Gungartan to Munyang via Disappointment Spur ridge.

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Gungartan to Munyang via Disappointment Spur ridge.

Postby johnrs » Mon 11 Dec, 2017 12:34 pm

Hi again folks
Still working on this walk,
sounds like the aqueduct from the Penstocks back to Guthega might be a bit too vigorous for a family group,
Now looking for a way back to Munyang from Gungartan that keeps us off the road,
Has anyone walked from Gungartan along the top of ridge toward Disappointment Spur then down to the little road then Munyang?
How scrubby was it?
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Gungartan to Munyang via Disappointment Spur ridge.

Postby johnrs » Tue 12 Dec, 2017 10:41 am

No takers yet??
Could I add in an enquiry on the walking conditions from Valentines to Mawsons then Tin Hut?
Reasonably open??
My wife really does not like scrub
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Gungartan to Munyang via Disappointment Spur ridge.

Postby Mark F » Tue 12 Dec, 2017 11:42 am

I haven't been all the way down Disappointment Spur but have done the top half which was pleasant going and it looks like it continues as easy walking most of the way down.
Don't forget that the aquaduct track continues on the western side of the Munyang Valley as it heads down towards Horse Camp Hut and joins the road near the surge tower. While I prefer the Disappointment Spur side, I have used the western one on occasions for a bit of a change - I never walk the road apart from the steep bit down to the power station.
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Re: Gungartan to Munyang via Disappointment Spur ridge.

Postby johnrs » Tue 12 Dec, 2017 1:43 pm

Thanks Mark
How long ago were you down the Disappointment Spur from the top?
My worry is the post fires regrowth.
We are coming back from Tin hut via Gungartan.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Gungartan to Munyang via Disappointment Spur ridge.

Postby Lophophaps » Tue 12 Dec, 2017 2:11 pm

I've done Gungartan to Guthaga PS and suspect that with post-fire regrowth it will be a bit scrubby. Also, last I heard the bridge from Guthega PS to Disappointment Spur was out.

Valentines-Mawsons-Tin is reasonably straightforward. From Valentines go SE into the creek, wet crossing about shin deep, and then east up the valley to 247899, saddle. There may be pads, easy open country. From the saddle go NE around the spur and then SE to Mawsons.

To get to Tin Hut from here there's three ways.
Keep to the high ground on the Kerries then cut acoss the head of valentines Creek.
Follow Valentine Creek, the south to the hut, avoiding the last few kilometres of valentines.
Keep to the high ground on the true right bank of Valentines, weell to the east.

The Kerries appeals as there's less climbing, less swamps, and better views.

There's an easy if a bit rocky route from Gungartan to Schlink Pass, SW then west. From Schlink Hilton there's a creek east then NE onto the Kerries, fast way to Mawsons. I cannot recall the scrub close to the hut but it's skiable. The scrub finishes fairly quickly,
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Re: Gungartan to Munyang via Disappointment Spur ridge.

Postby Mark F » Tue 12 Dec, 2017 3:47 pm

I was there about 3 year ago and climbed from near the start of the actual aqueduct which is about 600 meters east of Disappointment Spur hut at the creek. The first part of the climb out of the valley was slow and scrubby but opens up once you get towards the ridge line. I then wandered up the ridge to Gungartan and then along the Kerries Ridge to Mawsons Hut which was quite open. I expect you can safely assume little scrub above 1750 metres.
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Re: Gungartan to Munyang via Disappointment Spur ridge.

Postby johnrs » Wed 13 Dec, 2017 3:39 pm

Thanks Mark and LHHPS
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Gungartan to Munyang via Disappointment Spur ridge.

Postby rcaffin » Sat 16 Dec, 2017 7:31 pm

Don't forget that the bridge at Munyang is OUT. Be very sad to get to the bottom and have to go back.

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