Hi Jimmeyer,
I've done Mt Solitary Traverse each year for the past four years. It is a sensational walk and quite tough on the legs with a full pack.
Each year I go, the usage increases and the lack of care in terms of burying waste is really appalling. Animals may go near water sources but it is totally different, they also don't leave toilet paper all over the place. Don't be one of those people with utter disregard for the environment and other bushwalkers.
Also, as a matter of best practice you should be hiking with a topographical map of the area and you should check in with Katoomba Police before you depart who will give you a PLB free of charge.
In terms of water, I've done the trek in winter and earliest month of May and each time I carried four litres of water as water amount and water quality is variable and not guaranteed. I boiled any water we drank and/or used purification tablets.
Finally, if you want to see some write ups / treks reports on the area then visit my blog at
Kind regards,
PS there is also really good camping about 1-2 km from Chinamans Gully.