$$$ Overland Transport July/August

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$$$ Overland Transport July/August

Postby Explorer_Sam » Tue 04 Jun, 2019 1:19 pm

Hi all,

A mate and I are planning to do the OLT in the middle of winter, flying in on 27th July and out on the 6th August to be precise.

All the time in between is ours to use as we please. Hoping to do the track over 7 to 8 days - maybe some side trips, maybe we'll get snowed in for a day or two.

I would like to offer $80 and some good quality conversation to any kind soul out there who would be willing to take us from Launceston to Cradle on the 28th July, or even in the evening of the 27th (our flight arrives 4.40 PM).

Again, $80 and some good quality conversation for anyone who would be willing to take us back from Cynthia Bay to Launceston in the evening of the 4th or 5th August.

Let me know if you would be willing to help out! Thanks so much,

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Re: $$$ Overland Transport July/August

Postby Petew » Tue 04 Jun, 2019 1:22 pm

Might see you there Sam, me and a mate are going the 30th. We ended up booking a full service. Airport pick up, accommodation, transfers there and back. Cost a lot more than $80 unfortunately:(
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Re: $$$ Overland Transport July/August

Postby Xastorm » Tue 04 Jun, 2019 2:17 pm

Hi Pete, would you mind messaging me details of what you arranged? As I am hoping to do similar at the start of July.
Cheers :D
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