Prettynes of sections of Bibbulmun?

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Prettynes of sections of Bibbulmun?

Postby kaite » Fri 11 Jan, 2019 2:17 pm

Can anybody tell me a bit about the diversity and interest of the Track sections between Dwellingup and Walpole, I am interested to spend one to two weeks walking after camping with fam in Dwelligup. I either walk on from camp or take the bus to a further away part, depending on above. Also am interested to know on a rough number of walkers likely on track this time of the year. Thanks,
Atherosperma moschatum
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Prettynes of sections of Bibbulmun?

Postby redrock » Sat 12 Jan, 2019 2:24 pm

That's a great section of track, especially around the forests in Pemberton-Northcliffe, some great granite outcrops at Mt Chance/Woolbales, then changes to coastal scenery from Mandalay onwards. If you can extend further to Denmark, even better - some great coast scenery and karri forest. Walpole to Denmark is excellent!

For more detailed info, check the official Bib Track site, lots of great info. And there's quite a few blogs with lots of pics as well, google is your friend.

I just spent a few days between Broke Inlet and Walpole over New Years, including an overnighter into Nuyts (just before Mt Clare) which is highly recommended. Fresh running water at the Peppermints before Thompson's cove. But it was very hot. And you will see plenty of snakes. I had quite a few encounters, including one IN the hut!!! So make sure your snake first aid is up to date. And I'd suggest to pack electrolytes too.

Not many walkers this time of year, I saw maybe 2 sets of people, all huts to myself. The cooler sections or towards touristy spots you'll see some daytrippers, especially if weather is cool for hiking.

Have fun, it's a great part of the world. ;)
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Prettynes of sections of Bibbulmun?

Postby kaite » Sun 13 Jan, 2019 8:31 am

Thanks redrock, for extensive info! Ihave walked the track from Walpole to Denmark and loved it, so will check your recommended spots against map now! Thought it might be hot..... but it isn't at the moment in Perth....... I don't like the "heaps of snakes" comment... a friend got bitten about half a year ago..... might yet buy some gators.... :-)
Atherosperma moschatum
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Prettynes of sections of Bibbulmun?

Postby redrock » Mon 14 Jan, 2019 1:06 pm

You're welcome kaite.

Yes, there's some great sections of track between Dwellingup and Walpole. I had a look at some maps again - I walked Balingup to Willow Springs last year in Autumn (Map 4 Blackwood) for first time and really enjoyed that. You do pass by some water (Dam and the blackwood river) which will give a chance to cool down in summer. There's mice in the Blackwood hut though, they were seeen just before sunset 'frolicking' about inside the hut even running over our sleeping bags etc.

I spent some time exploring the spur trail into Wellington Dam which was great as well, there's plenty of water and adjoining circuit trails near the end, one of which runs right beside some the river. It's a popular day/camp area near Honeymoon Pool.

It's normally cooler down south compared to Perth, but will still be hot in the bush. Just leave earlier and take plenty of breaks when needed.

Yes, plenty of snakes - I'd highly recommend a PLB as well as gaiters. I saw tigers and dugites, some of them just half a metre off the track. One didn't move and I couldn't get past him - that was on a very narrow side trail to a lookout. The other was a big tiger near Denmark also on a narrow section of main trail where I thought I was done for. So it's mainly the narrow sections to be careful of.

Despite the heat and snakes (and some ticks) I would do it all again. ;)
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Prettynes of sections of Bibbulmun?

Postby kaite » Mon 14 Jan, 2019 10:28 pm

Thanks again redrock, sounds good, love walking near water, and yes that too is often a snakey place. Can be un-nerving if they don't move, but it will be ok. Decided to just walk on from where we end up camping, sounds like it's allworthwhile!
Atherosperma moschatum
Atherosperma moschatum
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