That Mad Belgian

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That Mad Belgian

Postby Nuts » Sat 10 Feb, 2018 6:58 pm

AKA louis philippe Loncke ( is at it again. Without so much as a stop off at The Hungry Wombat he intends to traverse Tassie's mountain's north to south, in winter, and yes, without that resupply! Phew louis, good luck!

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby bogholesbuckethats » Wed 14 Feb, 2018 3:34 pm

What an undertaking, good luck to him.
That looks like a pad.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Bill P » Tue 27 Feb, 2018 5:22 pm

Are there any tracks between Derwent Bridge and Scott’s Peak dam?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Mowser » Tue 27 Feb, 2018 6:15 pm

I always enjoyed reading the post from his 2007 trip. Truly epic. Can't believe he's coming for more, and in winter no less!
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby ofuros » Tue 27 Feb, 2018 7:07 pm

Just finished reading about his 1st trip...I'm surprised he survived !
Tenacious bugger, all the best for round two. ... eport.html

Starting out with a 50kg load on his 1st trip... :shock:

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Wed 28 Feb, 2018 9:57 am

Bill P wrote:Are there any tracks between Derwent Bridge and Scott’s Peak dam?

Apart from the old Jane River Track and the one up King Willy I, not really. This is an epic in summer, in winter . . . well, he can have it.

edit: map looks like he's going down over the Denisons, so there is the Rasselas track, although that misses the ridgeline . . . to stick to the peaks he'd have to go down via Stepped and/or Wright, and then cross the Gordon to continue over either Clear Hill (there is a track to the road from the summit) or the Thumbs (the old Packer Spur track, which is a fair way down).
And then what - along the Sawback or Ragged Ranges? There are roads/4wd tracks along the sides, but the ridges, again, are very hard work.
From there he could pick up the old Pedder track that goes over the eastern shoulder of Bowes, find a way to NE spur on Anne, and pick up the circuit track which gets him to Red Tape Ck.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Wed 28 Feb, 2018 10:19 am

Nah, he's not really following the ranges - sticking to low country wherever possible, with a few exception like the OT and Wedge and Anne. Port Davey track in winter ain't fun - the mud is going to be over his head in places.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Orion » Wed 28 Feb, 2018 11:51 am

Mowser wrote:I always enjoyed reading the post from his 2007 trip. Truly epic. Can't believe he's coming for more, and in winter no less!

My guess is it took him ten years to forget how bad it was.

A north/south traverse sounds really cool to me. The starvation part not so much. Good luck to him though.

I spent a couple hours talking to a woman in Melaleuca who is currently doing a Cockle Creek to Tarkine trip. Her name is Sarah Marquis, probably familiar to some of you. I also spoke to a guy planning a big south to north trip for next winter. He was a bit coy about it all but said he's sticking to ridges and will include the PB->Fed section. And he'll have food.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby warnabrother » Thu 01 Mar, 2018 11:08 am

65kg of load !!
In winter
In Tassie...

Who pays for his helicopter rescue ?? :) :)
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Mountain Rocket » Thu 01 Mar, 2018 11:35 am

He has a bit more info on his website: ... -trek.html

Such as:
Ideal ROUTE - avoid asphalt / vehicle roads!

Stage 1: Walk the Penguin-Cradle trail to Cradle Valley. (76km)
Stage 2: The Overland Track + Climb Cradle Mountain and Mount Ossa (80km)
Stage 3: Off Track to Lake Rhona, Rasselas packraft the Gordon River to Gordon Lake (+102km)
Stage 4: Paddle Gordon Lake, Over to Mount Wedge, Down to Lake Pedder. Climb Mount Anne and walk to Scott’s peak Dam (+85km)
Stage 5: Walk the Port Davey Track, if time visit the South West Cape (63 +2*25 km)
Stage 6: Walk the South Coast Track to the South East Cape. End in Cockle Creek. (84 +2*5km)
Total estimated with the mountain climbs : 500 km; and Cape side trips: 550 km

Note he is taking a packraft with him.

I also know of someone (a local) hoping to do a similar walk from South to North departing in early April, but with a couple of pre-stashed food drops and along the ranges (I know the Arthurs for sure are on his route). Both crazy buggers if you ask me, but wish them both well.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby ofuros » Thu 01 Mar, 2018 12:53 pm

I also know of someone (a local) hoping to do a similar walk from South to North departing in early April, but with a couple of pre-stashed food drops and along the ranges (I know the Arthurs for sure are on his route). Both crazy buggers if you ask me, but wish them both well.

Food drops are the way to go...your friend sounds a bit more sane. :lol:
But each to their's the Mad Belgians adventure.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby tastrekker » Sat 04 Aug, 2018 9:55 pm

...and he's off! (Started today.)
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sun 05 Aug, 2018 10:04 am

Can we start taking bets on when he'll call in the chopper?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby doogs » Sun 05 Aug, 2018 4:44 pm

Good luck to him, it's a novel idea! His Facebook page gives a good idea of what's going on with his thought process in doing the trip. Just a crazy Euro dude doing a crazy Euro dude trip, almost like a Japanese game show but without the cameras!
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby devoswitch » Mon 06 Aug, 2018 7:20 am

Maybe, except the contestants don’t really do much on those shows and really there’s not too much courage involved.
This man however will have to push himself extremely hard to achieve this ‘crazy euro dude thing’.
Good luck to him, there’s going to be some amazing times for him out there. A lot of bliss and a lot of pain.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby stepbystep » Mon 06 Aug, 2018 6:08 pm

Cool. No idea why he and Andy chose winter for their missions. If I ever do it it'll be summer/autumn. Louis-Phillipe has done it before so no doubt more ready for the pain! Shall watch with interest!!
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby weetbix456 » Wed 08 Aug, 2018 10:21 pm

Pretty sure Andy's was more about the time he had available to him off work
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Thu 09 Aug, 2018 10:10 am

He's heading into the Leven Canyon today. Oh boy, that will be interesting.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby MrWalker » Thu 09 Aug, 2018 5:09 pm

He took a very long time to get through the section near Mt Lorymer. When my son and I did that a year ago, it was difficult climbing under, over and through all the fallen trees. And that was with small day packs. I wouldn't want to do it with the size pack he carries.
The Leven River section could be equally interesting. :roll:
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Thu 09 Aug, 2018 5:46 pm

Hasn't moved far during the day. Presumably backing off to have a full day for the more awkward bit of the canyon.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby MrWalker » Fri 10 Aug, 2018 6:03 pm

If his beacon is showing his correct position he seems to be repeatedly doubling back. Possibly he can't manage his double size pack along Leven Canyon.
This means he is doing all the hardest sections three times.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Fri 10 Aug, 2018 6:19 pm

MrWalker wrote:If his beacon is showing his correct position he seems to be repeatedly doubling back. Possibly he can't manage his double size pack along Leven Canyon.
This means he is doing all the hardest sections three times.

Well he is mad, so nothing out of the ordinary there :-)
Nothing to see here.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Fri 10 Aug, 2018 7:49 pm

He hasn't made any forward progress since yesterday morning. Presumably the difficult bit of the Leven is impassable. Not surprising.

And with showers or snow forecast for the next week, it's not likely to improve any for a while.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby MrWalker » Sat 11 Aug, 2018 9:22 pm

He's finally made it past Blackwood Camp, which takes 3 days in Chapman's book, but he's been going 8 days.
It will be another day before he gets out of Leven Canyon, with his method of doing all the hard bits three times.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby bumpingbill » Sat 11 Aug, 2018 9:29 pm

I wouldn't assume he's doing it three times, despite what the tracker says.

It could also be that the GPS fix isn't bang on every time, so it jumps around a bit. Especially so if he's in a canyon or an area with steep hills and trees.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby doogs » Sat 11 Aug, 2018 9:50 pm

Nah he's doing it 3 times, he's got 65kg of weight with him! Crazy Wafflelander..
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sun 12 Aug, 2018 9:35 am

He has quite possibly been going from camp to look at the difficult bit to gauge the conditions, and returning after giving up for the day. Which is far more sensible than the idea of doing this walk was in the first place.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby stepbystep » Sun 12 Aug, 2018 10:07 am

I think you'll find your answers here...

I was just up that way, all the rivers are big and will just get bigger....
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sun 12 Aug, 2018 10:34 am

To be expected. If he gets through the Leven there won't be major issues until he's beyond the OT. Except maybe the snow.
Can't see the food lasting.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby crollsurf » Sun 12 Aug, 2018 12:27 pm

Maybe its too tight carrying 2 packs so walks with 1 then goes back to get the other. That might account for doing each section 3 times

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