That Mad Belgian

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Thylaseen » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 11:25 am

Some weather on the way! I wouldn't want to be on the lakes in that.

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology
Severe Weather Warning

For people in Western, Upper Derwent Valley, South East and parts of East Coast,
Central Plateau and Midlands Forecast Districts.
Issued at 10:22 am Tuesday, 11 September 2018.

Weather Situation: A cold front is expected to cross Tasmania tonight, followed by a trough
to cross Tasmania on Wednesday morning. These feature will bring strong and gusty west
to northwesterly winds, particularly during Wednesday morning.
DAMAGING WINDS, averaging 50 to 60 km/h with peak gusts of 90 to 100 km/h are
possible throughout Wednesday morning in the west of the State, and from mid
Wednesday morning until early afternoon in the south of the state.
Winds are expected to ease during the afternoon.

Locations which may be affected include Strahan, New Norfolk, Bothwell, Hobart,
Geeveston and Dover.
It's out there
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 12:17 pm

Ouch! They've ramped that one up. West to nor'west won't be too bad as long as he stays in the lee of the Pleiades. Tricky bit will be crossing south of Erskine Pt and getting back into more sheltered waters beside the Junction Range.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 12:18 pm

"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens."
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jmac » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 12:51 pm

I've warned him via inReach message of the forecast and associated small craft alert. I also advised him to hug the western shore line, aiming for McPartlan Canal. And finally, to rest and wait potentially all week if it is unsafe to paddle.

He's been making up his own mind though. I hope he makes good choices today.

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby NickMonk » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 1:32 pm

OK so where do we think he's at now in terms of the overall trip? What sort of food situation is he now at do you think?

I'm assuming the plan here, if he's abandoned the Anne plan, is to paddle across Gordon, down McParlatans canal, and then paddle Pedder to Scotts Peak Dam? Before continuing on the Port Davey track to the SC track?

Is anyone going to meet him at McParlatans to see what his state of mind is?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Warin » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 2:22 pm

NickMonk wrote:Is anyone going to meet him at McParlatans to see what his state of mind is?

You may find a few people there .. including press. If you have the possibility of going .. then why not go?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby bushwalker zane » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 2:32 pm

He just did his longest stretch between inReach pings in a long time. I bet he feels like he's flying along! :D

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby GPSGuided » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 2:38 pm

bushwalker zane wrote:He just did his longest stretch between inReach pings in a long time. I bet he feels like he's flying along! :D

Wow, that's a warp jump! Very exciting to follow.
Just move it!
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jmac » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 2:44 pm

I can give some insight into his current thinking by sharing the salient sections of a message he sent at 1:00 PM. He still intends to paddle to McPartlan Canal, traverse to Hermit Basin, paddle Pedder and continue walking: "No offtrackwalk". His right eye is "bad when awake". I think he should take his eye to Hobart to have it professionally inspected.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Nuts » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 2:47 pm

Ah, he'll be right now! Hoist the jury rigged Lederhosen (and pirate flag) and he'll be at Scotts Peak in no time!
With the amount of food he had at LSC he should still have pleanty left?.. i'd agree Pt. Eric would be impressive enough.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 2:52 pm

Oh good - he did cross over east of the creek. No wonder he's making better time. Should be a clear run from here to the water.

jmac wrote:I can give some insight into his current thinking by sharing the salient sections of a message he sent at 1:00 PM. He still intends to paddle to McPartlan Canal, traverse to Hermit Basin, paddle Pedder and continue walking: "No offtrackwalk". His right eye is "bad when awake". I think he should take his eye to Hobart to have it professionally inspected.

There's a patch of off-track from the shore to the road beside the Canal. A bit of nasty scrub in there, too. At least it's not far.

Might go down tomorrow if he looks like reaching the road.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Nuts » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 2:58 pm

maybe take him an eye patch haha
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jmac » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 3:51 pm

I think it would be brilliant for someone to go down and visit him. If you can go, it would indeed be a great idea to take some eye gauze patches, tape and possibly some eye-friendly over-the-counter antiseptic product. Hopefully he would accept it.

Tomorrow might be a bit soon though? He's still hours away from the lake and tomorrow could be too rough for paddling... probably won't get to the road for many days yet.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby GPSGuided » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 4:03 pm

jmac wrote:I think it would be brilliant for someone to go down and visit him. If you can go, it would indeed be a great idea to take some eye gauze patches, tape and possibly some eye-friendly over-the-counter antiseptic product. Hopefully he would accept it.

That'd be my immediate concern too. Given the type of injury and environment, I'd think he should be provided with chloromycetin eye drops or ointment for the eye issue as a minimum. Eye pads may not be enough. Eye injury and associated infection can go bad to very bad if not managed properly, and he still has a good number of days to go.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Overlandman » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 4:07 pm

Is anyone seeing a blue dot to the East of Herd Island :D

Jmac, can you let Lou-Phi know that we are all hoping he completes his adventure, but it’s still ok to stop at anytime if his health is at risk.
Regards OLM
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby potato » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 4:13 pm

Yes I saw that - is it a plan or previous adventure?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby GPSGuided » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 4:19 pm

Overlandman wrote:Is anyone seeing a blue dot to the East of Herd Island :D

From 31 Aug 2018.
Just move it!
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jmac » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 4:29 pm

Overlandman, I have advised him to go to Hobart for professional medical attention.

I certainly wouldn't take the risk of permanent eye damage.

Cheers, John
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby NickMonk » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 4:32 pm

jmac wrote:I think it would be brilliant for someone to go down and visit him. If you can go, it would indeed be a great idea to take some eye gauze patches, tape and possibly some eye-friendly over-the-counter antiseptic product. Hopefully he would accept it.

Tomorrow might be a bit soon though? He's still hours away from the lake and tomorrow could be too rough for paddling... probably won't get to the road for many days yet.

I *may* be able to go down, but I can't go before Friday. I won't go down if there are others that are keener than I to head down. I would also have to clear it with the family. Would certainly be happy to take down eye stuff if I did go.

I note, John, that he's pretty much at the lake now. I'm guessing he'll paddle as far as he can today. Will be interesting to see how much the weather is going to hold him up.

In normal conditions how long do you reckon it would take to get across the lake?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby NickMonk » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 4:34 pm

If he is going to come out for treatment I *may* be able to arrange someone from work to pick him up (police)
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby GPSGuided » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 4:43 pm

Chloromycetin ointment will need a prescription but it's readily available via a GP. If he is suffering from clouded vision following a traumatic injury (poke by a branch), it would suggest that he's had a corneal injury. It would be ideal if he can be examined by a professional. If resisted, he should at least apply the ointment and have the eye patched for some rest and infection treated/prevented. He may get away with it but needs to be monitored for progress.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby NickMonk » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 4:50 pm

Looks like he's started paddling - or the shore is recessed further than the sat view (unlikely I would have thought?)
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby MrWalker » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 5:05 pm

NickMonk wrote:Looks like he's started paddling - or the shore is recessed further than the sat view (unlikely I would have thought?)

If you check ListMap and look at the satellite view (which we see on his InReach site) and then switch to Aerial Photo, you will see a lot more land than the sat view.
I think he is still on land busily pumping up his boat (or setting up camp for the night).
The wind is going to increase at about midnight tonight, so I hope he doesn't paddle too late in the night. At his Lake King William speed he will need about 8 hrs paddling.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 5:06 pm

NickMonk wrote:Looks like he's started paddling - or the shore is recessed further than the sat view (unlikely I would have thought?)

Gordon is rarely full. He may still be walking.

NickMonk wrote:In normal conditions how long do you reckon it would take to get across the lake?

In a packraft, with difficult winds, to Wedge Inlet? At least a full day I would think - those things aren't ideal on relatively open water. And then he would have to get to the road along McPartlans, or climb over the shoulder of Cullen.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby doogs » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 5:38 pm

north-north-west wrote:In a packraft, with difficult winds, to Wedge Inlet? At least a full day I would think - those things aren't ideal on relatively open water..

With the wind behind you can really move in a packraft. It's actually hard work just keeping the damn thing straight! Once he starts on the lake it'll be difficult to stop somewhere, as it'll blow him wherever the wind wants!!
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 5:51 pm

Wind is west to north west. It's going to try to blow him across to Boyes Basin or Adams Bay. And if he does get blown across to that shore, paddling south won't be fun. He needs to stay as close to the Pleiades and Junction Range as possible to pick up some shelter.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby davidn3875 » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 6:03 pm

I wish him well for a lee shore paddle. Is his pack-raft fitted with a spray deck?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby mikeb » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 6:13 pm

north-north-west wrote:
NickMonk wrote:Looks like he's started paddling - or the shore is recessed further than the sat view (unlikely I would have thought?)

Gordon is rarely full. He may still be walking.

NickMonk wrote:In normal conditions how long do you reckon it would take to get across the lake?

In a packraft, with difficult winds, to Wedge Inlet? At least a full day I would think - those things aren't ideal on relatively open water. And then he would have to get to the road along McPartlans, or climb over the shoulder of Cullen.

He's still on land. His elevation at the points over the water have been in the 307-320m range. Current water level is 285m, 22.5m below full storage level: ... GORDON.pdf

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Warin » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 6:53 pm

A 50 m error in vertical location is probably for a GPS. Designed for horizontal accuracy rather then vertical.
The moonlight will not be helping tonight.

Hopefully he makes shore and sets camp before the change. Tomorrow is another day.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby doogs » Tue 11 Sep, 2018 7:06 pm

Definitely on the water. About 3km in the last 30 mins.. eek.. stay safe!
Do you want to build a snowman?
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