[WTB] John Chapman Sth West Tasmania

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[WTB] John Chapman Sth West Tasmania

Postby BoldenHammer » Tue 29 Aug, 2017 7:29 am

Hi all, I'm planning a hike along the West Arthurs at the end of the year but can't seem to get my hands on South West Tasmania by John Chapman. The 6th Edition doesn't get published until late October. Does anyone have a copy they'd be wiling to sell?

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Re: [WTB] John Chapman Sth West Tasmania

Postby roysta » Tue 29 Aug, 2017 9:17 am

BoldenHammer wrote:Hi all, I'm planning a hike along the West Arthurs at the end of the year but can't seem to get my hands on South West Tasmania by John Chapman. The 6th Edition doesn't get published until late October. Does anyone have a copy they'd be wiling to sell?

I do, I'll PM you.

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