Low Carb Menu?

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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby cams » Mon 17 Dec, 2018 9:50 am

Kitzy wrote:I've been dehydrating cauliflower puree for quite a while, I'll add some pre grated parmesan and a bit of butter as its rehydrating and have it for breakfast. Keeps me full for hours and the cheese disguises the flavor a bit (I like cauli though)

That sounds pretty nice!

So after my cancelled trip in September I'm finally getting out for some walks over christmas and will be doing it all low carb. A few more products I've discovered lately (not all good for bushwalking).

Empower wraps: https://empowerfoods.com.au/collections ... ower-wraps
I'll be taking some of these walking. I can buy them from my local health food shop at Kingston or can buy direct. They are pretty bland, but handy as a vehicle for other tasty stuff and waay nicer than the coconut ones I tried a while back from iHerb.

Herman Brot Bread: https://hermanbrot.com.au/products/low-carb-bread/
Very satisfying for that bread/toast fix. In Hobart, Lindisfarne IGA stock it. Or can buy direct

Denada Ice Cream!: https://www.denadaco.com/
I got some on the weekend for the first time. Double choc flavour was very satisfyingly decadent. Bought from Macquarie St Supermarket in Hobart. Super expensive though!
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Nuts » Tue 18 Dec, 2018 8:47 am

Good find with the breads. Bread is on thing hard to replace. Tried the helga's lower carb wraps, nice enough but 'lower' isn't exactly 'low'.
I'll have to try those Empower wraps.

Most recent find here was frozen cauli rice, ready set for the dehydrator.

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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Neo » Wed 19 Dec, 2018 9:45 pm

There is a kitchen gadget called the Vegetti. Turns carrots/zucchini etc into spaghetti like stands. Found them at Australia Post.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby flingebunt » Thu 20 Dec, 2018 3:40 pm

The biggest challenge in hiking is that carbs are usually the lightest and simplest way to supply yourself with the calories that you need on the trail. Even people who are not trying to be low carb pretty quickly find themselves sick of eating sugary foods, mash potatoes, rice and noodles. But there are a lot of alternatives.

I should point out that dietitians (not nutritionists who don't need a qualification, but actually qualified experts) recommend that for athletes (and if you are walking long distances you are getting into the elite level of athleticism) should get 70% of their calories from carbs, while for those sitting at desks all day can afford to cut out the carbs. But each to their own and here are some strategies.

Meat of course is a great source of protein which provides energy, but they can be a bit heavy, but worth packing. I like to buy packets of meat (meatballs, hamburgers, curries etc) from my local Korean store. The price starts at $1.80 for some of these. They are not dehydrated, so they can be a little heavy, but delicious. Also from the Asian store I love dehydrated squid. Otherwise you are looking at satchels of tuna and chicken in a can.

You can buy dehydrated paleo meals for camping, and they are better than most meals anyway, because you might pay $12+ for what is mostly pasta, potato or carbs, rather than meat and vegetables.

As already pointed out, you can dehydrate your own vegetables and is really the only way to get a variety of vegetables of your own choice at a reasonable price.

When it comes to beans, remember, most are both high in protein and carbs, which is why they are great vegetarian food. If you are happy with beans, most have a very long cook time. Red lentils is an exception which cook in 5 minutes, but contain very little protein.

I did see dehydrated tofu in a Chinese supermarket, if you want to try that. But I don't know about the cooking time or taste.

Lastly of course are oils and fats. Oil, like olive oil, is the most compact and weight efficient source of calories around.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby CasualNerd » Thu 20 Dec, 2018 8:53 pm

flingebunt wrote:I should point out that dietitians (not nutritionists who don't need a qualification, but actually qualified experts) recommend that for athletes (and if you are walking long distances you are getting into the elite level of athleticism) should get 70% of their calories from carbs,

Sorry to be a jerk, but that's not at all correct based on the most recent science. Keto diets have gained huge popularity especially amongst elite athletes. The first guy to summit Everest twice in a week without oxygen credits a ketogenic diet for his ability to pull off the feat, and Tour de France riders, marathon runners swear by it. Dieticians seem to be a long way behind on this and often dispute it (and the reasons for that are another whole can of worms).

In my personal opinion fat adaptation has it's biggest benefits when doing endurance exercise like bushwalking.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby cams » Thu 03 Jan, 2019 1:15 pm

So I returned from our trip yesterday. We spent 11 out of 12 days walking with packs at three different locations. Lake St Clair (including off track), WOJ and Frenchmans. So definitely included some fairly strenuous and extended walking.

I would end up classing the diet for the trip as low carb rather than keto because I gave up trying to keep the macros more favoured towards fat than protein.

Overall though it was very successful. We carried less food weight overall. We were reducing the amount of food per day we took for each successive outing as we over-estimated. We never felt hungry and only stopped when convenient to eat. I felt like energy was never an issue. Also, the type of foods we took I found much easier to eat. I've never used to find the typical scroggin mixes or musli bars particularly fun or easy to eat.

Some general notes:
- Dinners were pre-mixed combinations of Backcountry mince, and Campers Pantry veggies. We made 3 flavours. Mexican (using taco seasoning), "spag bol" using a variety of spices olives and sundried tomatos, and curry using a curry spice mix. We are definitely going to get a dehydrator to improve our options for dinners
- Breakfasts were Backcountry eggs. Ok, but not the best. We mixed some salami in some mornings which greatly improved the experience.
- Took ghee and added this to most breakfasts and dinners. Kept very well. Would transfer to a more leak proof container next time though.
- Sometimes we would skip a meal and just snack when we couldn't be bothered. Advantage of never feeling hungry
- Took Devondale UHT cream for coffee. Worked well, but would love to still try powdered cream.
- Scroggin mix was macadamias, almonds, some peanuts and amazeball cheese balls
- Safcol tuna sachets, parmesan and salami for lunches
- Kooee jerky
- Didn't use many peanut butter sachets, but the occaisonal one was nice
- Didn't use many low carb wraps but the occasional one with breakfast was nice to add texture
- Took quite a lot of olives for snacking. These were awesome.
- Atkins or Body Science protein bars were a very satisfying sweet reward. Not exactly what I'd class as "healthy" food even without the sugar, but while out walking they were a great option. Otherwise just Lindt 90% chocolate.

Few other bits and pieces but that's about it. Nothing too revolutionary there. It's mainly just taking away the carb fillers from the main meals and being fat/low carb adapted beforehand I think that was the main difference. That and being around 10kg lighter than I was 6 months ago helped. ;)
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Neo » Thu 03 Jan, 2019 8:22 pm

Cool. Nice to read your reflection.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Mark F » Fri 11 Jan, 2019 3:59 pm

Worth keeping in mind the benefits of fibre when considering low carb diets. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/jan/10/high-fibre-diets-cut-heart-disease-risk-landmark-study-finds
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby CasualNerd » Fri 11 Jan, 2019 4:35 pm

Mark F wrote:Worth keeping in mind the benefits of fibre when considering low carb diets.

The benefits of fibre resulting in 'one wipe' poops are totally underrated when bushwalking with limited paper supplies !

If I can't get enough dehydrated veg in my food I often take a few psylium capsules on multi day walks.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby ribuck » Fri 11 Jan, 2019 7:06 pm

Mark F wrote:Worth keeping in mind the benefits of fibre when considering low carb diets.

There's lots of fibre, and few carbs, in nuts and seeds!
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Mark F » Fri 11 Jan, 2019 8:16 pm

True, but to get 25 to 30 g of fibre you will have to eat about 300 grams of nuts or seeds (chia is somewhat higher). Sounds like a great diet for a cocky or budgerigar. Cashews or peanut butter require almost a kg the be consumed to get that level of fibre. This is obviously not a problem over the few days of a trip but making it a lifestyle choice may be harmful.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby ribuck » Fri 11 Jan, 2019 8:51 pm

MarkF, that's assuming you want to get ALL of your fibre from nuts. Bushwalkers can also eat low-carb high-fibre foods such as beans, lentils, berries and above-ground vegetables.

The quoted research is clear (fibre is good for you), but the slur on low carb diets is not supported by the evidence.

The real takeaway from the study should be: "If you are on a low carb diet, get plenty of fibre; don't just eat dairy, eggs and meat. If you are on a high-carb diet, get plenty of fibre, don't eat white bread, white rice, peeled potatoes and things with added sugar."
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Nuts » Sat 16 Feb, 2019 11:14 am

cams wrote:With regards to noodle substitutes. You can get Super Low Cal Noodles from Woolies made by Chang's. They are made of Konjac root. There are some other brands that make various pasta shaped things out of it too. It is a bit smelly out of the packet, but you rinse them and once in a dish with sauce have a pretty satisfying texture. Also rice: https://www.lowcarbemporium.com.au/coll ... odles-rice

Ok, so got around to trying to dehydrate the 'spaghetti' and 'rice' Konjac root. They sure are heavy with all that water, for what is probably one hungry walker/ big serve..

Expected them to return to mush but much the opposite. They dry like fine steel wool, but boiling, soaking, this only seems to do so much (not much), like wet steelo's..
Maybe cooking fresh then dehy? But doubt it. I can't imagine getting them back to their original form (which for taste and texture is a good substitute for their alternatives)?
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Ms_Mudd » Sat 16 Feb, 2019 4:47 pm

I have no idea how I missed this thread!
I have done my first 'keto' multiday bushwalk last month, 4.5 days on 25g or less of carbs.
Just packing now for a walk next week and working out what I have on hand and what I will need to stock up on, which is how I discovered this thread as I was working out whether cauli could be dehydrated.

Eating low carb on my last trip was a bit easier than I thought, however I did have a few hits and misses with it all. Most notable miss was ghee and coconut oil in my morning coffee as a breakfast 'meal'- I did not allow for another breakfast. I stored it in urine speci jars which leaked a little but it was the hot weather that ruined that plan as I couldn't stomach a hot coffee so ended up with a calorie deficit. Will post a pic of my nearly completed food stash for that particular trip, it was just missing 2 x unripe avocados, salami sticks and a few other bits and pieces at the point the pic was taken. I, of course, removed the bulky packaging prior to going as well.

Impressed you tried to dehydrate the konjac stuff Nuts.

Will sit down with a handful of nuts and a green tea :lol: soon to read over all of this thread, look forward to seeing some hints and tips from others to try and improve my
own efforts.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Neo » Sat 16 Feb, 2019 6:13 pm

MsMudd are those primal pods any good?

I dig the theory of ketosis eating. Dabbled one week recently, even wilted kale at breakfast!

I think it would take a bit of time to get in the swing of it. One can not live on olives, bacon and avocado alone ;)

So really keen to hear of some of your keto bushwalk experiences in the future. Cheers
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Ms_Mudd » Sun 17 Feb, 2019 11:01 am

You ate wilted kale for breakfast, super impressive dedication right there!

It took me a bit to get keto all happening. My fruit and veg drawer in the fridge as never seen so much green. I need to buy a brocolli and baby spinach farm ;-)

Primal Pods worked well on that trip. I was off my food a bit due to the heat so would have simply not eaten had a hot meal been the choice. I ended up eating the PP as a lunch and did my avo/salmon etc as dinner. The Sunday Roast PP was not flavoursome. I could have eaten cardboard and got as much taste. The other two, 5 spice pork and thai chicken were more enjoyable.
Slow going to get them eaten though. You really had to chew. Oh and have regular sips of water- I discovered that the hard way, with a giant collection of chicken jerky sonewhere between my mouth and stomach that painfully washed down with water.
I will buy them again - they are on sale atm, $40 for 3 incl. Post- happy with the weight of them and a convenient way to get some protein and veg into you.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Ms_Mudd » Fri 19 Apr, 2019 3:44 pm

Just updating, haven't gone the Primal Pod option again on any trips since the one in January. The longest I have been out since then has been 3 -4 days, so a bit of extra food weight not much of a problem. The PP worked okay for a longer trip, but were not 'exciting' at all, they did the trick of giving me calories, but little joy in eating them :|

I took some homemade macadamia butter along last trip and that doubled as a dessert as well as a spread on my lunch crackers (Olina brand, bit of a pain to take as very breakable so had to be packed accordingly). Felt like the nut butter although weighty was calorie dense and I really enjoyed it.

Eating low carb has meant that I am seeming to leave my stove at home more and more, as there is not much that needs cooking. I imagine that may change in Winter though when I think I will take out some bone broth bombs or something similar to warm me and maybe make my own grain-free 'porridge' too for breakfast.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Ms_Mudd » Fri 28 Jun, 2019 10:06 am

Actually remembered to snap a pic of my meals. Still low carbing here and loving it. Sticking to 20g total carbs most days. Last few overnighters.
I reuse ziplock bags, so broth bomb bag actually contains cardamom cherry coconut crisps I made in my dehydrator and the sesame seed bag has my homemade low carb porridge and coconut milk powder. Yes I am carrying 250g of cream...so worth it :lol: . Going to add it and some brandy to my chai tea at the end of the first day.
The Biltong is my "in case of energy emergency, break pack" ;-)
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Nuts » Sat 29 Jun, 2019 1:24 pm

Thanks Ms_Mudd, impressive, i'm still checking in, gleaning.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Wollemi » Mon 09 Sep, 2019 7:35 pm

What is 'spaghetti squash' ? I have searched for it on Coles and Woolworths websites to no success.

I will try a green grocer tomorrow - you need to ask to get it ordered in? https://www.milanobrothersvegetablespag ... out1-c1jt8

Can it be roasted as is on hot coals when bushwalking?
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby jobell » Mon 09 Sep, 2019 8:33 pm

Wollemi wrote:What is 'spaghetti squash' ? I have searched for it on Coles and Woolworths websites to no success.

I will try a green grocer tomorrow - you need to ask to get it ordered in? https://www.milanobrothersvegetablespag ... out1-c1jt8

Can it be roasted as is on hot coals when bushwalking?
The ones I have cooked I cut in half and place cut side down on a lined baking tray. They sort of steam and bake at the same time. I reckon they probably could be cooked on a fire, maybe wrapped in foil....but I can't imagine carrying one out bush though they aren't all that small. Think somewhere between grapefruit and up to closer to a rockmelon in size and weight. Hard to find in the shops. Someone around my way was growing them last year as they would show up on the veggie swap stand in my town occasionally.

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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Nuts » Tue 10 Sep, 2019 7:07 am

Ah, good find Wollemi, I might try to order some when next at The Nuthouse.
I couldn't find them so bought the seeds to grow.
A lot like Konjac noodles in consistency iirc, and with very little taste.

ps. my interest was in drying (to carry): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKwopbMrvAg
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby jobell » Mon 16 Sep, 2019 7:16 pm

Has anyone considered making their own low carb shake mix? Lately I am considering going stove free, partly to lighten the pack and partly because I have lost a lot of interest in all things cooking related. I am mostly pescatarian and dairy free AND trying to reduce my carbs. Fun fun. I am wondering whether I can concoct a meal replacing shake with coconut milk powder, maybe pea protein and sugar free cocoa, maybe some cinnamon? Am I dreaming? Has anyone else tried this or found a commercial (vegan) low carb shake mix that doesn't cost a squillon? Will my drink bottle ever unclog?

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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby jobell » Mon 16 Sep, 2019 7:47 pm

Further to my previous post I found this. 7 meals for $38.41 works out at um.... $5.50ish a meal. I reckon if I mixed in some coconut milk powder to up the fat content it wouldn't be too far off what I was thinking about spec wise. Any thoughts? Image

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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby flingebunt » Tue 17 Sep, 2019 9:51 am

There are quite a lot of low carb options. Go to your health food or organic shop and you will find a lot.

There are paleo crackers, which you can eat with tuna, canned meat (get the little cans of pork from the Korean shops), pate and so on.

Dehydrated eggs (you can buy these from Coles). Bacon and eggs for breakfast, egg foo young (you don't need to use pork mince, you can use other things like crab meat even tuna to make something similar).

Or you can avoid crackpot advice about carbs and listen to Dietitians (who are qualified and registered) rather than nutritionists (anyone can call themselves this) and take the recommendation for people don't a lot of exercise, to get 70% of your calories from carbs. Make sure they are wholegrain as this reduces changes of bowel cancer.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Ms_Mudd » Mon 27 Apr, 2020 6:30 pm

Jobell, I am so late to this post, great idea about a protein shake. I sometimes do a cold coffee shake at lunch as I am too lazy to get my stove out. Same concept really. I add in coconut milk powder of a low carb creamer powder and MCT powder. I have added some collagen powder on longer walks where I know my protein intake will be a bit inadequate. Collagen not pescatarian friendly for you, but as you say you could use some pea protein or similar.
I either have a dedicated little PET bottle and a teeny silicone folding funnel or just put it in my s2s alpha cup with plug the hole with my thumb while I shake. It is lumpy to be fair, but everything (nearly!) tastes great in the bush when you are hungry or crashing from lack of caffeine.
Did you end up trying to do shakes on a walk or at your job this summer?

I still eat low carb day to day and have continued to do so on any walks, however, I am thinking next time I go out for a longer one, I am going to 'do' carbs at dinner time for two reasons; 1) I think I end up quite depleted at the end of a few days walking as I have well and truly used up my muscles' glycagon stores and 2) I think carbs will keep me warmer at night. I sometimes get so hot after carbs that I sweat, it is a noticeable shift in body temp. Cheaper than buying a warmer bag :wink:
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby jobell » Sat 02 May, 2020 6:33 pm

Ms_Mudd, to answer your question, no, have yet to try them out. Work consumed my whole summer all the way up to our Coronavirus lock downs. So sadly no walks for me (yet) this year. And protein shakes didn’t really interest me at work.

Work wise my camping stove set up got a bit of a workout mainly for making a lot of hot drinks. Given I spent the better part of summer countering the cold by wearing thermals and sometimes a beanie at work the hot drinks went down a treat.

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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Ms_Mudd » Sat 02 May, 2020 7:40 pm

Yes, it's been quite a year so far hasn't it?! I keep wanting to make a stock of dehy meals as I loved to 'prep' and plan for walks, but goodness knows my stocks are already high enough from no big trips for months.
I did see a shake product called 'Keto Chow' that seems to get good reviews for taste and nutrition profile, but as you need to add a fat of choice to it I am not sure how practical that would be. I do carry a uht of cream if I have the space in my pack as a treat in my teas/coffee/dessert but carrying oil or cream to make shakes would probably negate the idea of it being an easier meal.

Summer with a beanie on and warm drinks sounds like my idea of a perfect summer, temperature wise.
Btw I have to say I have enjoyed perusing your blog again with some warm drinks of my own. Gosh, you have had some great adventures Jobell.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Ms_Mudd » Wed 09 Sep, 2020 5:20 pm

Had a total 'miss' with my own dehy meal on a recent trip. Inedible butter chicken, Ew. I dehydrated canned chicken, that worked well, but somehow my vegie and spice combo was foul. Pun intended.
My satay chicken was passable, not bad at all really.

I have just caved and purchased some 'lower carb' freeze dried meals, ie. Campers Pantry Beef Terriyaki,CP Chickpea cauli dahl, Go Native Chilli Con Carne, more carbs than I would normally eat, but not as much as the other freeze dried meal offerings. I also stocked up on Campers Pantry freeze dried veg to add to Back Country Mince ala cams post above. I think I just need to mix it up from my own dehy offerings for a bit- I have tapped out my menu repertoire for now.

I have discovered Slendier Soy Bean fettucine, they also do a blackbean and edamame that is low carb and actually tastes and feels very similar to wheat,carby pasta. I find if you break it up and just tip water on it as you rehydrate the freezedried mince, it is ready to eat texture at the same time as the mince.

I am going to be taking a pack of Empower Low Carb Wraps as well on my next multiday for lunches, I have taken them once before and they held up with no mould etc, unlike the low carb bread offerings.

Oooooo something else I discovered which is a winner is Casein custard, YUM! It is just a powder, you mix it with water to form a custard, then top with sugar free smarties, lindt 90%, nuts, whatever you want. I tried a few flavours, but liked the banana the best. Huge protein content.

Anyone else still low carbing? Any other hints/tips? I like to keep it interesting.
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Re: Low Carb Menu?

Postby Nuts » Wed 08 Sep, 2021 1:56 pm

One for the high bread diet (available from IGA & the others):

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