GPSGuided wrote:Media has to drum up the story to generate more page clicks, the politicians have to drum up the story to keep the population anxious and focused on external threats than within, military equipment companies (with politicians in cahoot in the Military Industrial Complex) need to magnify the fears to justify and sell more weapons. The key is to keep the real wars in 3rd world countries so their first world money and power making status quo are not threatened. Fundamentally, a world war is not to their interest.
PS. Do you really believe Nth Korea is such a threat? One true bad act and the US has enough assets to vaporise the whole Nth Korean elites. So no, they aren't that stupid. As for Sth China Sea, it's only to US/Japan's geopolitical interests that the whole issue has been stirred up. When was the last time you heard China blocked transit of a merchant ship? Presently, the issue is being negotiated and resolved b/n the relevant countries, without those 1000s of miles away i.e. Japan and US.
eth93 wrote:I stupidly posted this exact question on a political forum ... one poster suggested we have one year, maybe two before $#!t hits the fan
GPSGuided wrote: So no, they aren't that stupid.
eth93 wrote:I stupidly posted this exact question on a political forum. Those guys weren't so optimistic. Infact one poster suggested we have one year, maybe two before *&%$#! hits the fan.
Anyway, in regards to 'when' - well, next year or the next.
That's how 'very soon' the House of Cards will fall.
Don't worry.
Billions will be annihilated but its a far better situation than what would have been the case back in the Cold War era.
All of humanity would have perished along with 90% of all life.
I've been onto this since I was 10. I'm no nerd. I'm built like a brick S***house from years in various very physical jobs.
You can think of me as KHAN (Wrath of Khan) if you like.
I always wanted to be the villan, because I know I'm a 'bad actor'
War in this era will be devastating, but it will be 'controlled' - that will be the saving grace, because there is more at stake down the track.
Hell. We still have to have World War 4 & 5, etc
If war broke out via the Cold War, Ocean-Earth would have ended up like planet MARS.
If the Pollution remained unchecked, Ocean-Earth would have ended up like planet VENUS.
We have passed the point of 'total' destruction, but War still has to be felt, as will the effects of Pollution.
So buckle down and get ready to rumble.
The fact that you are attending this issue on this Forum shows that you are willing to 'face the facts and possibilities'. Nothing wrong with that at all.
I would rather be totally wrong and laughed at by everyone in 2 years time, than be totally right.
But, things have been brought to a bottle-neck in world affairs and the squeeze is on.
GPSGuided wrote:Fact is, apart from the Al Qaeda/ISIL, there's no major ideology conflicts these days. All three major powers are in capitalist mode and trying to develop their economy and make money. And given the global nature of the economy these days, they all depend on each other to achieve that goal. So no, nothing explosive is going to happen apart from some trade wars and sanction. All part of the money game. As for the Al Qaeda/ISIL type of conflict, they lacked major backers to escalate to the WW scale. So it'll just be local pains, pending how the Western countries respond (another complex story).
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