Bus services run no matter how many passengers, as do train, plane, tram and other ferry services. The operators are a very poor excuse for a service provider.
Their 'interps' pamphlet on board the boat has incorrect information filled with images they have ripped off the net without attribution(mine are in there). I've been ripped off, had a booking not honoured in the same way as Tortoise, watched as a driver jumped off at Echo Point for a bong, seen hopeless driving, poor communication between staff, rudeness to passengers and had a few uneventful trips too, even a couple of very pleasant ones. The 'ferry' is a pretty rubbish vessel and is overdue for a refit/replacement. I could go on...
The fact that this incredible natural asset is serviced so poorly is an indictment on all who are involved in the tendering and awarding of contracts.
Just my 2c