I believe the text of the Gundungura Guide was largely the work of Athol Abrahams. He was also very active in SUBW at the time. He was a student of geography. This page has an email address for him -
http://www.geog.buffalo.edu/people/faculty.shtml(scroll down to the Emeritus Professors) - it looks like his web page is no longer active, and I heard a fair while back that he has had health issues (I think he was suffering from Parkinson's disease). Other old SUBW walkers like Wyn Jones used to keep in touch with him - perhaps they still do. And Wyn is a good friend of Aine Gliddon and Aine's husband - Col Gliddon - all three are still very active walkers. Perhaps Col will want his guide back!. They all live in the Blue Mts. Another Blue Mts resident and ex SUBW and SURC member is Tim Herborn. I believe he did have a spare copy or two (he was able to give a copy to a SURC walker that had worked on the map, but was not around when the guide was published, which was many years later)
Back when we had SUBW anniversaries - in 1996 and 2006, I can remember contacting people such as Athol, who were also in SURC, and they mentioned that SURC also had old log books with records and notes of many of their activities back in that period. No one seems to know where they have gone.
Another ex SURC member was Rick Jamieson, who passed away recently after a long career in scouting.
You may, with difficulty, be able to pick up a copy of the Gundungura Guide - second hand. I know a friend of mine did a year or so ago. I'm not sure if he got if from eBay or Chessler Books (
http://www.chesslerbooks.com) - which specialises in that sort of thing. I think the library at Sydney Uni (Fisher Library - Rare Book section) had a copy. Perhaps there is one in UNSW library?)
I have an old copy - well worn, that I bought in Paddy Pallins when they were in print.