That Mad Belgian

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby bushwalker zane » Thu 30 Aug, 2018 8:46 am

jmac wrote:Zane, yes that is the route I encouraged him to take before departure. I showed him on the map where to drop off from the Font, and how beautifully it links via Shining and Conical to the head of the Pleaides ridge near Pokana. It's a magnificent walk. He could drop down to Holley Basin but the line I showed him drops down from near the start of the Pleaides to Pokana Bay. Just one of numerous choices to make.

That is a lovely route indeed! Some nice open country up there.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Thu 30 Aug, 2018 9:31 am

Pokana Ridge to either Holley Basin or Pokana Bay has a little awkward country, but nothing he couldn't handle. Keeping off the rivers is the best decision he's made.
Still going to be a long hard bash, but he should get through.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Overlandman » Thu 30 Aug, 2018 11:36 am

Links back to top of new page :D

29 Aug. Bought a 15$ headlight, got sunglasses from Lost&Found. Repaired boat. Paddled entire Lake King William in dusk, dark then under moonlight. New route via The Spires.

It was -3 nearby as he was approaching the Southern end of the Lake.
Wonder if he can have a campfire?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Mountain Rocket » Thu 30 Aug, 2018 1:57 pm

I was probably fortunate that he had his pack-raft mishap when he did, rather than further along the Gordon where is becomes much harder to make an alternate route. Seems like the wake up call he needed.

Seeing as he's well within the Franklin - Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, I *&%$#! hope he isn't lighting camp-fires Overlandman (as much as I'm sure it'd be lovely)!

Given the extra(?) time it'll take to cross the Spires it'll be interesting to see if he still tries to go up Wedge or Anne, or out to South West Cape. I'm also curious as to how he'll get up onto the Spires. I haven't read many trip reports from that area, but I guess the 'default' option would be to head up onto KWII from near Lake Rufus and along and down off the ridge and then up from there? Or is the lower stuff between Lake KW and The Spires not too bad/better?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby MrWalker » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 8:47 am

If there is anyone here in contact with Louis-Philippe, can they suggest to him that his Go-Pro pics will be much more valuable if taken in daylight. :)

I can understand why he made a late start down the lake after repairing his boat and that led to a late start yesterday. But his average speed south was around 1km/hr in daylight but only 0.4km/hr after last light (about 6:15pm). He needs to average 1km/hr to do the approx 40km south in a week. Walking at night might be fun on a well-formed track, but where he is now it is not worth the extra effort.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 11:06 am

MrWalker wrote:I can understand why he made a late start down the lake after repairing his boat and that led to a late start yesterday. But his average speed south was around 1km/hr in daylight but only 0.4km/hr after last light (about 6:15pm). He needs to average 1km/hr to do the approx 40km south in a week. Walking at night might be fun on a well-formed track, but where he is now it is not worth the extra effort.

He's obviously not a morning person.
It's *&%$#! daft, actually. Just makes it so much harder on every level, including navigation. Get up early, boyo, and make the most of the light.

ps: current line looks like he's trying to head for Battlement. That will be interesting.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby stepbystep » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 11:41 am

I'm sure he made that decision last night! He's off!!, his hardest Cpl days walking ahead of him...unless he changes his mind and jumps in the Gordon :shock:
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jdeks » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 11:44 am

Well, he's evidently given up on the unsupported/unresupplied goal so I guess the pressure's off.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jmac » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 11:55 am

Looks like he's been blown seriously off-course this morning. The tracker shows him approaching Heard Island at 10:27 AM
Blown off-course.PNG
Blown off course this morning?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jmac » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 12:21 pm

Obviously the tracker signal has had difficulty penetrating the thicker scrub as he pushed down to the upper Gordon. He's just created a Waypoint a; likely for his own reference. I don't think he'll push past the Gell River to Battlement; more likely to follow the ridge north of Gell up towards the high ground adjacent to Innes High Rocky, from where it is a relatively easy walk to the Font. That is the first of two routes I encouraged him to consider.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 12:48 pm

jmac wrote:Looks like he's been blown seriously off-course this morning. The tracker shows him approaching Heard Island at 10:27 AM

Yeah, I had a WT *$&# moment when I saw that earlier this morning.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Warin » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 9:08 pm

A slow day to day - and a short one.

31 Aug. Bushbashing in tea tree, acacia (?) and a thick wall of cutting grass. 250m in 2h. All with massive mikado of huge fallen trees. Lost the paddle then found it again. Ok.

I hope he gets some good rest tonight and gets away earlier than he has been doing.
Think he might be re-evaluating what he said about not ever going back to the PCT!

--------------- edit ...
Still moving, just slowly. May have taken a break and posted the above message then.
I'd like to know his thinking on night manoeuvres and not using the morning light.
Last edited by Warin on Fri 31 Aug, 2018 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby geoskid » Fri 31 Aug, 2018 10:59 pm

Huge effort to date. I too have been surprised by the hours he keeps. Getting more interesting now. He's going OK - heading straight for the old airstrip. He's a *&%$#! machine carrying that weight - I'm root'n for him!
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Tortoise » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 8:32 am

Warin wrote:I'd like to know his thinking on night manoeuvres and not using the morning light.

Maybe he's preparing for an unsupported, unresupplied Tasmanian traverse in winter at night? :wink:
I must confess that in little tiny ways, he's encouraging me to up the ante on adventurous walks. :)
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 9:22 am

I think he's just not a morning person, and the weather has been particularly atrocious in the mornings so he's had slow starts and has kept walking as late as possible to make up time. You can do that easily enough on track, but it's counter-productive when you're scrub bashing. Makes accurate navigation too difficult.
He's strong, tough, determined, but not particularly well organised.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Lizzy » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 9:52 am

I was waiting for the ... not particularly bright ;)
I could imagine wanting to walk later in summer with the heat & longer days but at this time of the year it seems to be asking for trouble.
Anyway good luck to him I am enjoying following his adventures but find him crazy none the less!
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby beardless » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 10:32 am

Potential reasons for his night walking:
1. Strong body clock still set to Belgium daylight hours
2. He likes maximising chances of encountering Australia's nocturnal marsupials.
3. He navigates using the stars.
4. With all the snow about he wants to reduce chances of snow blindness.
5. He is spending time on the scientific surveys in the morning but wants to make up the time waking.
6. He is not a morning person.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 11:37 am

It's 11:30. He stopped before 7pm yesterday. And he's still not moving.

beardless, you left one other option off the list: he's a masochist.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 3:24 pm

When I saw him at pelion he said he was struggling in the mornings due to coldness. What usually takes him 30mins to pack up he said it was taking 2 hrs.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 4:12 pm

He's reached the old airstrip. Depending on how the track from there to the river is he should make slightly better time for a few km.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Nuts » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 5:00 pm

Haha.. go mad belgian, go!

I guess with all that food he may have planned in short days. 4/5hrs pushing through 'cutting grass and t-tree' would be a big enough day, especially solo? Can't tell what sort of effort he's needing to put in to make the distances.

Luckily he seems to be surrounded by all those bowling greens (going on the the satellite view) :)
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 5:54 pm

Goes halfway along the airstrip and then turns around and is now pushing through the buttongrass to the west of the old track. There must be a reason, but I'm buggered if I can work it out.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby doogs » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 6:00 pm

I reckon he's probably trying to follow the ridge, must have looked open from the airstrip...
Do you want to build a snowman?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 6:07 pm

But from the satellite it will turn to *&%$#! fairly soon.

The old track will be overgrown but still easier going that what he has directly in front of him.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby doogs » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 6:14 pm

north-north-west wrote:But from the satellite it will turn to *&%$#! fairly soon.

The old track will be overgrown but still easier going that what he has directly in front of him.

it's easier walking on buttongrass plains at night.. ?
The track is quite visible on the satellite view in places, not sure if he had time to scope out the route as he had originally planned to raft the Gordon. He may have though the airstrip was the end of the road.
Do you want to build a snowman?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 6:19 pm

It is. The northern end.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Warin » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 6:19 pm

north-north-west wrote:But from the satellite it will turn to *&%$#! fairly soon.
The old track will be overgrown but still easier going that what he has directly in front of him.

The old track is shown in OSM, and visible in satellite views for at least some sections.
Garmin inreach rendering shows the track .. but not when you zoom in.
Was this not part of his intended route - meaning he has less knowledge of it?

He did go down the old runway .. but the old track may not be visible there.
The button grass and daylight run out fairly soon now.

Entertaining for us sheltered and rested types .. hard slog for him.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Overlandman » Sat 01 Sep, 2018 9:21 pm

1 Sept. Light rain, snow and scrub. Not yet at Gell river. Vegetation around old airstrip is huge compared to 2006. Branch in eye. Cannot see well. Hope it's not permanent >:-(
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sun 02 Sep, 2018 10:47 am

"Not yet at Gell River"
He's still five or six km north of the Gell, and the scrub is going to be getting scrubbier from the look of it.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby tastrax » Sun 02 Sep, 2018 11:39 am

It will be interesting to see which way he goes today - over to the track or ????
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