Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

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Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby roopass » Mon 06 Mar, 2017 5:44 pm

Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds Hike, looks interesting, has anyone did this as an over nighter??
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby kjbeath » Mon 06 Mar, 2017 6:49 pm

No, only as a daywalk, but it looks like a pleasant option. Campsite may be a bit overused.
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby rcaffin » Mon 06 Mar, 2017 8:33 pm

We camped at the eastern ferry jetty (Sport&Rec one I think) off the Dangar Island ferry and went up from there. Had morning tea at Rocky Ponds. The track from the east goes along the tops then jungle jims through some severe coastal scrub.
The tops, above the houses, grow some very strange vegetation. To me it looked like a thicket of TV antennae. :)

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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby roopass » Tue 07 Mar, 2017 9:00 am

Thanks guys, Rog so u were'nt on the GNW, it sounds like u went on another trail??
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby kjbeath » Tue 07 Mar, 2017 6:46 pm

Only the original version of the GNW went through Little Wobby and Rocky Ponds.

I didn't think it was that scrubby. Wildwalks has a description of the walk ... r-lwtwwvrp).pdf
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby roopass » Tue 07 Mar, 2017 7:17 pm

kjbeath wrote:Only the original version of the GNW went through Little Wobby and Rocky Ponds.

I didn't think it was that scrubby. Wildwalks has a description of the walk ... r-lwtwwvrp).pdf

Thanks Kj :)
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby rcaffin » Fri 10 Mar, 2017 8:51 pm

It's complicated. Yes, we were doing the original GNW to Newcastle.

The 'new' route is kinda strange and puzzles me in many ways. You would think that the NSW Dept of Sport & Recreation would be tolerant of walkers going past or slightly through their site. But no: they get very aggro about any intrusions. I did ask about getting official permission but without joy. I have no idea why: bureaucracy and a dispute with Dept Lands I suspect.

In addition, while it is easy to get to the wharves below the ridge via the Dangar Island Ferry from Brooklyn, just try getting transport to the new landing point on the N side, way to the east. It would have cost us >$100 for a water taxi, and that was quite a few years ago. Absurd stuff.

So we said stuff it and did the original route. The ferry normally does not go to the most eastern jetty at the end of the houses as it belongs to Dept S&R, but the ferry master was very happy to drop us off there. It turns out that the offices which DS&R used to have at the jetty were long gone. The flat grassy site next to the wharf which remains was a nice camp site.

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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby roopass » Sat 11 Mar, 2017 4:24 pm

Tks for info Roger, it all sounds a bit too much of a hassle!, what's the sport and rec problem!!, I rang about a taxi aswell last year $120!!!, it seems way too expensive for, I'm guessing a 20 minute boat ride!
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby rcaffin » Fri 17 Mar, 2017 5:10 pm

Hi RooPass

Dangar Island fery to the far side. follow boardwalk to eastern end, to flat area by a jetty. You can camp here, but bring water from Brooklyn. Then follow the good 4WD road E to the first corner and head up the spur. You will pass some old bits of adventure playground. At the top you will join a track from NE? in a clearing. Head west along edge of scarp to Rocky Ponds.
Total cost: one ferry fare. I forget how much, but cheap in comparison.
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby roopass » Mon 20 Mar, 2017 4:27 pm

Thanks :)
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby wombeyan1 » Sat 24 Jun, 2017 11:49 am

Does anyone know where the boundary of the Sport and Rec land is for getting permission to enter near Wobby?
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby wombeyan1 » Sat 24 Jun, 2017 11:53 am

Can anyone confirm that the track from the old Sport and Rec wharf at Little Wobby up via the powerline to the skyline track on top is marked at the bottom by a post with a metal disc on top showing the number "10".
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Re: Little Wobby-Rocky Ponds

Postby rcaffin » Sat 24 Jun, 2017 8:34 pm

Stuff the DS&R. They don't use that area any more anyhow.
Up the power line is up the gully. It's ROUGH. The next spur to the E is OK.

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