Border Track Status

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Border Track Status

Postby Jayps68 » Mon 06 Feb, 2017 11:11 am

Anyone done the Border in the last couple of weeks?
Whats it like up there?
Heading up next Saturday morning from BB to OR and back on Sunday
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Re: Border Track Status

Postby Jayps68 » Wed 08 Feb, 2017 4:49 pm

I guess thats a no... :-)
We'll put up some photos and notes on Monday
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Re: Border Track Status

Postby Champion_Munch » Wed 08 Feb, 2017 8:21 pm

Haven't been there for a while, but given that it's Feb it'll be... hot and steamy, loads of leeches and plenty of tree falls to negotiate along the border section.

Although it's been quite dry lately, so maybe a few less leeches than usual?
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Re: Border Track Status

Postby Jayps68 » Thu 09 Feb, 2017 1:47 pm

Thanks Munch! I assumed that would be the case.
Looking forward to it being a bit more challenging than usual
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Re: Border Track Status

Postby bumper » Thu 09 Feb, 2017 8:04 pm

If you're heading out this Saturday, it will be HOT.
Try going out via the Coomera circuit and back via the Toolona ck circuit.
A bit more senic, the Border track can get boring.
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Re: Border Track Status

Postby Jayps68 » Fri 03 Mar, 2017 12:33 pm

So... It WAS hot. Wow. We got started early from Binna Burra, and travelled well for 14km, stopping at Joallah once for a quick snap. By the time we got to around 1100m the sun was high and the temp was into the low 30's already. My mate had been ill, and was still trying to recover from a chest infection, so we took stock, and, given that the plan was to go through to O'Rielly's, camp and come back the next day,we weighed up the risks and decided to turn around. Good thing too, the temps the next day were even higher, and by the time we arrived back at Binna Burra, my buddy was starting to show signs of heat exhaustion.
Lessons learnt...
On the way back to the car though, we stopped at the track junction about 4k out from Binna Burra, and up walks this old chap and his daughter, through from O'Rielly's that morning. Day packs, just punching along... we got talking as you do, turns out he was in training for the Camino, he's 83. If that isnt enough, this will be the third time he's done that trek. What a guy, down to earth and calves like hydraulic rams. His name is Eric Thorne, and he's doing the pilgrimage this time to raise funds for a rare children's disease that unfortunately took the life of one of his grandkids. There's a facebook page, look him up.
Here's a photo of Eric and I, I'm the younger one... the one thats bathed in sweat, looking shagged next to an 83 yr old whos just done the same distance I have...
Good on you Eric, Just added the Camino to my list.
Eric Thorne GIF.gif
Eric and JP. I Hope im still punchin like that when I'm 82
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Re: Border Track Status

Postby ofuros » Fri 03 Mar, 2017 8:19 pm

Wise choice jayps68.....and as for Eric, l hope I'm alive & kicking...and still walking at that age. 8-)
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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