the "plug ins" there seems to be no end to the flexibility it can offer.

Have a couple of sites UNDER DEVELOPMENT, all done in WP.

This one: http://www.thenewtownprovedore.com.au/ is all done in WP and it would be "easy" to activate the blog component of it OR have a "blog" with navigation to fixed pages.

This one is still REALLY under development (I am waiting for wording and some good pics from the owner): http://www.rsknight.com.au/ It is in WP with the WP (Gold card) commerce option. You will note there are "pages" such as contact us etc that are fixed then there are items he sells

Our Hiking Blog was developed in blogger (before I had any idea of what I was doing....) we are now in the process of transfering it to a WP blog with our own domain name. I have contracted someone to do it because of a lack of time. The advantage of using WP is that I can continue the blog AND add "pages" that can have stuff like "about us", information on our Overland Track ebook etc i.e. fixed pages unrelated to the blog.

Hope that heelps.
PM me if you want th have a yarn and I can send you my phone number.
Check out "Our Hiking Blog" Overland Track guide, Food to Go-recipe ideas and Trekking to Everest Base Camp.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: wordpress

Postby bibiwisi » Sat 31 Oct, 2009 6:14 pm


I have a wordpress blog on my website... I don't profess to love working with Wordpress, but it is brilliant in its concept.
I'm not sure if this helps, and maybe you already have it, but I've included a link for Wordpress Beginner Tutorials.

codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Lessons -

Just cut and past the link into google.

The question you've asked is one of the simpler tasks to work out, usually :? :D . Good luck.
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Re: wordpress

Postby photohiker » Sat 31 Oct, 2009 10:16 pm


Have you thought about including a RSS feed from your blog on your main page? It's not as integrated as putting the whole site under WP, but it might let you walk before you decide to start running...
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