rangersac wrote:Hopefully the wind isn't against him and he can get down to Bathurst with some alacrity, as given the Macquarie Heads prediction (high tide at 2:30pm) he's going to be working against a falling tide to get through the narrows.
north-north-west wrote:I'm not sure how they compare, but the Narrows, being as far inside Bathurst Harbour as it is, would have a different slack water time. But he really does not want to be trying to go through the Narrows on an ebb tide, especially if the wind is behind him.
Robert H wrote:How do walkers usually cross it? I assume there dinghies you row across similar to at the New River Lagoon?
north-north-west wrote:
At this rate, he'll be at Cox Bight tomorrow night.
pazzar wrote:He'll be at Claytons by 8pm at this rate. I have a feeling he is trying to get to Melaleuca tonight though. If the wind is favourable, I guess why not!
GPSGuided wrote:Still on the water at 7pm and making amazing progress. He is on fire!
Nuts wrote:GPSGuided wrote:Still on the water at 7pm and making amazing progress. He is on fire!
meh. wind assisted: http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDT60801 ... 5961.shtml
wildwanderer wrote:yep super human effort today!
For tomorrow, I wonder how far down moth creek he can paddle? From the sat photo packrafting to atleast the bridge (about 1km) looks doable.
GPSGuided wrote:OMG, he has hit 'civilisation', Melaleuca wharf! He must be exhausted.
mikeb wrote:
Any idea why he went to the wharf rather than to the walkers, hut?
mikeb wrote:GPSGuided wrote:OMG, he has hit 'civilisation', Melaleuca wharf! He must be exhausted.
Any idea why he went to the wharf rather than to the walkers, hut?
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