johnw wrote:In theory this should work but the Environment web site appears to be down right now.
Lophophaps wrote:Good thinking. The shadow minister is the Hon. Tony Burke
Keep it very short and he may read it. Stress economics and Mr Burke can use this against the Liberal Party. Briefly cite the TWS points about breaching TWWHA requirements and say that it seems that the minister supports these breaches.
If there's enough questioning of the Liberal's economic credentials then they may reverse their decision.
Write to the Minister for the Environment, The Hon Melissa Price MP. ... tent-panel
Throw economics at her and also the fact that the vast majority of people oppose the development. Briefly cite the TWS points about breaching TWWHA requirements. Ask if she supports these breaches.
Can anyone with a bit of time find out the voting results for Tasmanian state and federal electorates at the last election?
Son of a Beach wrote:[i]After reading here this morning Mr Hackett's announcement that he is banning public access
bogholesbuckethats wrote:Cafe Society: Fly-in, fly-out venture the thin edge of the wedge
January 16, 2019 11:00pm
Subscriber onlyThen there is the issue of helicopter access. A core value of true wilderness is that it is free of mechanical access, he says. Prized as one of the top five wild trout fisheries in the world, the remote Western Lakes are historically a walk-in destination with flat, easy terrain ideal for daytrips on foot.
Fishing for an introduced species, in an area previously riddled with motorbike and 4Wd tracks, and a wreck of a floatplane nearby with an existing hut smack bang on the island. I get that he likes the place, but he is romanticising.“The Franklin Dam and forest wars led to bad publicity all around the world,” says Greg.
Just don't - not comparable!“It gave us an image overseas as a petty, bigoted, redneck island that nobody wanted to go to. It is no coincidence our tourism industry has boomed after the forest wars were effectively stopped.”
geoskid wrote:Lophophaps wrote:Good thinking. The shadow minister is the Hon. Tony Burke
Keep it very short and he may read it. Stress economics and Mr Burke can use this against the Liberal Party. Briefly cite the TWS points about breaching TWWHA requirements and say that it seems that the minister supports these breaches.
If there's enough questioning of the Liberal's economic credentials then they may reverse their decision.
Write to the Minister for the Environment, The Hon Melissa Price MP. ... tent-panel
Throw economics at her and also the fact that the vast majority of people oppose the development. Briefly cite the TWS points about breaching TWWHA requirements. Ask if she supports these breaches.
Can anyone with a bit of time find out the voting results for Tasmanian state and federal electorates at the last election?
Of course, when you submit your economic modelling. you will have put as much effort into the other side of the ledger? That is, contact Daniel and gleen information that he has about his business plan and expected customers and where they might reasonably be expected to conribute to the economy before and after their guided fishing experience in our lovely state. If not, it will be seen as incomplete, and therefore discarded.
Lophophaps wrote:In the available time it is not possible to create and check an economic model. I can say with some certainty that on balance of probabilities the regional economic input fro a large number of people fishing and bushwalking will exceed that of a much smaller number being flown in.
have perused the April 2018 submissions in the link that was not working. There are 130 submissions, and every one opposes the proposal, many very strongly. Some have great depth, a lot of science. The vast majority have similar or identical points. I made a summary, may be of interest. The longer ones are interesting. The formatting is a bit crook in this post.
[/quote][/quote]b]Halls island list [/b]
Document Entity Position Page
1 Tasmanian Greens Against 1
2 Against
3 Against
4 Against 5
5 Against
6 Against
7 Against
8 Hobart Walking Club Against 14
9 Against
10 Against 19
11 Against 20
12 Against 23
13 Tassie NW Fisheries Against 25
14 Circular Head Walking Club Against
15 Against
16 Against
17 Against
18 Against 34
19 Against 42
20 Against 85
21 Against
22 Against
23 Against
24 Pandani Bushwalking Club Against 91
25 Against 99
26 Against 104
27 Huon Licensed Anglers Assn. Against 106
28 Tasmani Fly Tyers Club Against
29 Against
30 Soth Tas. Licensed Anglers Against 113
31 Against 114
32 Tasmanian NPA Against 123
33 Against 126
34 Against
35 Anglers Alliance Tasmania Against 131
36 NP and Wildlife Advisory C. Against 132
37 Against
38 Tour operator Against 138
39 Against
40 Against
41 Against
42 Against
43 Against 148
44 Against
45 Against
46 NW Walking Club Against 156
47 Bushwalking Tasmania Against 158
48 Against
49 Against 165
50 No submission
51 No submission
52 Against 173
53a Against 174
53b Against 175
54 Against 176
55 Against
56 Against
57 Against
58 Against 181
59 Against
60 Against
61 Against
62 Against
63 Against
64 Against
65 Against 191
66 Against
67 Against
68 Against
69 Against 198
70 BirdLife Tasmania Against 199
71 Against
72 Against
73 Against
74 Against
75 Against 207
76 Against
77 NW Walking Club Against 209
78 Against
79 Against
80 Australian Heritage Council Against 212
81 Against
82 Against
83 Against
84 Hobart Walking Club Against 217
85 Bushwalking Tasmania Against 219
86 Against
87 Against 224
88 Against 235
89 Bob Brown Foundation Against 238
90 Wilderness Society Against 239
91 Pandani BW Club Against 252
92a Tasmanian Aboriginal HC Against
92b Tasmanian Aboriginal HC Against 260
93 Against
94 Against
95 Tasmanian Fly Tyers Club Against 267
96 Against
97 Against
98 EDO Tasmania Against 270
99 Against
100 Against 276
101 Against
102 Against
103 Against
104 Friends of the GW Tiers Against 287
105 Against 292
106 Not stated Against
107 Southern Tas. Anglers Against 296
108 Anglers Alliance Tasmania Against 298
109 Against 300
110 Against 314
111 Against 323
112 Against 326
113 Against
114 Tasmanian Conservation Trust Against 330
115 Against
116 Against
117 Against
118 Against
119 Against
120 Tasmanian Land Conservancy Against 345
121 Against
122 Against
123 Against
124 Against
125 Against 352
126 Against
127 Tasmanian National Park Association Against 363
128 Against
129 Against
130 Against 373
Some extracts
69 What Mr Hackett is proposing will benefit his own pockets only. It will create "3" new jobs at the expense of hundreds of anglers and bushwalkers.
110 Cruise ship patrons live in encapsulated expenditure bubbles. There is very limited spin-off to locals. There is not overwhelming evidence that high-end eco-tourists, especially those who are time-poor, will do otherwise.
Lophophaps wrote: I have perused the April 2018 submissions in the link that was not working. There are 130 submissions, and every one opposes the proposal, many very strongly. Some have great depth, a lot of science. The vast majority have similar or identical points. I made a summary, may be of interest. The longer ones are interesting. The formatting is a bit crook in this post.
geoskid wrote:I will just add- I am not a fisherman of any sort, and don't do guided tours of any sort (bushwalking, MTBiking, Adventure motorbiking). What irks me most is that I see this issue as one of privilege -existing users refusing to tolerate newcomers as if they have some ownership. Similar to public hut users begrudgingly making space for others when they thought no-one else would be coming - or on a bigger and more important scale, issues around asylum seekers and refugees. The same type of thinking is present in all - and I am familiar with the type of thinking that attempts to justify this privilege - it is always dishonest and ignorant.
geoskid wrote:What irks me most is that I see this issue as one of privilege -existing users refusing to tolerate newcomers as if they have some ownership.
geoskid wrote:Son of a Beach wrote:After reading here this morning Mr Hackett's announcement that he is banning public access
This is simply dishonest SoaB. Would you care to attempt honesty?
Jim86 on FlyLife Forum wrote:The proponent has emailed people asking to go to the island said that the island is "closed". The public access plan for the development simply says that they may allow use in the future. If complete exclusion of the public (current situation) and a statement that the public may be allowed to go there (future situation) is not a significant detraction from the enjoyment or use by other people than it is hard to know what is.
geoskid wrote:What irks me most is that I see this issue as one of privilege -existing users refusing to tolerate newcomers as if they have some ownership.
geoskid wrote:I will just add- I am not a fisherman of any sort, and don't do guided tours of any sort (bushwalking, MTBiking, Adventure motorbiking). What irks me most is that I see this issue as one of privilege -existing users refusing to tolerate newcomers as if they have some ownership. Similar to public hut users begrudgingly making space for others when they thought no-one else would be coming - or on a bigger and more important scale, issues around asylum seekers and refugees. The same type of thinking is present in all - and I am familiar with the type of thinking that attempts to justify this privilege - it is always dishonest and ignorant.
Hackett's website wrote:Under this enhanced Visitor Access Program, the important European cultural history and natural values of Halls Island will be available to more public walkers and fishers than ever before
myrtlegirl wrote:I just got this email:
Please be advised the period for making a representation in relation to Development Application DA 2018/50 – Visitor Accommodation (Standing Camp) at Halls Island, Lake Malbena, Walls of Jerusalem National Park has been extended in accordance with Section 57(5) of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.
Any person may make representation in relation to the proposal in writing addressed to the General Manager, 19 Alexander Street, Bothwell 7030 or by email to and will be received no later than 5.00pm on 15 February 2019.
Lophophaps wrote:"In the available time it is not possible to create and check an economic model. I can say with some certainty that on balance of probabilities the regional economic input fro a large number of people fishing and bushwalking will exceed that of a much smaller number being flown in.
geoskid wrote:"*&^%$#! - You have no way of knowing that - your research is incomplete!"
geoskid wrote:Every one! Go figure! A lot of science - I'm sure! Is anyone surprised 'the vast majority have similar or identical points'? So long as you don't think any of this is a scholarly exercise, no harm done.
bogholesbuckethats wrote:I have no problem with sharing any part of the TWWHA with newcomers just as long as their experience does not negatively impact the experience of other users.
Thornbill wrote:Not at all. As long as those "newcomers" are using the area in a way that complies with the various management objectives of the area, then I have no issue. The proposed development as it currently stands it as odds with these objectives, hence my opposition. It has nothing to do with privilege, ownership etc.
Halls Island Visitor wrote:From: XXXX []
Sent: Monday, 22 October 2018 10:51 AM
To: RiverFly 1864;
Subject: Access to Halls Island Hut - Wednesday 24th October
Hi Daniel,
I was planning on visiting Halls Island this Wednesday.
Do you mind if I stay in the hut there overnight?
Daniel Hackett wrote:Hello XXXX
Thank you for your email
Halls Hut & Island is currently closed to access while overdue conservation work is planned and implemented to protect the hut for future generations. As you would be aware from your previous use, the floor joists and boards have broken into three sections, and are at risk of irreparable damage at this time.
We are also conducting remote-camera fauna monitoring on the island, and it is important that these are not interfered with inadvertently while this research is conducted.
We hope to complete conservation works by mid-2019.
Kindest Regards,
Daniel Hackett
Halls Island custodian & lessee
Son of a Beach wrote:We are also conducting remote-camera fauna monitoring on the island, and it is important that these are not interfered with inadvertently while this research is conducted
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