Great job in NE Victoria

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Great job in NE Victoria

Postby jobell » Sat 21 Dec, 2019 6:40 pm

Hey folks,

This would be a great job for a bushwalker so I thought of you lot and thought I might share it. Cut and pasted below with links.

Have a passion for the great outdoors?

We are currently seeking a Senior Project Officer to help us deliver the Victorian Government’s $105 million Great Outdoors program.

The successful applicant will work within a regional team to lead the design and coordination of projects, manage budgets and reporting, and meaningfully engage with the community and our stakeholders.

Projects in north east Victoria include new campsites, walking and 4WD tracks, horse trails and visitor facilities.

Of course, to keep on top of project delivery you will be required to get out of the office and into the forest, working with our specialist district staff to bring local projects to life.

So, let’s cut to the chase. If you have proven project management skills, a history of seeing projects through to successful completion, and a passion for working collaboratively with local communities and stakeholders, we would be pretty keen to hear from you.

You can find out more about the Great Outdoors Program here

To apply visit ... /?sfnsn=mo

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