Qldwanderer, welcome to the forum. I agree with kjbeath above about shorter distances. Jagungal to Gungartan is brilliant country, and should not be rushed. Starting from Round Mountain and having five full days, the Main Range is too far. It could be done but the rush would be too much, at least for me. Further, if there's bad weather then you may find yourself unable to move. If this happened anywhere south of Tate then you could be stuck.
For five days a more modest trip is indicated, with the Main Range on another trip.
1 Round Mountain, Farm Ridge Hut site, 15 kilometres, about 300 metres climbing, on tracks.
2 Doubtful River, Cesjacks, Jagungal, 12 kilometres, about 300 metres climbing, most off tracks.
3 Mawsons Hut, Valentine Falls, Grey Mare Hut, 16 kilometres, about 300 metres climbing, all off tracks.
4 Side trip to Grey Mare Bogong (no track), 4 hours, then SMC Hut, 10 kilometres, about 100 metres climbing, track
5 Round Mountain Car Park, 13 kilometres, mainly flat, track
As I said in the other thread
viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26183have a menu of side trips if you move faster, and be prepared to cut the trip short if necessary. On my last trip to KNP I was hailed on for an afternoon, and it was painful to walk. The trip before had a cold, windy downpour for three days. While walking was possible it was most unpleasant, and I was happy to be at Thredbo after I cut the trip short.
Any hut with a 4WD track will most probably have bike riders, so don't expect to be able to use the huts