Hi all, small update here from my (office=in my bed, coz too much stuff/gear around on the floor&desk/table)...
It has been 3 weeks since the end of the expedition.
All TV/News interview of OZ/BE here:
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... WinterTrek (I discovered searching on a hashtag in Youtube works, so tagging #TasmaniaWinterTrek in my videos)
The last video of the Mercury (NewsCorp) is already uploaded but will probably show up once Google has indexed the video, so about 24h.
BEARD: I shaved. Actually under my chin my beard is ticker so I used a Moroccan technique to create my own wax (sugar+water+lime, and boil until remains a thick black matter that soften in the microwave and hardens when cold=WAX) and waxed this part. Clean now

(and yes painful but hey most women do it all their life). OK, the sugar I choose is far less quality than what I see in this video. Mine is very black but it works. Tutorial:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVKrLumCEpACompletely natural, super cheap, sugar melts in the sink, so no clogging.
Yesterday I went back to RS SCAN, the company that had printed 3D insoles to raise the arch of my feet, hence decreasing pressure points on my middle toes and well with such a weight, on all toes. For the info, after TAS2007 expedition, I lost the sensitivity in my toes for 18 months. First toes were completely alive after 9 months. As I did run on their special floor to measure my feets running/walking way, I felt not only my 2 big thumb-toes were numb but also the tip of the 2 other big ones of my left foot. I have no trench foot disease this time. my swollen calves were normal already since I'm back in Belgium.
The doctor I saw last week said the nerves/sensitivity in the toes would come back at a rate of 1mm per day. I first thought OK, the big one is 4-5cm long but i've to take into account the start of the toe into the foot, so more 9cm so about 90mm so 90 days. HE said that I accumulate the damage over time (bang, i lost sentitivity in TAS2007, Iceland2010, GR20 last year (only 1 month loss of sensitivity) and TAS2018). The doctor I saw in 2007 said the micro-circulation in the foot is completely gone (so not the best idea to trek in Siberia or Antarctica by -40C as I would be permanently very sensitive to frostbite) but the doctor I saw told me microcirculation does come back a bit slowly. So not all is lost to attempt crossing Antarctica in the winter (just kidding, well I hope).
I start to peel some hard skin here and there since yesterday.
HANDS: I feel the skin is very thick and strong, not really soft. At the tip of my fingers I had many cracks (and some bleeding) because of the cold. I did remove the dead skin during the past week. My finger tips are great and fingers are surely warm, no loss of sensitivity or whatever functionality.
KNEES: still weak, often in the morning I need my hands to support going down the stairs as they hurt. So less bodymass I can squeeze a large tendon with my fingers, beurgk.
BODYMASS: 74 kg (from about 67kg/83.3 at the start/normal weight should be or let's say I'd like to be 74-75kg of muscles) but I guess at least 3kg of food in my stomac/intestins. It seems obvious in my weight gain I just filled my belly

I can cycle without a problem
I can start jogging/slow running I'd say 8km/h but for not long. And my left leg (left toes) is not 100% so I am limping while walking and running. On sunday I walked back from the cementary (my aunty died on day 7 of the expedition, my family decided not to tell me, well they didn't have any ways to tell me anyway) 2km and noticed that after a long walk the pain decreases and almost no limping. So I better train by walking.
CLEANING: So used not to shower or brush my teeth I only do it twice a week. But when I'll find a job I guess a routine will come back.
YESTIVAL: I'm going to the Yestival south of London (UK) this weekend, 3 days outdoors, sleeping in my same gear. I have 30 min on the saturday to speak about TWT2018. No slides, the festival is plastic-free and electricity low so it's all oral talking. If you have aussie friends in London, still tickets available.
https://sayyesmore.com/yestival/Tomorrow morning, I meet a Flemish (Belgian) book editor. My aim is to start understanding how they work, I send her already the "structure of the book". I'm pretty sure she knows nothing about TAS and bushwalking. But open to hear. The book fair of belgium is mid-february, by then i hope to have a doc file of my notebook. I wrote every day or 2. Of course, the book will be in English, I wrote in English, I have a bigger "market" in EN but FR and perhaps NL would be also translated quickly. My aim at the fair is to introduce myself to several book editors. Of course an option is to edit the book myself with the help of talented people to review the book. I found someone who did that and she seems successful about it but I'll weight the advantages/drawbacks of doing everything with or without a pro editing company. Perhaps I should find one in AUS (email me for a few ideas of editing companies you think would suit)
PS: On monday I had lost my notebook, got very stressed, calling my sister (she drove me home to my parents last weekend), my parents to ask if they'd seen it...it was in the housing of my laptop. Ouf.
BRAIN: I start to be able to remember things like meetings in a few days, things to do, languages... I hope by end october my brain is back to normal (as if i could measure that)...
Stupid things I did in the past 3 weeks:
* asking my best friend (since kindergarden) if his 2nd daughter was born and if all ok...he said she was born in April

* booking a plane from Launceston to Sydney for the 4th october...instead of 27th of september
* Taking the wrong exit while driving...even with the GPS on!
EYES/EARS: no check up done yet. I currently feel great.
TEETH: did the yearly tartar descaling, dentist said my teeth were doing great even after brushing them 3 times in 3 months. I said, so toothpaste is really useless marketing polluting the planet? He said yes...not sure if he was 100% believing what he said or just to make me feel good.
NOSE: I could smell the weed of a new flatmate the moment I opened the door of the house (i live in a shared house, each of us has a room).
GOPRO memory card: Got a message from my friend in Sydney, the recovery company said the files are damaged so we cannot get back the photos

This is like Gopro photos from D1 to D40 or so)
Moreover, I had copied the videos from the memorycard to 2*64gb usbkeys in sydney, copied then on my 5Tera harddrive home...and only 1/4 of the videos could be played. Rest have not even a thumbnail and just don't play. As I got back some gopro clips from the Tassie TVs, I not have 1/3 of the video files

So for now, for sure, a film is not possible. Also a pain as watching the clips would have helped to add content for the book, describe the area traversed etc...
I just keep cool/calm about it because I'm just alive, very ok physically and I compare always to the people on this planet who have nothing or worse at in a country at war.
Yesterday I had a thought of doing this expedition again but I have to forget about it, not a good idea.
So let's hope someone finds the panasonic camera and the files on the SD card are ok, perhaps i can make a small video with it. No film without the start obviously. I only have the end with the 2nd gopro card.