Old Pelion Hut 100 Year Anniversary

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Old Pelion Hut 100 Year Anniversary

Postby Overlandman » Wed 20 Sep, 2017 11:16 am

From ABC

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-09-20/t ... ck/8961838

The Old Pelion hut has seen a lot of action in its 100 years, including the expulsion of an over-amorous newly-wed German couple.

The historic mountain hut on Tasmania's famous Overland Track in the state's north-west is celebrating its centenary, bringing back memories for many.
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Re: Old Pelion Hut 100 Year Anniversary

Postby taswegian » Sat 30 Sep, 2017 5:51 pm

For those interested, the late Simon Cubit wrote about Old Pelion
Here's one such http://www.simoncubit.com.au/emhlangana_old_pelion_hut

And another http://www.simoncubit.com.au/pelion_huts_changing_legacy
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Re: Old Pelion Hut 100 Year Anniversary

Postby Nuts » Wed 04 Oct, 2017 8:54 am

Lovely old hut and in a great setting, had some good times in and around there. I have a couple of stories, but they are probably not the type for a glowing public record :)

Well done to the many volunteers that have had a go at the maintenance over it's years.

Not so much a criticism.., lot's of people involved with associated reasoning.. but an obvious suggestion.. i'm sure someone had some old roofing iron, the dummy chimney is an eyesore!, seen clearly across the plain and from other vantages (not to mention completely outa place given the age of the building). I have some old stuff here if 'they' want to put things right...?
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7Re: Old Pelion Hut 100 Year Anniversary

Postby Overlandman » Sun 19 Nov, 2017 3:15 pm

Well done Eric
He looks pretty chuffed & rightly so.

Well done also to all that have worked on the restoration over the years

From ABC

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-11-19/t ... ut/9166468

Story with photos from the Advocate

http://www.theadvocate.com.au/story/506 ... ion/?cs=87
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Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Old Pelion Hut 100 Year Anniversary

Postby E.G. » Wed 22 Nov, 2017 6:04 am

It was a great day. The hut looked fantastic and we were blessed by good weather and a crowd of parks and wildlife, mountain huts preservation society people and bushwalkers. A lot of people with memories of the hut. It is ready for many more years of life.
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