I went up the Bungalow spur in good weather on Sunday June 4th. The heavy frost left huge ice crystals everywhere along the ascent up the Bungalow spur. It was a frosty cold night camping near the Old Harrietville Road Bridge on Sat. night June 3rd. The Last two kms to Fed. hut always seem to be the longest 2 kms ever when you have a heavy pack on your back.
There was ankle deep snow on the ground near Fed. hut . I camped out and had the hut and campsite to myself.
The Summit and Razorback were shrouded in cloud as the sun sank so I didn't go much further than the top of Little Mt . FT.
I collected and cut some wood and got the fire started inside the burner at Fed. Hut . The stars were all out and so was the moon which gave off light which was reflected off the snow making a lovely soft moonlit night.
The Bungalow spur track is reasonably clear of logs , saplings and other debris. There was melting snow as low as 1 kms below the old FT hut ruins.
I put on micro spikes for the last 3 kms to the hut.
Before dawn on Monday June 5th I was up and ready for a dawn summit push. It was cold but clear and still. I went up the summit of Mt. FT in micro spikes and partly aided by a head torch.The sunrise was superb. Mt. Bogong, Mt Hotham , The Fainters etc. all had snow on their summits and there was enough snow on Mt. FT to say I have done a dawn snow season ascent !!

I could see Mt Cobbbler, Mt Buffalo and much more from the top.
I had the mountain to myself and the hut was all mine for breakfast when I returned.After I packed up I collected a small amount of dry wood for the next hut user.

The Bungalow spur is decent work out with a winter weighted pack.I didn't use the ice axe, snow shoes , snow pegs or snow shovel .I still took them all just in case.Photos are coming soon.