Jagungal-Kosciuszko questions

NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion.
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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.

Re: Jagungal-Kosciuszko questions

Postby qldwanderer » Fri 03 Nov, 2017 7:19 pm

For anyone using this thread in the future for research, I've gone with MeanderingFlyFisher's advice and got the Rooftop's KNP Forest Activites Map Jindabyne-Khancoban. It's 1:50k and covers Khancoban to the West, Eucumbene Cove to the East, Cabramurra to the North and Thredbo to the South. You can order it online for under $15 including postage.

I'm 3 weeks away from my trip, and very happy with the route and other plans. Big thanks to those on here who have taken the time to respond to questions and share their knowledge of the area, very much appreciated. I'll post in December when I'm back from the trip with any notable track updates and the like, although I see there is another more appropriate thread for that type of thing.
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Re: Jagungal-Kosciuszko questions

Postby rcaffin » Fri 03 Nov, 2017 9:15 pm

Can I suggest you take a mosquito net to hang from your hat, and both long trousers and a long-sleeved shirt. You are approaching the summer, when the large black flies and small black flies reign. And they bite, viciously.
If you are lucky, your trip may be finished before they descend in their hordes. One hopes so.

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