A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

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A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby paul8 » Thu 24 Aug, 2017 4:11 pm

Out on the internet and from private communication, there are lists of above 2000-meter (A2K) peaks in Australia. The lists don't have any official status. They are clobbered together by climbing enthusiasts who like to bag high mountains.

But the lists don't match up with each other. Even taking into account prominence rules, why are some peaks missing from one list; and another bunch of peaks missing from another list? I don't understand.

In my case, I'm interested in climbing any peak that has a name, as a name always gives me an emotional pull. If there is a prominence rule that excludes such a peak from being regarded as a peak, well, it isn't going to stop me from climbing it !

And so with this in mind, I've compiled my own list of A2K peaks using the following 2 criteria with no regard to prominence:
   - If a peak has a name, and is 2000 meters or higher, then it is in my list.
   - If a range/ridge/spur has a name, and its highest point is 2000 meters plus, then include the highest point.

My A2K list is now in: http://mntviews.blogspot.com.au/p/paul- ... peaks.html

Enjoy climbing them !
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby crollsurf » Thu 24 Aug, 2017 4:56 pm

There is a lump between Rams Head and South Rams head that does have a trig on it and is known as "Southerly Rams Head". Don't think it is official but it is the name Alan Andrews uses, who has written a number of books on the history and ski touring in the Snowy Mountains
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby north-north-west » Thu 24 Aug, 2017 7:08 pm

Nice list. Never heard of The Foxhole, so can't claim it, but the others have been done.
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby paul8 » Thu 24 Aug, 2017 10:07 pm

north-north-west, Location of The Foxhole is in:
http://mntviews.blogspot.com.au/2016/12 ... ridge.html
When in there, scroll forward to the 1st map. You'll find The Foxhole labelled somewhere near the middle of the map.
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby roysta » Thu 24 Aug, 2017 10:12 pm

paul8 wrote:Out on the internet and from private communication, there are lists of above 2000-meter (A2K) peaks in Australia. The lists don't have any official status. They are clobbered together by climbing enthusiasts who like to bag high mountains.

But the lists don't match up with each other. Even taking into account prominence rules, why are some peaks missing from one list; and another bunch of peaks missing from another list? I don't understand.

In my case, I'm interested in climbing any peak that has a name, as a name always gives me an emotional pull. If there is a prominence rule that excludes such a peak from being regarded as a peak, well, it isn't going to stop me from climbing it !

And so with this in mind, I've compiled my own list of A2K peaks using the following 2 criteria with no regard to prominence:
   - If a peak has a name, and is 2000 meters or higher, then it is in my list.
   - If a range/ridge/spur has a name, and its highest point is 2000 meters plus, then include the highest point.

My A2K list is now in: http://mntviews.blogspot.com.au/p/paul- ... peaks.html

Enjoy climbing them !
I must say 2000m can hardly be called high mountains. I think 3000m as in NZ is a good start point.

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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby ribuck » Thu 24 Aug, 2017 10:58 pm

roysta wrote:I must say 2000m can hardly be called high mountains. I think 3000m as in NZ is a good start point.

In Peru I would sometimes start off up a mountain after being dropped off a bus at above 4000m. So 3000m doesn't count as a good start point in my opinion. Anyway, spare a thought for the people in England who don't even have a 1000m mountain!

For the purposes of Australian bushwalking, I think a 2000m cutoff is perfect.
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby north-north-west » Fri 25 Aug, 2017 7:54 am

paul8 wrote:north-north-west, Location of The Foxhole is in:
http://mntviews.blogspot.com.au/2016/12 ... ridge.html
When in there, scroll forward to the 1st map. You'll find The Foxhole labelled somewhere near the middle of the map.

Ahhh, I just went down the list, didn't get as far as the map. Thanks.
No, never did get over to that bump, although I've eyed it off a couple of times. always had more important places to go.
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby johnw » Sat 26 Aug, 2017 8:29 pm

Well, now I have a project for my upcoming return visit at the end of the year. I thought I had done most of the over 2000s but still missing those below.
Been within spitting distance of quite a few and in hindsight should have done them when I was there :roll:.
Won't get Jagungal or Toolong Range this trip but I'll try and tick off as many others as I can.

Kangaroo Ridge
Kerries Ridge
Little Stilwell
Toolong Range
Back Perisher Mtn
The Foxhole
Mann Bluff
Dicky Cooper Bogong
Mt Jagungal
John W

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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby paul8 » Sun 27 Aug, 2017 2:26 am

Good on you! :-)
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby Zapruda » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 11:00 am

Is anyone aware of this being done in a single push? As in all 33 in one trip.
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby davidf » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 11:56 am

On a divergent note which Australian peaks have the greatest relief and the aspect?
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby Mark F » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 2:04 pm

Under the rules of calculating prominence (vertical height from highest low point between it and the next highest peak) Koscuiszko has a prominence of 2,228m (sea level to summit). The peaks with the greatest prominence among the 2K peaks are Mt Perisher (324m), Jagungal (312m) and Gungartan (258m).

I am unsure what you mean by aspect and relief. The longest vertical ascent is considered to be Hannels Spur from Geehi Flats (approx 430m) to Byatts Camp Peak (2,159m) but most continue to Townsend or Koscuiszko.

Zapruda - definitely done several times but it all depends on what you put on your list. My own list has 25 named peaks (as recognised by the NSW Geographical names Board) and about 7 unnamed peaks. My criteria is a named peak of any prominence or an unnamed peak with at least 25 metres prominence (2 contours). Things like Foxhole are not recognised names and have almost zero prominence. Moving slowly the 2K peaks can be done as circuit in 7-8 days.
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby Zapruda » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 2:43 pm

Mark F wrote: Zapruda - definitely done several times but it all depends on what you put on your list. My own list has 25 named peaks (as recognised by the NSW Geographical names Board) and about 7 unnamed peaks. My criteria is a named peak of any prominence or an unnamed peak with at least 25 metres prominence (2 contours). Things like Foxhole are not recognised names and have almost zero prominence. Moving slowly the 2K peaks can be done as circuit in 7-8 days.

Thanks for the reply, Mark. I have been on top of all the peaks Paul has on his list but I think I lean more toward your thinking. Especially "peaks" like Foxhole. I might give this a go over about 4 days in December when most of the big drifts have melted.
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby Heremeahappy1 » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 9:13 pm

I like this a lot. Pick a theme to direct your outdoor activities... Gold. A great way to interact and decide on trips. Lists are endless - highest falls, steepest single verticle climbs, oldest peaks by naming age?, alphabetical order, areas with endemic floral species. Thanks for inspiration and a new perspective. We each have a finite amount of trips... Use them wisely
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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby rcaffin » Sun 02 Sep, 2018 6:32 pm

My main memory of Stillwell was a broad area of sheet ice a cm thick - we were on skis.

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Re: A2K peaks - Above 2000-meter peaks in Australia

Postby Zapruda » Sun 02 Sep, 2018 9:15 pm

I skinned up the western side of Stillwell last month and it was one of the few times I have taken the skis off and walked to the top. I wish I had crampons that day. Very icy and wind packed. Stupid me.
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