stepbystep wrote:The Twelvetree Narrows are extremely steep sided= no escape point and funnel the wind. It was hard work in an expedition kayak...
jmac wrote:inReach message from Lou-Phi 6:42PM: I wont mov tonight. Repaired 2nd leak mattrass. Hopefully i can reach shore tomorrow & paddle closetoit
I've replied: Forecast winds same tmrw, don't paddle if not totally safe, sleep as much as possible. Winds decrease Fri 15-25 kts, Sat 15-20kts. Everyone wishes U safe, well
Cheers, J.
NickMonk wrote:Does anyone have any experience with this track? Best bet to get to the road? Seems to still exist to some degree on aerial photos.
tastrax wrote:Bit of a tail wind for him well do packrafts surf?
NickMonk wrote:Does anyone have any experience with this track? Best bet to get to the road? Seems to still exist to some degree on aerial photos.
tastrax wrote:Bit of a tail wind for him well do packrafts surf?
gayet wrote:Was just over 5km/hr last time I looked.
wildwanderer wrote:hmm.. reverse course.. Looks like he doesnt like what is in the inlet.. must be fairly rough.
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