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Gas saver device avail to borrow in Hobart

Sun 12 Feb, 2017 9:07 pm

Here is a link to a previous post on this device.


I decanted the gas from umpteen part used cylinders collected over the years into a few now full ones.

If anyone in Hobart wants to borrow it that would help me justify the purchase. I live in Sandy Bay.

If anyone uses one - I emphasise that you do need to chill the receiving cylinder and heat the donating canister. Otherwise they take forever to transfer. I had two connected at the same temp overnight - they were still transferring the next day. With a temperature differential they transfer in under a minute.

I used a bowl of iced water and one of hot water from the tap. Placed each canister in that for about a minute and it worked great.
Half used collection
Thats better
Heres the thingy
In action

Re: Gas saver device avail to borrow in Hobart

Mon 13 Feb, 2017 8:02 am

Can I ask where you ordered from ? I might get one of these eventually !

Re: Gas saver device avail to borrow in Hobart

Mon 13 Feb, 2017 8:17 am

Seems to be fairly available on eBay. I just searched for "gas saver r1".

Amazon has them too, but don't ship here. Though they do have some reviews and questions/answers. Like this:

What is the difference between the R-1, the Plus, and the Plus upgraded other than price.
Answer: The R1 permits you to transfer fuel from one Isobutane canister to another Isobutane canister. The additional adapter for the PLUS combination permits you to transfer N-butane from the containers used for table-top stoves. The N-butane (or just "Butane" on those tall containers) for table-top stoves is a LOT cheaper (about 1/4 the price) than the standard Isobutane canisters, although one must keep in mind that N-butane-filled canisters will not operate well below about 50°F. The table-top N-butane containers can be found at Asian supermarkets and at restaurant supply stores.

Re: Gas saver device avail to borrow in Hobart

Mon 13 Feb, 2017 12:07 pm

So this combination is correct ? To transfer between half empty camping canisters:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-G-Works-Gas ... Sww-NTz1Lb

Adapter for refilling from N-Butane:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-G-Works-But ... Sw0e9UuNz4

My understanding is that the 'Plus' versions just has a push button to vent remaining gas ?

I may never have to carry almost empty cylinders again !

Re: Gas saver device avail to borrow in Hobart

Mon 13 Feb, 2017 2:41 pm

I did not bother with the adaptor to put straight butane into into a standard bushwalking canister. That it is a separate project which has been discussed on this site. I will stick with the standard bushwalking gas mix.

Yes the first link is correct. Thats what I got. Works well. Clearly I did it in a well ventilated place.

PM if you want to consolidate your canisters and are in South Tas .



Re: Gas saver device avail to borrow in Hobart

Fri 24 Mar, 2017 8:29 pm

As appealing as it seems on cost basis, strongly suggest stay away from those cheap N-butane cyls for transfer to your hike gas cyl.

They have a lot of waxy residues that clog hike stoves up quick and are difficult to clear.

They also have low calorific value compared to hike blends and so consequently don't last as long and are weight inefficient.

Re: Gas saver device avail to borrow in Hobart

Sat 25 Mar, 2017 12:53 pm

redbruce wrote:They also have low calorific value compared to hike blends

Sorry, this isn't true. From http://bushwalkingnsw.org.au/clubsites/FAQ/FAQ_Efficiency.htm#Tech the energy in the fuels are:
Propane 12.0 kcal/g
Butane and isobutane 11.8 kcal - a difference of 1.7%.

The issue with butane is the boiling point is -0.5 deg, while isobutane is -12 and propane -42. This means around and below freezing butane doesn't provide enough pressure to run the stove.

You can occasionally get the long gas cartridges with isobutane. I have filled canisters with butane/isobutane from the long cartridges for a few years and have yet to experience any problems with an upright stove. You may get the problem if running a canister inverted as waxes etc can be carried to the burner in the LIQUID fuel. Waxes are unlikely to become gaseous and thus enter an upright stove unless the canister becomes extremely hot.

Re: Gas saver device avail to borrow in Hobart

Sun 26 Mar, 2017 7:04 pm

I just picked up a 4-pack of Isobutane cans from SuperCheap

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Gas saver device avail to borrow in Hobart

Mon 27 Mar, 2017 6:13 pm

Mark F wrote:
redbruce wrote:They also have low calorific value compared to hike blends

Sorry, this isn't true. From http://bushwalkingnsw.org.au/clubsites/FAQ/FAQ_Efficiency.htm#Tech the energy in the fuels are:
Propane 12.0 kcal/g
Butane and isobutane 11.8 kcal - a difference of 1.7%.

The issue with butane is the boiling point is -0.5 deg, while isobutane is -12 and propane -42. This means around and below freezing butane doesn't provide enough pressure to run the stove.

You can occasionally get the long gas cartridges with isobutane. I have filled canisters with butane/isobutane from the long cartridges for a few years and have yet to experience any problems with an upright stove. You may get the problem if running a canister inverted as waxes etc can be carried to the burner in the LIQUID fuel. Waxes are unlikely to become gaseous and thus enter an upright stove unless the canister becomes extremely hot.

Yeah correct. Lower volatility is what I should have said, and yes was using the canister inverted to try and get a better (hotter) flame (sea level, 10 deg C ambient, pouring rain) as a result.

Personally I find the performance of butane is noticeably poorer than butane mixes at temps well above its boiling point with hike stoves. So much so the $ saving is lost to the inconvenience factor for me.

Each to their own.
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