OMM Mountain Raid 1.0 half bag

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OMM Mountain Raid 1.0 half bag

Postby Neo » Sun 05 Nov, 2017 7:20 pm

Planned or guessed a UL three season sleep system using this half-bag, a Uniqlo UL down jacket and top/bottom thermals.

Has been good.

The OMM is 235g and about 1200mm long. A tight mummy shape but that has been fine.
Actually a bit warm on my legs for spring.

Next step although conditions are all over the place, is to forgo the leg thermals.

Instead of a mild sleeping bag my current system is 235+300=535g plus mat and clothing.

About the size of two squishy grapefruit :)
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Re: OMM Mountain Raid 1.0 half bag

Postby Moondog55 » Wed 15 Nov, 2017 7:23 am

Perhaps you should amend the title I reckon half bags are half good
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Re: OMM Mountain Raid 1.0 half bag

Postby Neo » Wed 15 Nov, 2017 5:39 pm

Nicely spotted MD! I like em too
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Re: OMM Mountain Raid 1.0 half bag

Postby Neo » Sat 02 Dec, 2017 9:05 am

Well it's been awesome for leg warmth so far. Could add more on the torso if it dips much below 10°

Have just been out for 10 days, put the half OMM in a wash then dryer with my clothes. So convenient!
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Re: OMM Mountain Raid 1.0 half bag

Postby Ms_Mudd » Fri 23 Jul, 2021 8:02 pm

Still running your half bag Neo? How is it faring?
I just noticed them 50% off at backpacking light (no affiliation), but can't find the specs on length in my googling. I suspect that a half bag for males may come up to my chest or even armpits if I am lucky. 235g is pretty attractive.

Edited to add:
Found the length! Finally! It is 137cm, a quick lie down on my loungeroom floor with a measuring tape and it does indeed come up to my arm pits. Winner!
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Re: OMM Mountain Raid 1.0 half bag

Postby Ms_Mudd » Tue 03 Aug, 2021 2:54 pm

My bag arrived, well my half bag. The thing is LIGHT and tiny. Weighed less than spec on both of my scales at 200g, but was as advertised if weighed in its stuff sack.
It comes up to my arm pits, when side lying I can fit my top arm inside the bag in my natural sleeping position.

I think I will use this for those warmer month trips where you only need something over you in the very early morning hours. I have thought about its ability to be used as a booster too though. I have a 500g OP Nitrous -1c bag (4C comfort for women) and I wonder how much extra oomph I would get out of adding this as a liner. My next warmest bag is OP Cocoon -11c (-5c comfort for women) at 940g.
I did play around with the Nitrous in the Warrumbungles last week and it was not warm enough at 0c for me without adding top and bottom layers. The Cocoon is ALWAYS toasty, I love that bag. For Larapinta next year was contemplating getting away with Nitrous + half bag for a 700g solution rather than taking the Cocoon.
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Re: OMM Mountain Raid 1.0 half bag

Postby Moondog55 » Wed 04 Aug, 2021 2:21 pm

If using in combination with your Macpac down pullover it should be warm enough but you may miss the comfort of a shell over your head and hands so you may feel more at ease with an UL shell over the combination or the much lighter solution of a bivvy sleeve sewn onto the top of the half bag as per the photo in the PHD link ... eeping-bag
Patagonia also do this with one of their bags, my experience is that it adds a lot of warmth for very little weight
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Re: OMM Mountain Raid 1.0 half bag

Postby Ms_Mudd » Wed 04 Aug, 2021 2:40 pm

I can see I will fall down the rabbit hole of looking at the PHD website again, some seriously amazing gear there!
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