Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

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Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby Explorer_Sam » Tue 14 Mar, 2017 12:35 pm

G'day everyone,

We walked the first section of the Grampians Peaks Trail in February last year. It's a very fun walk that goes over the Pinnacle and Mount Rosea and then back to Halls Gap over three days. I have just written a trip report and posted it to my blog. I look into the positives and negatives of the walk, so it's worth a read. If you have a few spare minutes, please check it out. As always, I love any feedback I can get so please don't hesitate to praise me up or beat me down.

Here it is: ... land-loop/

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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby north-north-west » Tue 14 Mar, 2017 1:51 pm

All those steel stairs and walkways and bridges and rails and . . . oh dear, they have thoroughly 'idiot-proofed' the place, haven't they? Or tried to, anyway. YUK!!!

Round tent platforms for bushwalkers - what a stupid idea. Impractical, wasted materials, wasted space.

Decent walk, but. Be good to see it when it's finished.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby Explorer_Sam » Tue 14 Mar, 2017 3:24 pm

north-north-west wrote::shock:
All those steel stairs and walkways and bridges and rails and . . . oh dear, they have thoroughly 'idiot-proofed' the place, haven't they? Or tried to, anyway. YUK!!!

Round tent platforms for bushwalkers - what a stupid idea. Impractical, wasted materials, wasted space.

Decent walk, but. Be good to see it when it's finished.

It's the nature of management in that part of the Grampians. The tourism profile is too high for risks to be allowed on the tracks. With the Grampians Peaks Trail being constructed, it's only going to get worse. They spent months building steps into the Picaninny Track. Next they are installing 'special mesh boardwalk' on sections of the Major Mitchell Plateau... really?! They have so much trail still to forge, yet they are fluffing about with preexisting tracks that are already perfect. You're spot on, they are thoroughly idiot-proofing the place. Except for those tent platforms at Bugiga, unless I'm an idiot.

Certainly some talking points and some things for us to disagree with. However, it is a stunning walk and I highly recommend it.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby MickyB » Tue 14 Mar, 2017 3:37 pm

Great trip report Sam. I really enjoy your writing style. Nice photos as well. It's a beautiful part of the state and I'm looking forward to getting back there to explore some more.

I think your kangaroo friend is actually a red necked wallaby.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby Explorer_Sam » Tue 14 Mar, 2017 4:06 pm

MickyB wrote:Great trip report Sam. I really enjoy your writing style. Nice photos as well. It's a beautiful part of the state and I'm looking forward to getting back there to explore some more.

I think your kangaroo friend is actually a red necked wallaby.

Thanks MickyB, I really aprreciate it! The Grampians are absolutely gorgeous, hopefully you can get back there soon.

Now that you mention it, I reckon you're spot on.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby digbyg » Tue 21 Mar, 2017 2:42 pm

Good story Sam. Made me want to get back there after a 40 year absence. Pity about all the steel, but there are so many people determined to remove themselves from the gene pool and our culture doesn't allow personal responsibility if some one else can be blamed.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby Explorer_Sam » Fri 24 Mar, 2017 5:02 pm

digbyg wrote:Good story Sam. Made me want to get back there after a 40 year absence. Pity about all the steel, but there are so many people determined to remove themselves from the gene pool and our culture doesn't allow personal responsibility if some one else can be blamed.

Thanks Digby! Yes, unfortunately true.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 12 Apr, 2017 10:03 pm

What is the Mt. Rosea walk like?. I am looking at doing that bit as a day walk in June( Queens birthday weekend).
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby Explorer_Sam » Mon 29 May, 2017 6:48 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:What is the Mt. Rosea walk like?. I am looking at doing that bit as a day walk in June( Queens birthday weekend).

Super fun! One of my most enjoyable mountain walks in memory.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Fri 23 Jun, 2017 6:41 pm

The Mt. Rosea walk is superb. I am interested to see if the powers that be put a wheelchair friendly hand rail and the like up the escarpment of the Major Mitchell Plateaux when approaching from Mt.William.There is a steep bit which is almost a pack haul with a rope when I was there last year in 2016.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby Explorer_Sam » Mon 07 Aug, 2017 6:51 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:The Mt. Rosea walk is superb. I am interested to see if the powers that be put a wheelchair friendly hand rail and the like up the escarpment of the Major Mitchell Plateaux when approaching from Mt.William.There is a steep bit which is almost a pack haul with a rope when I was there last year in 2016.

Oh yeah, the climb out of Boundary Gap... I wouldn't be surprised.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby ebanna » Wed 13 Sep, 2017 5:28 am

Thank you for posting Sam. We are thinking of doing the first two days of the walk with our kids around cup weekend and I can't decide if it is suitable for them or not. They did the beeripmo walk with no major issues, and also the prom circuit (youngest is 7). Could you give me an idea of how hard this walk is? I know that's a very subjective question but would be good to get your thoughts. Also, how reliable do you think the water is at bugiga campsite? We won't have time to do a water drop.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby neilmny » Wed 13 Sep, 2017 8:52 am

Hi ebanna, keep in mind that Halls Gap and the whole Grampians area is flat chat and chockers with tourists over the cup weekend. Bugiga as well as all the other campgrounds have to be booked.
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Re: Grampians Peaks Trail (Wonderland Loop)

Postby CraigVIC » Tue 14 Nov, 2017 12:14 pm

I did the walk with a friend on the weekend. It was our second overnight walk so I'd suggest its not too hard. From halls gap to the pinnacle is a bit of a circus with many, many daywalkers from the entire spectrum on the walk. After that, especially day 2, is much more peaceful. We were unable to get any water info from Brambuk so booked a water drop at Bugiga with the halls gap post office/outdoor shop. Very easily done over the phone. You might think the 700m walk from the carpark to Bugiga would put off car campers but that is not the case with a large group complete with camp chairs, eskys and lanterns dominating the shelter. Otherwise the campsite is great. You definitely need to carry cord for the platforms but we got up our non-freestanding tents with a little bit of mucking around. The third day involves several short but gutbusting climbs on the fire track portion which were not a welcome addition after the previous days hiking. There was water at both camps atm. Mt Rosea is really great, well worth the effort.
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