[FS Brisbane] Osprey Exos 48 backpack SOLD

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[FS Brisbane] Osprey Exos 48 backpack SOLD

Postby CBee » Sat 30 Nov, 2019 9:53 am

So, if anyone is interested, I have this exos 48 for sale, used for a couple of years on multiday hiking trips. The pack is in excellent condition with the exception of a little hole in the outer stretchy mesh, but irrelevant to the usage. The mesh is the weaker part of the pack and shows little sign of wear. I'm selling it because I'm upgrading to a larger capacity backpack as I've been unable to fit more than a week of food in it. I'm happy to get offers.
IMG_20191130_094926792_HDR (Large).jpg
mesh hole
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Posts: 506
Joined: Fri 21 Dec, 2018 7:18 am
Region: Queensland

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