Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

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Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Lamont » Sat 24 Mar, 2018 12:11 pm

Bought one of these it weighs 70gms and packs to about the 4Dx10Lx7W if you want it in it's wee sack. ... 63314.html

Wore it this morning in the Brisbane Ranges nearish to Geelong (finally had some real rain to test it out properly ) for 3 hours in constant rain. Perfect.
For those that have not used one -masses of air around the nether region and bone dry underneath. BOM said the temp was 22 when I set off and dropped over the time to 16. So warmish. Did not know I was wearing it, hangs nicely to app. 5 cms below my knees. Could have raised or or lowered a bit still. Feet were soaked through after about an hour but remained fairly well sheltered for quite a while. I am 179cms tall. Always thought about making one but the price was just too good to pass up. Had the flap at the back and was high stepping all over the place singing Bay City Rollers songs.

And as it is nearly see through I was wearing something underneath!

I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more
just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
to fall down at your door...
Now if I could just get one in the family tartan.....
viva Scotia!
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby crollsurf » Sat 24 Mar, 2018 10:52 pm

I'll buy into that. Never liked rain pants although mine have been OK in the scrub. What about rain gaiters. Found anything to complement the kilt?

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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Lamont » Sun 25 Mar, 2018 9:20 am

One Planet RFGs.
The only rain I got "through" these was a couple of years back in NZ and the rain ran down my legs from saturated shorts. Until the shorts became soaked there was no water.This took about an hour. But now, no more saturated shorts!
With these gaiters on there would be no gap, but masses of air just where you want it. I could see these being worn until it is so cold you need pants for warmth or scrub is brushing constantly around your thighs and exposing your shorts but the material is very tough and I would not worry about them tearing.
Another huge advantage is just how easily and quickly it goes on. No wet and muddy boots through the legs of your pants and then all over your legs. I have the Montane Minimus pants but last wore them at camp to keep warm.
I would always now take these in the Rsack I think.
For that cost it's Scots wha hae!
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby north-north-west » Sun 25 Mar, 2018 10:42 am

A velcro closed wraparound skirt is designated on the site as being 'male'?
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Lamont » Sun 25 Mar, 2018 11:44 am

My kilt? A bit too way out?
Surely the inmates at the asylum down in Tazzie would join with me and get into this.
Wore it again this morning in light rain. Excellent.
Jocks wha hae.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby nq111 » Sat 21 Apr, 2018 6:16 pm

I've use silnylon rain skirts and they are pretty good - quick to fit and not too hot. Not great in high winds but surprisingly workable in a little scrub.

Better solution is to take some light, loose fitting nylon shorts and paint them with silicon diluted in turps. Being shorts with a loose leg you don't get condensation issues walking and they keep the water out well (and are windproof).
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Ms_Mudd » Tue 24 Apr, 2018 6:20 pm

Lamont wrote:Bought one of these it weighs 70gms and packs to about the 4Dx10Lx7W if you want it in it's wee sack. ... 63314.html

I am sorry, I couldn't help an immature snort-laugh at the 'wee sack', I had to re-read to ensure you were referring to the kilt storage unit.

Bargain! Cheaper by far than a Z Packs kilt and a comparable weight too. Dare I say it, the 3F perhaps even looks more practical.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Neo » Tue 24 Apr, 2018 6:41 pm

I want to try this Chinese one.
Gotta be a better look than an orange garbage bag!

The zpacks and? MD are too short for me.
I know it's an easy DIY but hey
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Lamont » Tue 24 Apr, 2018 7:57 pm

Wee sack. Ach you devil!
Wore it again the other day, up to the fifth time now and if the rain doesn't last more than about an hour and it is not too heavy, my socks (under the Altra Lone peaks) will not wet out. Now if I could just get that *&%$#! tartan one.
Although teamed with my white fauxdini the look is pretty spiffy.
Glasge' Rangers wha hae!
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Neo » Tue 24 Apr, 2018 7:59 pm

Och! I need a Guinness
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Lamont » Tue 24 Apr, 2018 8:07 pm

Wrong country, you deserve a Glasge' kiss for that slur.
McEwans Ale is more apt! Sláinte.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Neo » Tue 24 Apr, 2018 8:10 pm

Seems I'm in need of a beerducation
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby crollsurf » Tue 24 Apr, 2018 8:48 pm

I bought one, no real overlap coverage for larger bodies with waist of 97cm. Probably keep my undies dry with a pack if I wear them back-to front (the kilt that is). No place in my pack but if they made a bigger size, I could see a place for it.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Lamont » Tue 24 Apr, 2018 8:58 pm

No overlap at all? That is strange. Mine has an overlap of 21cms and my waist is 96cms-it works really well.
B_ggers! Sorry about that. Was it the same link I mentioned above?
It does work best with the 3FUL badge over your right knee, overlapping the layer underneath, that is, the overlap is over the front of the right knee. This should work. It has that off-set cut shown in the pics and this is easily the best way to wear it. In strong wind rotate it a bit so the 3FUL badge is behind the left knee and it will work a treat. Also try lifting it in the middle in front of your belly button to ensure the off-set at the front matches it at the back. If it is the same length as mine and your waist measurement is right, it should be fine-it can take a bit of getting used to. Max waist measurement is listed a s 100 cms tho', but it would still have a serviceable overlap. Try it and give us some feedback-you should have that very efficient 20cm overlap -I can take a photo of mine on if you like. Mine is exactly the size listed on the link I gave -just measured it if that helps.
Last edited by Lamont on Tue 24 Apr, 2018 9:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby crollsurf » Tue 24 Apr, 2018 9:03 pm

No. Off ebay but same brand

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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby jjoz58 » Tue 26 Feb, 2019 10:52 pm

Neo wrote:I want to try this Chinese one.
Gotta be a better look than an orange garbage bag!

The zpacks and? MD are too short for me.
I know it's an easy DIY but hey

I bought the a wrap from Etowah Outfitters in the USA whilst there last year. Excellent piece of kit I used all the time on the AT, snow sleet or rain. It also comes in different lengths, I'm 185cm and got a long that hangs down to just above the gaiters, (dirty girl). It will fashion as a pack cover as well, during warmer weather when you don't care if you get wet. ... ap-RWS.htm
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Neo » Wed 27 Feb, 2019 11:43 am

Thanks for the link!
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby CraigVIC » Thu 21 Mar, 2019 8:51 pm

Not sure if this is new, but the 3f ul version comes in a variety now, with or without strap and also in tyvek ... 18671.html
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Lamont » Fri 22 Mar, 2019 4:52 am

Yes, has done for a while now. The news I referred to in another post is that the original one has been properly tested and found to be of the highest waterproofness of any equivalent fabric. The colours may well be of the same quality. Forget the strap just, completely unnecessary- put the overlap behind your left knee if the is a lot of wind. I have used it in light brush and it slides through - that strap would catch. Still super value if it suits your needs. Cheers.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby CraigVIC » Fri 22 Mar, 2019 5:32 am

I've purchased one from your original link, I only noticed this other listing after. Really looking forward to giving it a go when it arrives, thanks for the review as I hadn't seen the idea of a kilt previously. I've tired various rain pants and never really taken to them.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby wildwanderer » Mon 17 Jun, 2019 10:39 am

Does the kilt reduce visbility of your feet?

Thinking about one but if I cant see my feet when descending steep rocky slopes then that may be an issue.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby crollsurf » Mon 17 Jun, 2019 11:52 am

crollsurf wrote:I bought one, no real overlap coverage for larger bodies with waist of 97cm. Probably keep my undies dry with a pack if I wear them back-to front (the kilt that is). No place in my pack but if they made a bigger size, I could see a place for it.

I upgraded to an Enlightened Equipment Rain Wrap that fits properly and have become a convert, even in snow and sleet and wind paired with gaiters.
The upgrade has been worth it in many ways: weight, comfort, versatility and durability.

wildwanderer wrote:Does the kilt reduce visbility of your feet?

Thinking about one but if I cant see my feet when descending steep rocky slopes then that may be an issue.

I haven't noticed an issue but I don't think they would work well if you're scrambling or off-track. Pants get trashed as well but at least keep you dry, so long as you don't sweat out. If that was the case, I'd take both.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby CraigVIC » Mon 17 Jun, 2019 1:20 pm

wildwanderer wrote:Does the kilt reduce visbility of your feet?

Thinking about one but if I cant see my feet when descending steep rocky slopes then that may be an issue.

I can't speak to that exact situation but I don't think you'll have any trouble. Certainly on tricky river crossings I haven't had any problems seeing where my feet are landing. It's also surprisingly slick walking off track and I haven't had any trouble with it catching or hanging on plants or logs etc.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Lamont » Mon 17 Jun, 2019 4:08 pm

Reduces it a bit-between your legs. But not an issue (for me) -at that price you can afford to take a punt-good kilting!
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby wildwanderer » Mon 17 Jun, 2019 5:58 pm

thanks guys. think il give it a go.
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby lachmac » Sat 18 Jan, 2020 10:45 pm

Hi there
I ended up going with - impressed.
Truly unrestricted movement, excellent overlap, and a good gear-groundsheet under the tarp.
Nice to see some rain this weekend, it may get some use this summer after all...
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby commando » Sat 24 Oct, 2020 3:25 pm

Why not use the real thing
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Re: Jock McSporran -it's a kilt!

Postby Lamont » Sat 24 Oct, 2020 4:15 pm

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