Mount Wills

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Mount Wills

Postby neil_fahey » Tue 05 Jan, 2010 4:02 pm

Hi all,

Just thought I'd mention a beautiful walk I did a week or so ago up in the Mitta Valley (near the town of Mitta Mitta). I hiked to the top of Mount Wills (from the Omeo Highway) along the 4WD track to the Ski Club and then the gated vehicle management track to the summit. I've never seen country like that before - it was incredible!

My favourite photo of the day gives a pretty good idea of what the scenery was like...


You can see my notes and the rest of my photos here - ... -area.html

By the way, happy new year everyone!

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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Mount Wills

Postby north-north-west » Wed 20 Jan, 2010 12:22 pm

Yeah, it's a nice little spot. Should do the run out to Wills South, too - I think they're supposed to have cleaned up a bit of the track from there down to Sunnyside, though I haven't done it for a couple of years.
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Re: Mount Wills

Postby neil_fahey » Wed 20 Jan, 2010 4:36 pm

scavenger wrote:Yeah, it's a nice little spot. Should do the run out to Wills South, too - I think they're supposed to have cleaned up a bit of the track from there down to Sunnyside, though I haven't done it for a couple of years.

Thanks Scavenger... Shall have a look at that!
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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