Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

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Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby ollster » Tue 19 Jan, 2010 11:45 am

Hi all,

After 6 years of excellent service, my old Olympus mju-300 3mp compact camera jobbie isn't really cutting the mustard any more, and is starting to have lense extension trigger thing issues.

I'm looking for a new compact with the following attributes (in no order):
-Water, dust and shock proof/resistant
-Great optics and a reasonable zoom (preferably greater than 5x, but I'd settle for less)
-Good auto modes - I'm too slack to bother getting involved in the tech of photography
-Excellent in variable light conditions
-Good LCD, viewable in direct sunlight
-Straighforward interface, easy operation with gloves on (if possible)
-Standard mini-USB interface (ie: not a proprietary cable)
-HQ video modes, preferably 720p or better
-Good audio recording
-High megapixels (at least 8 or so) so I can consider poster prints
-Great battery life
-SD card (my media player uses SD, and my monitor accepts SD, so I'd like to stick to that card format)
-Not costing too much (say under $500), although this is my least concern

Almost automatically at the top of my list is the Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1.

Some feedback on this camera would be most appreciated (I think there are at least 2 users on this forum). Any info on other reasonable alternatives would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Oll.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby Drifting » Tue 19 Jan, 2010 12:28 pm

what I've seen from the other panasonic users on here is pretty good. I'm an incredible image snob- I won't even use a point-and-shoot for snapshots, but the photos coming from the newest generation of panasonics are getting pretty good.

Don't get sucked into the megapixel game- my 8mp DSLR will print out at least at A2 size with excellent quality. IMHO anything over 10 on a point-and-shoot will lower the image quality by cramming too many pixels onto a small sensor, causing a degredation of image quality called noise. Also, you can get a smearing of the fine details with higher MP's, which makes for a crummy poster, though it's not noticeable in a print. Canon, one of the leaders in this market, has just released a new flagship point-and-shoot, the G11, aimed at highly advanced amateurs and pros, with only 10 mp!

I'm a middle-level amateur, but I love my hobby, and to be honest when I upgrade my 8mp camera (when I have to- I do like it), I'll probably buy a used camera, just so that I am not pushed into buying a 16, 19 or 21 MP camera. 10 is the happy limit for me, and 12 is the highest I'd like to go.

(Yes Adam I know what you are thinking regarding my image quality snobbishness- you're predictable!!! :-) )
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby Drifting » Tue 19 Jan, 2010 12:32 pm

Except that you are crazy to buy it here. Save yourself a few bucks and buy from the US. With a couple of exceptions, all of my gear comes from the US. You can also PM Tasadam, I THINK he recently bought some stuff from Hong Kong.

Check this out. A little bit of savings there......
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby ollster » Tue 19 Jan, 2010 12:46 pm

Food for thought there Drifting.

I understand the comment about MPs - my Olympus produces clearer pics than some compacts with twice the MPs, that's why I've hung onto it for so long.

I've found the FT1 for as low as $320 on Aus web site (rather than the $550 RRP!), and not as a grey import either. This seems pretty reasonable.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby stepbystep » Tue 19 Jan, 2010 1:03 pm

ollster wrote:Hi all,

After 6 years of excellent service, my old Olympus mju-300 3mp compact camera jobbie isn't really cutting the mustard any more, and is starting to have lense extension trigger thing issues.

I'm looking for a new compact with the following attributes (in no order):
-Great optics and a reasonable zoom (preferably greater than 5x, but I'd settle for less) - GREAT FOR A HAPPYSNAPPER ALTHOUGH ZOOM ONLY 4x
-Good auto modes - I'm too slack to bother getting involved in the tech of photography - HAVEN'T TRIED EM ALL(TOO LAZY), THEY LOOK A BIT GIMMICKY
-Excellent in variable light conditions - BEST TO CARRY A MINI TRIPOD FOR LOW LIGHT OR MACRO SHOTS
-Good LCD, viewable in direct sunlight - EXCELLENT
-Straighforward interface, easy operation with gloves on (if possible) - ON/OFF BUTTON A BIT TRICKY WITH GLOVES THE REST SHOULD BE OK
-Standard mini-USB interface (ie: not a proprietary cable) - COMES SUPPLIED
-High megapixels (at least 8 or so) so I can consider poster prints - 12MEGAPIXEL, GIVING FILE SIZES OF 5-6MP PER SHOT
-Lightweight - YUP
-SD card (my media player uses SD, and my monitor accepts SD, so I'd like to stick to that card format) - YUP
-Not costing too much (say under $500), although this is my least concern - SAW IT AT $450 IN DICK'S CATALOGUE THIS WEEK - BUT ADD ON'S FOR A CARD AND EXTRA BATTERY

Almost automatically at the top of my list is the Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1.THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT

Some feedback on this camera would be most appreciated (I think there are at least 2 users on this forum). Any info on other reasonable alternatives would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Oll.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby ollster » Tue 19 Jan, 2010 1:16 pm

LOL. Bitchin'. Thanks for the review sbs! :D

One question - the USB connection, when you say "comes supplied" do you mean it uses a standard USB mini-b type connector, or some other camera side connector that is not standard. Sorry, I just don't want to assume...
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby stepbystep » Tue 19 Jan, 2010 1:22 pm

ollster wrote:LOL. Bitchin'. Thanks for the review sbs! :D

One question - the USB connection, when you say "comes supplied" do you mean it uses a standard USB mini-b type connector, or some other camera side connector that is not standard. Sorry, I just don't want to assume...

One end is standard USB, the other end that attaches to the camera has some strange shaped connector, just plugs straight into the computer and appears as a drive on the desktop(Mac)
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby ollster » Tue 19 Jan, 2010 1:23 pm

No worries, it's probably a mini-b type, I'll have to check out Stu B's. I'd be annoyed if not, as I have about a dozen a-type to mini-b-type cables!
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby sthughes » Tue 19 Jan, 2010 4:18 pm

Nah it's a proprietary plug, not mini-b. Personally I use a card reader to save digging up the cable.
Low light is okay - I mean it is an ultra compact so don't expect too much. Biggest gripe in that regard is that in the auto ISO mode it tends to get carried away thinking it can take decent pictures as ISO 600+, which of course it can't. Better to force it to 200 or less and just hold it still, the OIS helps.
Auto modes mostly work well, I really like the camera in general. I did a lot of research but found nothing better in the waterproof segment, though I was after a wide angle lense as well, so ignored some models. The video is a killer feature with dedicated record button and AVCHD format means a lot will fit on a card (compared to say motion jpeg 720p). Color is cool too ;-)
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby ollster » Wed 20 Jan, 2010 3:01 pm

sthughes wrote:Nah it's a proprietary plug, not mini-b.

Cool, thanks. Considering the lack of real contenders, and the good experience from owners on this site, I reckon I'll be looking very closely at the FT1.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby Ent » Mon 01 Feb, 2010 11:25 am

Fell for the charms of a Canon D10 waterproof camera. It is 12 mega pixels and uses a straight line lens system so can be a bit thick. It is largely full auto but has a P mode which you can force the ISO to stay put but not much else. Only got it on the weekend so only played with it. My other compact is an old Canon S70 that I love but too much use in adverse conditions means it seams not to like focusing on the zoom modes. The trip to Frenchman Cap was shot using this camera in raw mode. The Canon D10 has no raw mode but impression are the optical quality is very good (better around the edges than the S70) and the JPG processing much better than the S70 which is pretty indifferent. Only three times zoom is the downside.

Main reason for choosing it is Canon as a brand has done me no wrong and I am familiar with the menus. The dream would be a S90 logic in the same case but as usual manufacturers figure that people with tough cameras are simpletons so only provide auto everything plus probably the real reason is the less button the less sealing issues. Brought a 16GB SD card and that works so around 5000 photographs before needing to delete images. Interestingly though 12 mp the image size if less than the S70 at 7.1mp. Please explain?

As for mega pixels my SLR Canon 400D at 10 mp does make me wonder if more than 10 mp is more an ego thing unless you are using A3 photographs. Still all things been equal I would take more MP.

Cheers Brett
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby photohiker » Mon 01 Feb, 2010 11:49 am

Brett wrote: Interestingly though 12 mp the image size if less than the S70 at 7.1mp. Please explain?

Are you talking about file size or image size?

S70 Max Resolution: 3072 x 2304

D10 Max Resolution: 4000 x 3000
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby Ent » Mon 01 Feb, 2010 1:06 pm

photohiker wrote:
Brett wrote: Interestingly though 12 mp the image size if less than the S70 at 7.1mp. Please explain?

Are you talking about file size or image size?

S70 Max Resolution: 3072 x 2304

D10 Max Resolution: 4000 x 3000

Your numbers are correct but the S70 generates file size of around 3.6 to 4.5 MB while the D10 does 3 MB? I would have assumed (deadly word) that 12 mega pixels should generate a bigger file size.

Cheers Brett
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby tastrax » Mon 01 Feb, 2010 1:12 pm

Here is another alternative - even has a GPS built in ... and shows you coordinates on screen apparently.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby photohiker » Mon 01 Feb, 2010 1:35 pm

Brett wrote:Your numbers are correct but the S70 generates file size of around 3.6 to 4.5 MB while the D10 does 3 MB? I would have assumed (deadly word) that 12 mega pixels should generate a bigger file size.

Cheers Brett

Ah. File size then.

The size of the files will depend on the scene detail and the amount of compression applied. So to compare the two cameras, you really need to take the same shot with each camera, while the settings for quality on each camera are set to the best quality (Large/Fine).

I don't know either camera, but it is possible that the D10 has a different level of default compression than the S70. Testing should find out.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby Ent » Mon 01 Feb, 2010 2:47 pm

photohiker wrote:
Brett wrote:Your numbers are correct but the S70 generates file size of around 3.6 to 4.5 MB while the D10 does 3 MB? I would have assumed (deadly word) that 12 mega pixels should generate a bigger file size.

Cheers Brett

Ah. File size then.

The size of the files will depend on the scene detail and the amount of compression applied. So to compare the two cameras, you really need to take the same shot with each camera, while the settings for quality on each camera are set to the best quality (Large/Fine).

I don't know either camera, but it is possible that the D10 has a different level of default compression than the S70. Testing should find out.

Generally with compression it means two things.

1. Smarter way of compressing image
2. Greater loss of data

Not sure what is the story there. More an observation at this stage. Be interested as the S70 was a very smart camera for its day while the D10 I believe is basically a consumer grade camera in a tough housing. Be sad to lose imagery quality but got to hard to protect a non waterproof camera so many shots just were never taken. Like most things with bushwalking electronics it is a matter of choosing amongst the compromises that less annoy you.

It will be interesting to see how it compares to the Panasonic that Sthughes uses. Stay tune for shoot offs :D

Cheers Brett
Last edited by Ent on Mon 01 Feb, 2010 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby photohiker » Mon 01 Feb, 2010 3:52 pm

Brett wrote:
Generally with compression it means two things.

1. Smarter way of compressing image
2. Greater loss of data

Yes. Note we are talking jpeg compression here, so I doubt that there would be a 'smarter' between the two cameras, just a 'more' or a 'less' with corresponding effect on the data size and image quality.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby samh » Fri 05 Feb, 2010 7:55 pm

Fuji just announced the HS10 its not really a "compact" anymore but it looks like it's going to be a great cam
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby dancier » Sat 06 Feb, 2010 8:04 am

These threads may be of interest. I'm not a camera buff but follow camera posts in hope my interests may change.

Panasonic DMC-TZ6 ... 1&nested=0

Panasonic Lumix LX2 ... 1&nested=0

Canon G9 but they talk about the lumix ... 1&nested=0

Have fun, the ixus 80 does the job for punters like me but I'm sure I could do better. If they only made something as good as my Olympus Trip.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby photohiker » Sat 06 Feb, 2010 8:20 am

One of my boys finally got sick of his ancient 3Mp hand-me-down Canon Ixus and wanted a new camera, so I lined up the possibilities for him and let him at it. He definitely wanted a camera without an extending lens which narrowed the field considerably, but he couldn't decide between several, so we took a trip into town to handle the actual cameras.

Gotta laugh, he picked the FT1 before he had touched it from a huge display of compact cameras behind the counter. Reason? Orange is his current favourite colour, and that was the only orange camera on the shelf.

Nice camera, and easy to use too.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby farkewie » Sat 06 Feb, 2010 9:57 am

I have the Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1, I am pretty happy with the images. I can vouch for its toughness! I had it in my mesh hip belt pocket while we pack hauled all the way up Logan's Ridge MT Barney ( where is was getting dragged, thrown and pushed granite rock faces. I needed to replace my pack after this ordeal but the camera is fine. I have also taken it swimming and it survived.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby tasadam » Sun 14 Feb, 2010 1:40 pm

Drifting wrote:You can also PM Tasadam, I THINK he recently bought some stuff from Hong Kong.

No, the tripod came from the UK and the ballhead came from USA.
My new camera came from HK a while ago, but that's all arranged through a camera forum I am a member of. It's done through an eBayer HKsupplies, they go by the name etefore.
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Re: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FT1 or alternatives?

Postby flatfoot » Fri 23 Apr, 2010 10:32 pm

I like the new Lumix DMC-FT2

This Pentax also looks good: Optio W90. The linked site includes a demo video.

It's a pity these rugged cameras don't have a GPS for geotagging of images. You would think that putting a GPS in a camera designed with rugged outdoor use in mind would have been a priority. It's so silly that none of the rugged cameras have a GPS? ... or does someone else know of any new cameras that combine these features?
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