Remains found - Huon Valley

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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby gayet » Fri 14 Jul, 2017 2:10 pm

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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby devoswitch » Fri 14 Jul, 2017 9:01 pm

I shall stop speculating after this as I realistically have no idea but surely clothes being inside the bag indicate that the cold wasn't a factor? Then again can we believe anything the mainstream media announces. Fake news
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby NickMonk » Fri 14 Jul, 2017 10:06 pm

devoswitch wrote:I shall stop speculating after this as I realistically have no idea but surely clothes being inside the bag indicate that the cold wasn't a factor? Then again can we believe anything the mainstream media announces. Fake news

It's not quite like that, you couldn't rule out exposure based on what was found at the scene. Due to the presence of uneaten food though you can rule out starvation.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby Travis22 » Fri 14 Jul, 2017 11:00 pm

Few people have bought up the missing person Simon Brazier on facebook. Have to admit the photo off the sim card does look similar to the missing persons photos for Simon. Had he been ruled out already?

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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby farefam » Fri 14 Jul, 2017 11:27 pm

Such a terrible shame he came to an untimely end. Even with experience it is still all too easy to take a few wrong steps and wind up completely disoriented in forest and thick scrub (especially in Tassie). This story is exactly why these days I carry a map, a manual compass and an GPS and an EPIRB and spare batteries on my person when I'm out bush. The cost is cheap and extra weight minimal compared to getting lost and dying of exposure or starvation or being injured and incapacitated. A sad reminder to all of us who love exploring the bush.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby slparker » Sat 15 Jul, 2017 8:14 am

devoswitch wrote:I shall stop speculating after this as I realistically have no idea but surely clothes being inside the bag indicate that the cold wasn't a factor? Then again can we believe anything the mainstream media announces. Fake news

People suffering from hypothermia often don't think to put on more clothes and even may start taking them off as they deteriorate.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby devoswitch » Sat 15 Jul, 2017 8:41 am

So sad thinking how close they were to a road and track.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby GPSGuided » Sat 15 Jul, 2017 9:45 am

Then there's every possibility the person suffered a fatal medical event eg. Heart attack or stroke. Being at a highly remote location does not guarantee the person is lost.
Just move it!
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby devoswitch » Sat 15 Jul, 2017 10:57 am

That's true or potential snake bite etc. However I'm not sure you'd be thinking of making a shelter in these situations
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby NickMonk » Sat 15 Jul, 2017 7:45 pm

Travis22 wrote:Few people have bought up the missing person Simon Brazier on facebook. Have to admit the photo off the sim card does look similar to the missing persons photos for Simon. Had he been ruled out already?


Not sure Travis. Of interest would be the fact this person has most certainly been in Europe in late 2010, and that would raise issues of passports and being identified/flagged due to international movement.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby NickMonk » Sat 15 Jul, 2017 8:24 pm

And my goodness, I lost a few brain cells trawling through those Facebook comments.....I'm not sure what people thing police actually do, but I didn't see any suggestions there that haven't been thought of as yet....
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby AndyR » Sat 15 Jul, 2017 8:38 pm

NickMonk wrote:And my goodness, I lost a few brain cells trawling through those Facebook comments.....I'm not sure what people thing police actually do, .....

Best not to lose even more brain cells worrying about that one :D

Just keep doing what you do!

Cheers, Andy
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby GPSGuided » Sun 16 Jul, 2017 9:00 am

Sounded like there are enough leads to identify, just a matter of time.
Just move it!
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby NickMonk » Sun 16 Jul, 2017 9:54 am

Skeletal remains mystery 'solved' as Swiss man contacts ABC - via @abcnews

Looks like a preliminary result!
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby devoswitch » Sun 16 Jul, 2017 12:23 pm

That's sad news but great to be able to identify them.
I guess we may never know what actually happened....
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby Overlandman » Sun 16 Jul, 2017 6:09 pm

Update from ABC ... s-thomas-münger,-brother-says/8713342

RIP Thomas.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby devoswitch » Sun 16 Jul, 2017 7:14 pm

Thanks Overlandman. Couldn't get your link to work ... s-thomas-münger,-brother-says/8713342?pfmredir=sm

Edit: seems I can't get my link to work past that ü either. However if you copy my whole link it does. Hopefully
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Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby RonK » Mon 17 Jul, 2017 6:58 am

Simply pasting in the URL is unreliable and messy. You need to enclose the URL in tags.

[url=ünger,-brother-says/8713342]Try this.[/url]
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby NickMonk » Mon 17 Jul, 2017 7:51 am

I'd say, given all that we now know, that there is a camp in the area, as some of you guys discussed earlier.

It could be quite a distance away given the nature of his death (potentially lost on a day walk). I doubt it would be far from a road, and probably close to the Picton or Huon, as apparently he really liked to fish.

So, keep a close eye out!
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby devoswitch » Mon 17 Jul, 2017 12:13 pm

Maybe something could be posted on one of the relevant fishing forums? Although it's closed for fishing up the rivers at the moment maybe someone's come across a camp in the past and they just thought it was current.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby Singe » Tue 18 Jul, 2017 9:54 am

Overlandman wrote:Update from ABC ... s-thomas-münger,-brother-says/8713342

RIP Thomas.
Sad way to die - alone in the bush, half a world away from family and friends. Echoes of Into The Wild.

RIP Thomas, I hope you found what you were looking for out there.

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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby photohiker » Tue 18 Jul, 2017 11:41 am

RonK wrote:Simply pasting in the URL is unreliable and messy. You need to enclose the URL in tags.

[url=ünger,-brother-says/8713342]Try this.[/url]

Actually, I think the problem is with the ü in the url. Best is to run it through a url shortener like tinyurl and the issue is resolved:

A very sad result for someone alone and a long way from their family :cry:
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby Biggles » Tue 18 Jul, 2017 2:50 pm

GPSGuided wrote:Then there's every possibility the person suffered a fatal medical event eg. Heart attack or stroke. Being at a highly remote location does not guarantee the person is lost.

Yes, and there is an equally good chance he knew where he was and what he was doing there, rather than the continuing speculation doing the rounds that he wandered off a track, became disoriented, fell down and died there — of what exactly is speculative in the absence of firm evidence. I've walked down there around the Huon but have had a GPS with me, along with a PLB. Not particularly difficult to get in or out but that depends on the level of experience and understanding of the environment.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby doogs » Tue 18 Jul, 2017 4:57 pm

It does seem a little strange that if you are walking in the area you should know the rough lay of the land, particularly if you are a fisherman ie. follow a creek down and then you are at a big river, then if you in turn follow that downstream you reach Tahune or road etc.
Biggles wrote:..and there is an equally good chance he knew where he was and what he was doing there, rather than the continuing speculation doing the rounds that he wandered off a track, became disoriented, fell down and died there — of what exactly is speculative in the absence of firm evidence...

Is there any harm being done by speculation? surely the meaning of forum is place of discussion, and throwing ideas into the mix is exactly that.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby GPSGuided » Tue 18 Jul, 2017 5:11 pm

There seemed to be quite a bit of resistance to discussions in association with death of walkers out of respect. Personally I think discussions in relation to risk and safety issues should be exempt as they may help others in avoiding similar situation.
Just move it!
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby Strider » Wed 19 Jul, 2017 1:06 am

It could also be possible that his death was not accidental. Far too many missing pieces to this puzzle.

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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby Xplora » Wed 19 Jul, 2017 4:15 am

Strider wrote:It could also be possible that his death was not accidental. Far too many missing pieces to this puzzle.

I noticed some things odd about the story but we are no privy to all the information. Now it is up to the forensic anthropologist to try and determine the cause of death and until then all is just speculation based on assumptions. I am sure the Police will not have ruled out foul play.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby NickMonk » Wed 19 Jul, 2017 8:25 am

Xplora wrote:
Strider wrote:It could also be possible that his death was not accidental. Far too many missing pieces to this puzzle.

I noticed some things odd about the story but we are no privy to all the information. Now it is up to the forensic anthropologist to try and determine the cause of death and until then all is just speculation based on assumptions. I am sure the Police will not have ruled out foul play.

There is nothing suspicious in this death, and we have stated that publicly already.

There was nothing to suggest self harm, but you couldn't categorically rule that out.

It is most likely exposure after becoming lost.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby stu » Sat 26 Oct, 2019 10:54 am

Does anyone have any more information on this case? Seems nothing in the news since 2017...just curious.
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Re: Remains found - Huon Valley

Postby stu » Sun 17 Mar, 2024 10:21 am

Digging up this old post, was there ever any positive identification of the deceased?
I notice TheList now shows the plot for the old (unofficial) Picton track, perhaps this guy had an old map with this option, but got out of his depth on what is now a defunct (& likely very overgrown) option?
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