by ribuck » Mon 18 Mar, 2019 3:57 pm
Mt Solitary a week ago (before last weekend's rain). I was heading up from the Kedumba River, and asked some people coming the other way (with overnight packs) if there was any water up there. "It's absolutely dry", they assured me.
It felt particularly dry up top, yet I found some usable water in the leech pit (upstream from the campsite at Sing-a-jinga-well creek). At Chinamans Gully I was surprised to find a dozen little pools in the creek, plus a few pools in the little side-stream that feeds into it.
The next day I went exploring towards Greenfields Lookout. I hoped that the last burnoff might have made it easier to get there, but it was as scratchy as ever. Greenfields Cave looked quite habitable, but looked like it hadn't been used for a long time. Anyway, there was a pool of good water right at the end of Greenfields Creek just before it tips over the edge of Mt Solitary.