[chair - in use] Alite Mayfly, $150 online

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[chair - in use] Alite Mayfly, $150 online

Postby Neo » Fri 15 Mar, 2019 8:08 pm

Purchased in store late on a Saturday for $180 from Frontier in Sydney. Advertised at ~$150 onine from Snowys and Wildearth (delivered) although I decided last minute that I needed a chair! so diverted to the city and paid.

It is comfortable.
My only comparison is the Helinox Ground chair of similar design.
The Mayfly packs a bit neater/smaller but weighs in at 780g compared to 640g.
It is the same as their rocker version with an additional front leg.
Very similar to the Groundchair, notable design differences are the 2 aluminum knuckles and front leg vs the 4 plastic knuckles of the Helinox.
The tubing of the Alite appears a little more solid too.
When sitting, the front of the seat sling/fabric is a bit short under the bum but works fine.
The front leg optional piece often slips up from its locked/set position so I am barely off the ground. There may be a trick to it but I don't expect so. Hopefully this improves and doesn't cause damage. Time will tell. Five evenings use so far.
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Re: [chair - in use] Alite Mayfly, $150 online

Postby Ms_Mudd » Sat 16 Mar, 2019 9:32 pm

Thanks for the review
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Re: [chair - in use] Alite Mayfly, $150 online

Postby Rosscodj » Sun 17 Mar, 2019 7:19 am

I've had one for a few years now. Use it a couple of times a month (backyard, balcony, beach, camping, etc), and it's still going strong. Absolutely love it. Haven't noticed the front leg slipping though?
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Re: [chair - in use] Alite Mayfly, $150 online

Postby Neo » Wed 03 Apr, 2019 11:02 pm

The leg slipping seems to be less of an issue now.

I quite like the rocking option. Comforting to know it is designed that way too so rocking won't break it!
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Re: [chair - in use] Alite Mayfly, $150 online

Postby Neo » Sat 01 Aug, 2020 4:44 pm

Update, solved my leg slip issue.
When adding the front leg, swivel one end 360 one way or the other, then doesn't slip while sitting or moving.

Noticed some wear beside the corner pockets, but may not be fatal...
Most of the weird fabric coating has peeled from the undersides. This would be putting synthetic micro litter into the wild for sure.
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Re: [chair - in use] Alite Mayfly, $150 online

Postby Ms_Mudd » Thu 03 Sep, 2020 10:19 am

I love the look of these chairs. Must be so comfy to sit around in when in company
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Re: [chair - in use] Alite Mayfly, $150 online

Postby Mark F » Thu 03 Sep, 2020 11:34 am

Ms_Mudd wrote:I love the look of these chairs. Must be so comfy to sit around in when in company

I have a Helinox Chair Zero (520g) which is quite similar. Very comfy even when solo :lol:
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