That Mad Belgian

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Warin » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 1:05 pm

MrWalker wrote:It's so hard to know exactly when he'll arrive that the pizza might get overdone if you keep it hot.

Such a thing does not exist! Not in the eyes of a famished man.

He is across to the western shore now.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Overlandman » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 1:11 pm

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby MrWalker » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 1:35 pm

He's safely across to the west side and moving well, so he'll probably be there by sunset.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby mikeb » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 3:11 pm

MrWalker wrote:He's safely across to the west side and moving well, so he'll probably be there by sunset.

Now passing Mt Solitary - in the home straight.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 3:27 pm

Two projected lines of travel - I like the more easterly one as it gets him into that deep bay below Red Knoll, where he can pick up the old part of McKays with a short and easy bit of off track walking through pretty open country.
And he really needs to keep away from that finger jutting out at the end of McKays Pt; there are a lot of snags and shallow banks there which it would be very easy to hit, especially in choppy conditions.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jmac » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 3:46 pm

I agree; that little bay will be ideal. Should be there well before dark; I wouldn't be surprised to see him pack up quickly and walk until dark or later, depending upon cloud cover and moon assistance. Will be interesting to see what he does.

I think he will be elated to be safely across Pedder and on to a well-formed track for the final stretch.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 3:52 pm

jmac wrote:I think he will be elated to be safely across Pedder and on to a well-formed track for the final stretch.

Until he hits the first bogs. :twisted:
Just how deep will the mud be on the way into Junction Creek, given all the rain?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jmac » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 4:03 pm

That's a funny thought; thwarted by bog! I haven't walked it for a few years; how bad can it be? Surely bliss compared to the lack of a track. Quite firm after Junction Creek from memory... particularly after Crossing River; should be able to get to Bathurst Harbour fairly quickly.

If he still pushes on to Cockle Creek, what are people's ETAs?
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 4:07 pm

jmac wrote:
If he still pushes on to Cockle Creek, what are people's ETAs?

He'll make it to Cockle on the 23rd or maybe 24th I guess
Nothing to see here.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby bushwalker zane » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 4:23 pm

north-north-west wrote:Just how deep will the mud be on the way into Junction Creek, given all the rain?

Last time I was in there a few months back there were sections up to my mid thigh. And that was after a pretty good dry spell :roll:
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 4:33 pm

jmac wrote:That's a funny thought; thwarted by bog! I haven't walked it for a few years; how bad can it be? Surely bliss compared to the lack of a track. Quite firm after Junction Creek from memory... particularly after Crossing River; should be able to get to Bathurst Harbour fairly quickly.

From the Crossing to Farrell Point is mostly pretty good. There's one stretch between Joan and Melaleuca that's horrid if it's been raining. Though he does have the option of paddling from Farrell to Melaleuca, which is what I would do.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby MrWalker » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 4:43 pm

The wind is picking up a bit, gusts to 65 km/hr and he's out in the open at present. But he can keep the wind right behind him until he puts into the bay, to take NNW's shortcut.
I wonder if we should remind him that he was going to climb Mt Anne. :D
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby jmac » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 4:52 pm

That paddle to Melaleuca is delightful indeed, far preferable to walking it.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 5:11 pm

MrWalker wrote:I wonder if we should remind him that he was going to climb Mt Anne. :D

His original planned route has been irrelevant since he gave up paddling the Gordon.
In fact, the plan was to go over Wedge and then do the Anne circuit. A better option would have been to use the old Pedder track over the shoulder of Bowes. It's overgrown south of Bowes but still more or less followable. Then pick up the Sandfly Ck track, NE Ridge, Anne circuit, Ripple Rock Ridge to the old airstrip, and across country to the Huon and into the campground. A doddle.

And he's still apparently aiming for that bay. Landfall should be around 5:40 at his current speed. Depending on how long it takes to pack up, there should be time to reach the junction of the old and new lines of McKays at least.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Lizzy » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 6:18 pm

Looks like he’s made land! Well done:)
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 6:38 pm

He's been stuffing around on that beach for nearly an hour. Hard to tell if he's looking for a campsite or the best way up to the track.
But it's full dark now and he'd really be best off making camp for the night and then getting going nice and early tomorrow.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby doogs » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 7:21 pm

north-north-west wrote:He's been stuffing around on that beach for nearly an hour. Hard to tell if he's looking for a campsite or the best way up to the track.
But it's full dark now and he'd really be best off making camp for the night and then getting going nice and early tomorrow.

He's on the move again, not sure how he's navigating in the dark without a head torch, but he is. Allez Loopy LouPhi!!
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Warin » Sun 16 Sep, 2018 8:12 pm

doogs wrote:
north-north-west wrote:He's been stuffing around on that beach for nearly an hour.

He's on the move again, not sure how he's navigating in the dark without a head torch, but he is.

About a half moon .. if there are no clouds. Looks to be no tree cover where he is so that will help.
He normally turns off the inreach when he stops for the night, so that might have been a clue.
An early morning looks to be 10 am...
Good Luck to him.

{edit 8.30 pm} Inreach has not add a new spot for 59 mins so that maybe it for the night. Looks like he crossed the track .. but could not follow it. He should pick it up tomorrow in daylight.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Overlandman » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 12:53 am

Day 44
16 Sept. Almost no sleep because of wet sleeping bag, burnt it a bit while drying it with stove. Other holes in airmat. Felt like another rain & wind day...but with the wind on my side. Now safe.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby wildwanderer » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 6:27 am

Overlandman wrote:Day 44
16 Sept. Almost no sleep because of wet sleeping bag, burnt it a bit while drying it with stove. Other holes in airmat. Felt like another rain & wind day...but with the wind on my side. Now safe.

thats not good. :O

Night before last it got down to 1c at scotts peak (station @ 450m elevation). Last night a bit warmer at 6c. Trying to dry it with a stove (possibly within tent/vestibule due to the wind/rain) sounds incredibly dangerous.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Heremeahappy1 » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 7:13 am

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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Heremeahappy1 » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 7:14 am

Hypothetical. Does the external provision of info/intel from a third party count as resources? Would you consider this as support to a trip? Imterested in your views.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 7:15 am

That was a bit weird. His penultimate mark last night was right on the old track - and it's very obvious there - but he crossed it and headed on a straighter line down the spur.
I'm a little surprised that he actually knew that track was there, and now I'm starting to wonder. Oh well, as long as the conditions aren't too bad he should be able to pick it up before blundering into the scrub, and he's not far from the junction with the new track anyway.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 7:16 am

Heremeahappy1 wrote:Hypothetical. Does the external provision of info/intel from a third party count as resources? Would you consider this as support to a trip? Interested in your views.

Read. The. Previous. Two. Pages.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby wildwanderer » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 7:39 am

north-north-west wrote:That was a bit weird. His penultimate mark last night was right on the old track - and it's very obvious there - but he crossed it and headed on a straighter line down the spur.
I'm a little surprised that he actually knew that track was there, and now I'm starting to wonder. Oh well, as long as the conditions aren't too bad he should be able to pick it up before blundering into the scrub, and he's not far from the junction with the new track anyway.

With the weather Id say he wanted to camp on the lee side of the spur. Guess we will find out this morning if he saw the track or not.

EDIT- He is up and moving. 8am. Very early start for Louis!

Also did inreach just change their mapshare? Looks different this morning and I cant find the current track
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby MrWalker » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 8:17 am

wildwanderer wrote:
north-north-west wrote:He is up and moving. 8am. Very early start for Louis!

Except that he has gone back to the beach. he may have lost something there in the dark when he moved up the hill.
I got excited yesterday when he appeared to be up at 6:07am, but he must have looked at the waves and decided not to go out for a few more hours and burnt his sleeping bag instead.
Let's hope he can get a decent distance in today.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby north-north-west » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 9:02 am

wildwanderer wrote:Also did inreach just change their mapshare? Looks different this morning and I cant find the current track

The set up is a bit different, but the track is still there. Although there's no movement this morning that I can see. Something ultraweird going on.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Warin » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 9:36 am

north-north-west wrote:
wildwanderer wrote:Something ultraweird going on.

Don't you just love modern technology? :D
But then it goes and bamboozles us...

No present (9.30 am) indication of him going back to the landing spot, just a spot at 9 am of where he is camped.
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby Mountain Rocket » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 9:39 am

Strange, to me it looks like he just joined the main track. No indication of him going back to the beach??
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Re: That Mad Belgian

Postby doogs » Mon 17 Sep, 2018 9:54 am

Robert H wrote:Strange, to me it looks like he just joined the main track. No indication of him going back to the beach??

All looks normal to me too.

Hopefully he gets to the Crossing River today, or further, it will be a good judge of how he he travelling.
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