One aspect Im a bit unsure of is the private company that monitors and co-ordinates the initial response when a sos message is triggered. They send your distress signal, location and details to SAR services in the country where the sos was triggered.
The company is
It appears they have a highly capable 27/7 emergency response centre in a secure facility in Houston Texas USA. They advise that the centre has continued to operate during hurricanes and has never missed a call. It is a tier IV datacentre which is a very significantly secured facility with redundant IT/power systems. (there is only one certified privately owned IV centre in all of Australia to provide an idea of the systems required to achieve IV certification) So the GEOs centre is obviously best in class. Which sounds great.
However the GEOS company and presumably the single response centre co-ordinates emergency response for a host of different companies and industries. Everything from University campus security, corporate security, medical alert devices and obviously outdoor 2 way communicators such as inreach etc. They handle satelite calls as well as device sos messages and also co-ordinate responces for companies/organisations during significant incidents.
So what happens if there are several major incidents globally and the centre is fully stretched.. and I happen to also be unlucky to require emergency assistance at that time? Just seems to me that having a single centre is a significant weak point to the entire system.
Of course, there is the ability with the inreach to contact friends/relatives as well via satelite sms. So you could use that to raise the alarm.. (unless it happened at night and your emergency contacts are asleep.)
There maybe (and im assuming there is) a fallback plan if the global centre becomes saturated with emergency incidents or becomes incapacitated due to a weather/hack/fire etc event. I couldn’t find any reference online though. I did notice in their terms of service that they don’t guarantee that your alert will get through/passed on. (which is fairly standard disclaimer in lawyer heavy America so not reading too much into that)
With PLBs, an activation goes to the nearest government run rescue responce centre. In Australia its the Australian Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) in Canberra. but there is no info on what happens if that centre becomes saturated/incapcitated either.. so maybe its just a potential limitiation we have to live with PLBs and two way communicators.. still safer than smoke signals and SOSs drawn in the sand

EDIT - Cheers to wayno for contacting the company directly. They have confirmed there is a back up responce centre in another location that will take over if anything goes pear shaped at the main centre. More details - viewtopic.php?f=21&t=28222#p355666